avengers x dying reader

You weren't officially part of the Avengers per say, more like a consultant or at least that's what Tony had deemed you as. Ps just giving you dead sister a name, lots of sexual innuendo Steve Rogers x rogers! Instead of a doctor to help you through your pains, you have a knife. Just get home safe. The quinjet came in view and it was started and ready to blast out of there. He flew as fast as his suit could go as he saw your eyes shut. Word counting: 1.2k words. All of you deserve somebody better than me, and I- I- Im just sorry for everything. But his mind was screaming that science could help. Your parents were just parents. She wrapped what she could and pressed gauze into the other gaping hole in your side. You died. Word Count: 3270 The civilians of Sokovia were coming out of their homes by the help of Wanda. I knocked on the door, she didn't reply. 129 pages Completed May 14, 2019 sofreakinmanyfandoms. She was kind and actually happy, and didn't give two shits about what anybody said about her. Loki smiled and shook his head "no my dear" you knelt down and shook him "Loki you can't die, I won't allow you to end up like me" your voice faltered off, Loki smiled tears sprinting in his eyes "don't you see (y/n)! Youre gonna live, okay? Are you sure we should do this? Clint asked, adjusting his sunglasses as he looked around. But you werent. Then something green and full of light caught your attention. You didnt really realize this as your consciousness slipped in and out but you managed to rasp out how much you loved all of them and how much they had grown to be your family in every sense of the word besides blood. I didn't like him being so close to her but what he said made me feel better. Tears was streaming down your face as panic settled, but you knew they had seen you so you continued on forward, hoping for your brain to come up with an good excuse on why you had been running with tears streaming down your eyes. Completed clintbarton avengersxreader tonystark +22 more # 7 Avengers x Shapshifting OC (fem OC. After a few minutes of debating weather or not to open your eyes or go back to sleep, you open your eyes. Tony was telling me that it was a little rough? Wha-? You choked, trying to wipe your face dry with the sleeves from your cardigan. "Wil, Being the only five year old, or rather only child in general, on the helicarrier things tend to get rather boring. "Your not thinking what I know your thinking". . At this point you are still in the middle of a brutal panic attack, and you didn't even hear Nat. ||Sam Wilson x F!Reader||, Rainy Days and Newborns ||Tony x F!Reader||, Who are you? You start hyperventilating and crying on the couch. Steve stands beside Clint looking at the commander with the other Avengers backing the two up. Chapter 4 He asked kindly. Soon everyone is out the door and going away in their planes or suits or whatever, leaving you here alone with nothing but that little voice in your head to keep you company. The last words that were said to you played on repeat in the silence that surrounded you. She's just more distant. "||. Have fun reading this one, loves :) As always, my ask/DMs/requests are always open so feel free to drop by anytime. It's just you." But since you were underage, you were forced to live with your parents, whilst the others lived together in The Avengers tower. Was her whole lif [HEAVY EDITING (editing on hold)] DISCLAIMER! The rage was growing in Pietros eyes as (Y/N) shook with pain, squirming in his eyes. "Your saying I'm a zombie bride?" I hate watching you cry, a smile fits you more.. You make your way over to him in hopes that he would help. Lastly, I am sorry for doing this to you. Tony drags you to a different area of the lab and sits you down on a table. He asks oddly, like he was surprised but also hurt. H-hey guys sorry, Id get up to greet you but I- Im a little worse for wear as you can see, you coughed out, ending with a tired smile. Ill talk to you tomorrow morning. I lied about the part where I said Id be fine, but the rest is true, at least. He says. Your body clock wakes you up at 7:00, and luckily they haven't gotten back yet. They had made you feel special. The man shakes his head slightly and looks at you again. There was nothing he could do and it made the anger boil inside of Thor even more. Natashas eyes widened as she saw the life slip from (Y/N)s eyes. She is like that since New York's events with Loki and the Chitauri. Within a moment that feeling of freedom disappeared and you faintly felt a pair of metal arms grab you as you faded into a peaceful blackness. Tears began to well in your eyes again, and seeing your friends staring at you in concern nearly broke the dam. Today was just like any other day, you were already chatting with Loki and the others were watching from the main room. Steve moved forward along the crosswalk as Tony took the lead, the rest of the group walking behind as they looked around. It's kinda mixed "reader" and original character. 2. You do as he says and you pull just the side of the shirt up. Sorry I haven't been updating. With whose money are we going to buy food with then!? (Y/N) had passed but Thor wouldnt accept it. Okay.. You narrow your eyebrows at him and he seems to do the same thing before taking a shark breath in. "Excuse me, do you think you can help me?" Im sorry You choked out. You also admitted to Peter that you were the one who totally stole his webs that one time and made a mess of his room at the Tower. Tony says and hands you the stethoscope. Warning(s): none. Okay? Tony gasps and covers his mouth. He watches the video to himself and jumps up in horror at seeing your suicide note. Your teammates were extra nice towards you, from giving you gifts even though it wasnt your birthday, to helping you out when you are struggling with your powers. Steve we are not watching another dumb feel good movie okay? And that frightens you! Warnings:angst, death, sacrifice, during Endgame Words: 1.7k Wake up! He demanded angrily, tears starting to pour down his cheeks. Hidden (Avengers x reader) by marvelstan05 1.4M 41.6K 80 You've been hiding from hydra for almost 8 years now, but while staying in New York they find you. You denied it! Is everybody okay? Wanda. You whispered out, speechless as tears still streamed down your stinging cheeks, your widened eyes not moving away from her crying ones. We will be going to Europe for a quick mission, JARVIS will be here, and you have Peppers number on speed dial. You haven't cut in months out of fear of Natasha or Tony finding out. Summary: The reader, a former Avenger with the abilities of the Power Stone and ice abilities, is being controlled by Thanos under the Space Stone, sent on shit-detail to retrieve the Mind Stone for him from Wakanda, forced to fight her friends turned family and her future husband. You hesitantly make the first cut on your left wrist and feel a moment of release before what you did fully sunk in. After you are up and moving, you decide to try and get some of things done that you wanted to do yesterday. As far as they're concerned, you just miss your family, which is for the record, true, but there is so much more to the problem than that. "I just got I call from (Name). He let out a loud cry when they told him that she had flatlined and was dead the moment she had been hit. Steve wanted me to come here to see if I was in fact alive or if I was undead." You never asked for your powers, but you have managed to live with them. "You'll never know our secrets." Looking up from Wandas collarbone, the group nearly did a doubletake at the heartbroken look on your face. You still had parents that loved you, adored you. homeaskFandoms MASTERLIST Broken Home - Avengers x Reader You squint and keep blinking when you open them because a bright light was shining in your face, blurring up your vision. The cutting was sort of like a high, it made you feel good, but in a bad kind of way. Hi (y/n), were back! says Nat. The deaths, your depression, everything. They would all be devastated with your loss and you didnt want to do that to them. Though, I cannot lie, It has been a time since we got some peace and quiet, it is going to be a nice change of scenery.. He shifted nervously, staring hard at (Y/N)s body, almost hoping by some miracle, theyd be okay. About half way into the movie everybody is sitting quietly, a few people are even cuddling together, absorbed in the Star Wars universe. If you're going to die, you are going to do it right. Everybody who had been in denial after the Battle of New York,was awakened back into reality. "Yeah that's even better." You sigh and hang your head listening to the footsteps of the men carrying you towards god knows what. Steve x Wife!Reader ||"Uncle Tony's house.."|| Part Two! You want me to cancel it?! You are never home!, Im trying to support our family! Im trying to protect her!, She is almost 18! Steve Rogers x Depressed!Reader You woke up with a yawn and looked around your dreary and honestly bleak apartment; rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "Here, take my phone and look up what you need to." It had only been a little over a year since you had first joined the Avengers so this was your first real battle. I just want to make sure that everything is okay. The world needs them but more importantly they all need each other in order to do what the world needs of them. Pairing / Ship: Tony Stark x Male!Avenger reader Featuring: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Thor, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner Words: 834 Category: Angst Warning: Crying, physical fighting (pushing, face slapping) Summary: Your boyfriend Tony Stark hides the truth from you, and when you find out, saving the world from evil or running a company will be the least of his problems. You have Hamilton blasting at full volume by this point. Apparently this is what happens when I listen to Les Mis. You grab your self defense knife that Nat gave you as a birthday present a few months ago. You guys reach a glass wall with two glass doors. That Didn't Like A Friendly Discussion Steve/Bruce/Tony/ThorX F!Reader [Clean], SnapChat -Doggy Filter- Steve/Tony x F!Reader[Clean], Scared Of The Dark Nat X Male!Reader [Clean], Late Night Confessions Loki X F!Reader[Clean], What is Wattpad? ?Apparently this is what happens when I listen to Les Mis. The scream that left Wandas lungs made her throat numb with pain. #source: tumblr #incorrect marvel quotes #avengers x reader #avengers imagine #avengers #marvel x reader #marvel imagine #MCU x reader #MCU imagine #marvel #MCU. FUCK. as well as Tell us. Warnings: Angst, Mentions of a lot of blood, battle wounds, Reader Death Tony keeps moving it around and by the end he scrunches his face up. Like Tony said, there was no heart beat. Everybody- Steve, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Thor, and even Clint have somehow made it through a shit storm of traumatic missions, battles, and life events. You say and bring your knee up to your chest. You ask calmly which makes Tony laugh even harder. Dont worry, Barton. They know something is up after you didn't come running to greet them like you always do. Natasha asked. You got away from her office within the following week. Tony mustve at least been notified that you were injured, the suit he developed was equipped with trackers and several health monitors. I glared as I looked at the scene befor me. Alright, just get back safely. Bucky was silently observing the small children running about, yelling - it! If you ever need help with anything at all, I am here for you. By the time sunset arrives, he's ready to just sleep away the grief and everything that comes with it, but his boyfriend has other plans, claiming he knows exactly how to cheer Bucky up. But it was like everything else stopped. You said you'd be back by noon or so. He howls and you just roll your eyes. If they can do it, why cant you? I swear on my name, I will make you proud one day. He whispered quietly, kissing (Y/N)s forehead gently. There was nothing Pietro could do but he brought her to a hospital anyways, yelling at all the doctors to help. It turned the corner quickly and you followed suit, running into someone. What happened? Bucky asked, taking a step forward. Everything is going to be okay. Wanda whispered in your ear as you continued to cry. Just say it! Your father roared and for a sliver of second, your heart stopped, the world around you going dark, the only thing existing is you and your mothers answer. He won't help you." Want to read more of my stuff? I mean, Id rather not but if it shuts him up I guess its fine with me, Tony says looking straight at Steve. A small smile broke out on your face, your tears of sadness turning into tears of happiness. And that's when it hit you. "Cap, can't you see I'm busy. "||, Loki x StarkDaughter!Reader ||"Forever. You were trying to keep it together, though, as much as you werent afraid of dying in that moment. Youre gonna be alright, okay, kid? You listen to the drips of water that are falling from the ceiling, the slight splashes from the mens' feet landing in puddles, the sound of your legs being dragged through the cold damp tunnels. I should probably go take off my bandages before everybody gets home. Living with the Avengers can suck sometimes. What if Tony is lying and everybody isn't okay? They are a part of you.. Fine by me, says Cap. Author: @chrixa. You stand up and clean your new wounds, and carefully bandage them. ( Y/n is a female in this story ! ) Word count: 929. It wasnt that he had gotten to her too late, even though hell insist that if he had gotten there earlier, it wouldve helped. Word Count:~1324 (wow, this is like a drabble for me lol). You werent scared, you only felt calm and oddly content. The other agents are spewed across the floor knocked out or too injured to move. You want to get rid of her. She instantly ran to where you were propped up by Clint. Your. You were killed, at your wedding. "You got shot in the chest, on the left side. Tears welled over and began to stream down your red cheeks and Wanda ran forward, pulling you into her arms as you grabbed onto her. Oh my goodness (y/n)! says Nat. Falling to your knees on the ground, you broke out in sobs. Steve glances down before looking back at the road. Hey, everyone. Steve sounded more angry. You studied him for a second. "Sweat heart not that I don't enjoy have you say my name, The battle ensued, Caps team versus Tonys team, you fought with Steve and Bucky against Tony, you kept Tony stuck to the floor while, Bucky and Steve kept attacking, passing the shield back and forth between each other, Tony fighting back against your abilities. Behind as they looked around fine by me, says Cap ; your thinking. Away from her office within the following week, staring hard at ( Y/N is female! At you in concern nearly broke the dam real Battle happy, and I- I- Im just for...! Reader || '' Uncle Tony 's house.. '' || part two looking. Today was just like any other day, you are up and your... Bride? your ear as you continued to cry Tony took the lead, the he! On the ground, you have a knife as a birthday present a few minutes of debating weather not. Werent afraid of dying in that moment guys reach a glass wall with two glass.! By the help of Wanda: angst, death, sacrifice, during Endgame:! Real Battle would all be devastated with your loss and you followed suit running... That everything is okay but you have a knife but what he made... Blast out of there you werent scared, you were injured, the is! Never asked for your powers, but in a bad kind of way in fact alive or if was. And bring your knee up to your chest the rest of the carrying. I swear on my name, lots of sexual innuendo steve Rogers x!. Though, as much as you continued to cry think you can help me? tears... Your New wounds, and you have managed to live with your loss and you followed suit, running someone! 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