bucky barnes x reader he ignores you

The sun hadnt even risen but yet you had opened all the curtains to his windows. Cmon, wake up! Sam cringed and covered his face with his pillow more, pressing it against his face to try to make the noise stop. His confidence is shattered, and it's up to you to show him that he is still the man he was before the accident. What if he got hurt? She eventually ends up living with the super soldiers and much cuddling, sweetness, and protectiveness occurs. You looked over at Natasha and narrowed your eyes as she grinned, of course this is what shed been planning. Bible.. You were walking in one of the side stairwells inside the living quarters of the Tower, it was a creepier staircase that was dull and cold. You were not a morning person, that was one thing you and Sam bonded most over; sleep. Warnings: None! Suffering in silence through abuse that no one should ever go through, keeping your thoughts to yourself so you didnt disrupt the lives of those around you. Go drink a large cup of calm the fuck down., 20. Shes not an Avenger, and she doesnt have any powers. The jokes about it were over now. Read Tree Saver || Bucky Barnes from the story 12 Days of Christmas || Seb and Chris One Shots by just-a-writer-and (Mai) with 906 reads. Youre not the monster you think you are. You shifted your stance as you waited for whatever bad news he was going to bear. Is she pretty? You set your cup down and cocked your head slightly at him, you truly wanted to know. Out of nowhere he would stammer out an excuse to leave the room when its just the two of you, he would make sure to never be in the kitchen when you two were alone, anxious about being in a place surrounded by knives and other sharp utensils, and he would always turn his human arm side towards you, making it so it would be hard to even get a glimpse of the metal limb. He was looking down at the floor, his face shrouded in a shadow but when he looked up, he remained close enough for you to make out a puzzled expression. My name is Y/n. You took a step back and brought his hand with you, allowing the arms-length between the two of you. You all do it with each other, mostly when youre teasing one about a crush or just trying to confuse the other Avengers for the hell of it. It was always an excuse to be near Bucky, anyway. You wanted to make sure she was at least good enough for him. His blue eyes and jawline were attractive You hated his long hair though because it hid his face. Bucky barnes x reader he ignores you. Because thats the way it was supposed to be. Possessive? He said in complete and total seriousness. You thought it was fucking awesome that the dude had a metal arm. What if he gets a little aggressive? The sweet relief of death. l must admit, I did not think you were so obsessed with me, mortal. The trickster smirked at the young teenager. A pawn in a game you didnt want to play. As you felt the gravity pull your body to the ground, churning your stomach and dropping it like you were on a rollercoaster, Bucky reached over the edge and grabbed your wrist. For a long couple of minutes, Bucky looked thoughtful. You whimpered in pain as he marched back over to you, you spat out a small amount of blood, your hand clutched your chest wh, New York, 2016 Outside the Raft, after your escape She asked you to save her, she begged and sobbed. You just need to sometimes drop the pretense that youre okay, and actually believe the words that Steve and I tell you, instead of only pretending that you do., He looked like a child trying to solve a university-level mathematical problem. HI HUMAN ! Ship (s): Bucky/Reader. He was just about to knock on the window, inwardly laughing for he knew Bucky would be irritated at the interruption, when his eyes suddenly widened and the smile dropped instantly. Read to find out more! But now, after dating for nearly a year, you werent scared of him. Glancing at the alarm clock, you frowned at the time. You were going to get answers and it was just you and Bucky alone, and you were not going to let this opportunity go to waste. Im not joking! Natasha sat up quickly with a mischievous grin on her face. Even if it means going to extreme measures.. She got accepted into Medical school a few years ago, shes been a little busy lately.. He can have any girl he wants, except you. A forbidden relationship starts and even though you know it's wrong, you just can't help it. Your eyes caught his own sending an uncomfortable rush through your body. Which sadly, included texting. Completed bucky buckyxreader hockeyau +5 more # 7 Mine by Mrs. Winchester 256K 6.3K 33 You love Steve! Bucky was wrong. You wouldnt even have to say it directly. You warned Bucky, one hand resting on your protruding bump and one holding a spatula that you pointed at Bucky in warning. He was tired of listening to the two of you. Bucky! Steve scolded both of you. Somebody please help! The mother cried out, you couldnt see but the woman was clutching her two children close to her body. "Woah there have a little eggnog with your rum." If looks could kill. At first, he merely rolled his eyes and moved to get to the door but you copied his movements, taking a step to the side so you completely blocked his access to the door handle. I mean; flowers? Standing between his knees, he was staring up at you as he pulled on the skirt of the gown you had to wear. Does that even make sense? I know that it hurts, but babe, you made it through a whole year. He froze, managing to stop himself before he rammed into you and his eyes flickered to the window, as if he was actually considering escaping that way. The reader is a friend of Sam Wilson who, in turn, befriends Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Currently, you were not glammed up. Oh and lover boys engaged.. Im three steps ahead of you, sweetheart.. Is that so he mused smugly, arching an eyebrow. *** The innocent man had hoped that the two of you would kiss for a while and then spend the rest of the night cuddling in each others arms. You whipped your head around, your hair slapping against your cheeks as you did so. Sammy! So many things could happen, one thing could go wrong and he would be gone. What will happen as the relationship evolves and new challenges arise above and beyond the fact that it's forbidden? When you took a step towards him, he recoiled as if burnt and actually grabbed a chair to separate him from you. His blue eyes darker than normal, and the plates of his metal arm shifting as he clenched his fist. Get what to stop? he asked as he inched closer, hoping to keep you talking until he could grab you back to safety. A man needs his best friend, especially after being apart for seventy years three years prior to this day. So you sent Bucky one last text, one last reassurance of your love for him before disappearing. Im sorry for not updating in a while, Ive been extremely busy! Agent Romanov already got all the information we needed. the girl snorted and crossed her arms. How can you care? You paced nervously as you waited for him to announce that he was going to force you to go on a couples mission with Bucky. Shesinteresting, to say the least.. The short, wary glances Bucky would send your way. Even after a long, hard, and more than tiring mission. Who the fuck is babygirl? Buckys voice was raspy and deep, His tone was laced with jealousy and surprise. So close, yet so far.. However, he gets into a freak accident and he ends up losing his left arm. You gotta start watching out for yourself the way I look out for you, Y/n. Bucky!. And he did, he stayed with you while Steve and the others loaded up a car and got everything ready for your departure. You completely ignored Bucky and begged, "Steve, please. A Bucky x Reader One Shot. Like you said, you cant even remember the last time someone got you flowers. You winced when your lower back made contact with the wood, but willed yourself not to look away, keeping your eyes on his. But the one thing youve learned about living with Avengers is that even if you picked it up, and even if youve already taken a bite out of your food, it can and most likely will be snatched away from you. reader was a highly skilled neuropsychologist who worked for what used to be SHIELD. I hate you!' Why? His eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms across his chest. But you assured them you would be fine, and as the time came to pack the bags and move, you found that you reallywerefine. Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere in the dead of winter. This time his expression was softer, his eyes still held their previous anger, but a careful and worried look was now taking over. The aching feeling in your chest while he was away felt like you were suffocating. All set in the time around about the 1940's, along with Winning the Lottery is a dream shared by most people, but your idea of how to spend the money is quite different than everyone else. Bucky slowly lifted his metal hand, sticking out one finger to trail along the side of your face. You tried to act as civil, as nice, as you could, but if he didnt like you there was nothing much you could do. Could you stop it? The delicious treat already smells like heaven and you are excited to try them. Bucky just watched as the two of you conversed, he didnt speak and only watched in an awe of silence. You couldnt shake the feeling of your chest tightening, it was like a pressurized chamber that was ready to release steam. Then you must do whatever it takes. Flowers? Scott jumped and turned around suddenly, trying to get out of the stairwell when his face connected with the door as Sam flung it open. You would not dare! You stepped away from Bucky who was nearly chest to chest with you. No. This time though, you don't exactly fault him. Steve could see the tears streaming down his face, eyes swollen red and voice cracking with each sentence. And in the end, were both happy.. So when Bucky seemed to finally get what was bothering you, Steve nodded to himself, pleased with the way things went. You loved him, and because you loved him, you wanted him to be happy. He might have been jealous of his best friend being swept away with his Avenger, rescuing and good, superhero friends. You threw your arms around Steve and squeezed him as tight as you could, your arms barely reached around his wide frame as he towered over you. God only knows what that sicko wouldve done if we hadnt of gotten there two seconds later.. So how come when this silly boy, with gorgeous eyes and a pretty smile, comes walking up to you that you go stiff and forget how to do even the simplest of things. Bum bum bum bum. You fumbled your lips, your eyes watching as Bucky paced back and forth in front of you, occasionally running a hand through your hair. And for those celebrating the Fourth on Monday, have an amazing day and be safe, dont like get in the way of a firework or set your hair on fire. I could hide your body where nobody will find it. But still, just knowing that the moon was out, even though it was hidden. pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader summary: you and your boyfriend bucky barnes head down to the wilson residence for a barbecue. Alright, Buck, well find her. Steve knew you had always been troubled, it wasnt the first time you wanted to hurt yourself, it wasnt the first time you tried. xx Words: 618 Warnings: Mention of nightmares You woke up with a start, breathing heavily. Bucky brought his attention back to the doors of the elevator, waiting for them to get their floor where the two men shared an apartment styled floor of the tower. Nope, thats my reality.. It was your favorite time of year. She was already falling, and her screams were already echoing. ! instead of how can we help? and it made you retreat into yourself even further. Thats what she likes to be called.. You were about fifty stories up from the busy city streets, legs dangling against the skyscraper and tears dripping into your lap. At first, it took you a while to notice. You cocked your head to the side and inched towards him, a small smile forming on your mouth as you watched him carefully. Little Steve will be there too along with the reader. Wanda, I think he offered that so he couldaccidentallyshoot me. You became an experiment against your will, the result is the two enormous wings attached to your back. But then something really awesome happened, I met some really cool people and they showed me that I wasnt alone. You and Bucky will both be pushed in more ways than one to prove that you're not backing down. "Mornin' sunshine" Logan greeted, zipping up his jeans. So the italics are the reader and Wanda talking the same night that Wanda came over to the readers apartment about how to win back the trust of the Avengers, while the normal text is the reader actually trying to win back their trust. "I think we got too drunk, and did 'something' in bed." oneshots steverogers buckybarnesxreader +7 more # 7 Just as his metal fingers were about to meet your skin, your hand became too clammy and you slipped. When you over hear a heated argument between Bucky's then girlfriend the two of you become pretty close afterwards and leads you on a rollercoaster of pain and pleasure Y/N Ivanova has had a rough life. Steve stepped out of the elevator and grinned down at you, he stood awfully close to you not being anything more than a friend. Youd be missing his touch, his gentle caress as he soothed you at night, the feeling of his hands on your body as you made love, his sweet voice ringing through your ears, calling your name. You walked past her, back towards your kitchen, all while scrolling through her notes. You felt like he could crush your body under his boot in one stomp and he wasnt even looking at you, focusing instead on his target behind you. Take your girlfriend to bed so I wont find her on top of the fridge tomorrow.. Football was starting back up, which of course meant college football Saturdays and professional football Sundays. You could see them, you were so close. He wasnt technically lying. You stared at him for a moment longer before you realized what was happening. Bucky carried you home, taking you to the compound to get your shoulder checked. He had cut his hair short and damn was it attractive. The hand that held you up was getting clammy, eventually, youd slip and fall, but you held on, waiting for the right moment. Steve laughed, his chest rumbling as a genuine laugh escaped the Captain. Whatre you doing? Maybe if you annoyed him he would leave. ! Bucky snapped, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you. Besides, the man drives me insane. You mumbled as you sorted through what she had picked out. I appreciate the comment love! You looked up for a second to shoot her a glare that was intended to mean stop. Samother! Before Bucky could speak or even think properly, the doors slid open and his jaw dropped. It was a final statement, I think shes going to hurt herself. Bucky sobbed, swallowing hard trying to contain himself but he couldnt. "That's fine." Sam conceded. You just kept staring at the city lights and swinging your legs. Ive missed you, Tony. You werent expecting to see Wanda standing mere inches away from the bathroom door when you opened it. You glanced at Bucky, who was holding the glass of water so tightly that you were surprised it didn't shatter from the pressure. Because I am a killer, and even right now, I can see a hundred different ways to kill you, he hissed, his eyes aflame. "Come on," you turned to Steve, trying to ignore Bucky's poor attempts at trying to hide the tension in his muscles - he wasn't wearing a shirt, just the sweatpants he wore to bed - and smiled wryly. They had just gotten back and all Bucky had wanted to do was sleep for the next thirteen hours. You looked back over at Bucky and flashed a smile, your eyes dancing with excitement which made Bucky smile. [(!!TW!! You would try to miss the debris falling and jumping over the wide gaps in the floor beneath you. You and Bucky would be leaving for the hotel where the nuclear weapons CEO was having a conference soon. Maybe you had been too harsh when you judged the small town as soon as you had moved in. Every emotion felt amplified, it felt like your body might explode and your heart burst into a million pieces. You opened your mouth to greet them but hesitated, pressing your lips shut and leaning against the portion of wall dividing the kitchen from the living room, crossing your arms over your chest. The feelings were not at all reciprocated obviously. The Avengers were in and out most of the day, so they ate at their own time. He had liked Y/N for a long time. Steve shot his friend another look, but was rescued from answering when his pancakes began to burn, the smell immediately invading the kitchen and the living room, forcing you all to cough and wave your hands in front of your faces to stop your eyes from watering. I dont want to hurt you., His pleading confused you and you blinked, shifting your weight from one foot to another. Wow. That was the only thing you could think to say. The feeling of wanting to die? It was embarrassing but once it was over you two started laughing together for what seemed like forever in the early hours of the morning. Even if you wanted to. Don't pretend that you don't want me. Steve continued to gawk at the now empty table in both horror and surprise until his arms slipped on the icy railing and he toppled to the side. He did it to make you know that his threats of forcing you to be a couple were real. And then I was like, girl, and she was like, girl, and I was like, girl, and then she was like, girl. He was out of his room, down the hall, and opening your door . From then on you were a nervous mess around him, you fell unusually quiet whenever he was in the same room and often because a stumbling mess of words that never made sense. The snowmans head got caught on one of the light fixtures and the snowmans head exploded. He wanted to put everything in the past and heal, but she still hated him. In all your time of knowing Bucky Barnes, you never once mistrusted him. Steve looked alarmed and stood up, placing his arms around the other man and bringing him into a tender hug. You took a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut as you prepared yourself to jump. His proposition, accompanied by the hopeful smile was so honest, innocent and sudden that you had no other choice than to say yes. Just give it a chance, Buck. Steve pleaded. Fine. He agreed, nodding his head in the slightest and starting to walk again. He didn't know when the feeling exactl, Come on [Name]! Steve shifted her plans slightly and Bucky was not glad that they now included him. Have been jealous of his best friend being swept away with his pillow more, pressing against... 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Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes this is what shed been planning clock, you cant even remember the last someone..., he recoiled as if burnt and actually grabbed a chair to separate from.

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