harry potter fanfiction fem harry reading the books fictionhunt

Hogwarts students and staff, Madame Maxime, Igor Karakoroff, Ministry Officials, goblins, and other personal are forced to watch them. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. "Oculus Repairo." Amelia Bones started crying. Tina gave birth to two lovely daughters, Samara Scamander and Melisandre Scamander. Also, I give the Weasley Twins ownership of their own prank shop. Somewhere in the back of their minds, they know they both have feelings for each other, but don't do anything about it because they're "keeping their options open". she demanded. Reader). Tom Riddle, the man who she fell in love with. They abused you?" "Love you too." My mind was having one of those episodes, and I wasn't going to let some stranger take advantage of me. I shouted. I actually wanted to tell Harry but I ended up being corrupted by a death eater's spell. After the chapter, everyone is surprised when Sirius Black comes and sits with Harry. Work Search: Her mother was cruelly abandoned by her uncle, James Potter, because his wife and son were part of some damn prophecy and needed to be protected, pampered, more like. Hope you enjoy , Modicum Papilionem (Harry Potter various x Fem!Isekai! Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 07-26-12 Founder: Princess101855 - Stories: 116 - Followers: 1 - id: 101757 This is where the 'Harry is a girl' stories are. Everyone else were also saddened, (When he was dressed, he went down the hall into the kitchen. Then we get real world buildy. Reader). Also Sirius, I know you're innocent and that you weren't the secret keeper. ------- (Fire, water, earth, and air) They were both loved and feared, but soon that fear turned to hate, and hate into malice. Holly Potter wasnt planning on becoming a mind reader or shapeshifter, that was just an accidental side effect of being a witch. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT INSULTING A BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, AND TOUGH WOMAN LIKE DAPHNE! However, it'd hurt like hell when a Voldemort possessed person was near. "Oh my god, we made an innocent man suffer for 12 years and he was only finding the true traitor." Percy then uses his godly phone and shows them the video of it, making the boys blush and the girls to glare in envy. But all actions have consequences and now she has to plan for not only her life, but the life growing inside of her. When Harry was mentioned to have been shoved down by Dudley, the latter apologized for that. A Cedric Diggory x (Girl) reader "Accidental magic." YET WHEN PERCIVAL WEASLEY WAS LAUGHING AT THIS, YOU DON'T PUNISH HIM! Hope you enjoy , Modicum Papilionem (Harry Potter various x Fem!Isekai! Shouldn't she be the one cooking?" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Something went wrong with your request. "Happy Chris Mariana Potter didn't expect to land in a graveyard after touching the Triwizard Cup and she most certainly didn't expect for the lies of her life to unravel while she was there. The ministry didn't believe her. Harry Potter reads Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. AU if Harry Potter was a girl.. A Snape and Harry story. "Dang Harry, you're making me jealous." Part 2 of Veela Harry. "Hello my old friends." When the cupboard is mentioned, everyone was angered to hear how Harry got punished. Power Rangers Avatar Charge Power Rangers Cosmic Fury: Legendary Rangers' Grand Battle feat. said an angry Percy. Basically all the parents get to know what happens before it does and fluff ensues. Ron laughs because he recognizes that certain woman. No-one knows she has a serious disease which causes her to be overweight. what's a little crazy about saving the world? Quin yelled, yet I was too far to hear my twin. said a guilt-ridden Petunia. asked a disgusted Flitwick and Harry just shrugs. MJ Potter cried over this and asking why wasn't she there for him as Charlie hugs her and comforts her while Bill does the same to Violet and Cedric does the same to Rose. asked a confused Hermione but only for Harry and Percy to sing "Santa Baby" until she knows what they're talking about and groans in annoyance, making them laugh. said a angry Harry before he starts getting depressed as Hermione and the girls comfort him. There, she may have a second chance, if she can bring herself to take it. Draco just smirked and nodded in approval while the kind hearted adults were proud of Harry for defending a student. Harry sat between Ron and Hermione at the table, Tonks, Lupin, and Sirius sat to the trio's right, with Sirius lying at across Lupin's feet, Ginny sat beside the trio at the end of the table, the other adults sat together on the opposite side of table leaving Fred, George, Charlie, and Percy to squeeze in at the end of the table. They are mostly only from the Harry Potter archive and there is the reading the books with a couple that are amazing, along with crossovers. "What have I done?" Follow story to read later chapter postings-every chapter is a seperate story. However, Umbridge smiles and thinks the boy deserved it but got glares from everyone for liking child abuse and they even think that she's pure evil. said a smirking Tonks, making the others also smirk and Harry to groan. (unless of course it involved punching somebody. Danny Fenton, a bullied boy whose friends abandoned him, is left to defend himself. *Umbridges POV* Dolores Umbridge was having a delightful day. He was forced to cook at young age. "Why is she making him cook? said a disappointed Dumbledore as Cho hands over the wand and he breaks it. She wanted out from the war, regardless of everything else. A teary-eyed Tonks hums comforting tunes towards him. It looked as though Dudley had gotten the new computer he wanted, not to mention the second television and the racing bike. "Yeah." as well as "Are you up yet?" Umbridge was just about to leave her office when a loud crash to her left startled her out of her happy daze. An odd Patronus tells them they must read each book and fix the future; how will people react? After pacing a strange door appears on the seventh floor corridor inside, contain seven books about the life of Harry Potter. To Severus Snape, I give you your family's money and my deepest apologies for how I treated you. If she can help it, absolutely. She's the Hero of Olympus. Don't they know you don't care about fame or fortune. Especially when some of the things revealed Harry would like to have kept secret. So stop insulting them and shut up." A 15 year old girl holds hands with her 1 year old son. Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery to Harry, as Dudley was fat and hated exercise). After her intimate night in the graveyard with Voldemort, Harry has a life to plan with her future peace secured. No one knows why, or how, but they're saying that when he couldn't kill Harry Potter, Voldemort's power somehow broke-and that's why he's gone.". YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL YOURSELF A TEACHER WHEN YOU'RE PUNISHING KIDS WITH A BLOOD QUILL! Why? John is enraged and looks at Harry, who cries. Snarry. "How could you be irresponsible? "If he so much as touched you, he'll die." His Aunt Petunia was awake and it was her shrill voice that made the first noise of the day.). With the first book out of the way, the readers worry about the secrets that will be revealed in the second book. You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. "How's it goin' Scarhead?" Mommy salty tears poured down your face. In which Arthur and Molly Weasley didn't have children until 1980, when all seven came at once. But she is not who they expect her to be. "We'll have to wait and see." 3. Focuses on Harry before eventual TMR/Fem!HP. Now leave me alone or I'm getting a restraining order." Lily has forgiven you and declares herself your best-friend again but wants you to stop this schoolboy grudge against me. Rankings; "And it's not good." The other girls were also glaring at her. Shortly after the attack on Mr. Weasley, time froze, and Margot Potter and company are sent to the Room of Requirement, with seven books, all about Margo's life, along with a note from their future selves that tells them to read all the books, and only after they finish the last book will time s. This causes his friends to be sad. Emotions are high after the third book and the characters dive into the fourth book with their new guest to see what awaits them in the future. Warning: There's gonna be Prefect, Cho, Lucius, Umbridge, Peter, Voldemort, Lockhart, Vernon, and Ministry bashing. Warning: There's gonna be Prefect, Cho, Lucius, Umbridge, Peter, Voldemort, Lockhart, Vernon, and Ministry bashing. I also blame myself for the reason why you were turning dark. What happens when everyone wakes up with memories they shouldn't have, some died during the Second Wizarding war but even more fell during The Last War. Luego de su cuarto ao, Cordelia Potter era consiente que deba dejar de ser una soadora. At least, Ron and the other true friends were contacting him but don't punish them since they did the right thing. Hermione hugs Harry closer to her and gives her an annoyed look but Tonks smirks and ruffles Harry's hair. Never under any circumstances is Harry allowed to live with the Dursleys, mostly Vernon Dursley. Harry Potter dies alone and is given a chance to change things, for a price. They read the 1st chapter and all the girls found baby Harry cute. "And don't ask questions."). All rights reserved I do not give permission for this story to be anywhere but Wattpad. Chapter 1 to 20. "A smile with innocence " Daphne was shocked he defended her but then smiled and blushed at him before out of no where, she hugs him and kisses him. This is about Harry and the wizarding world reading the first book so they can understand Harry. (Cover art not mine, made by Behance on pintrest.) SISU "Extraordinaria determinacin , coraje y resolucin ante la extrema adversidad". Warning: I gonna have to write the short stuff but I'm sure all Harry Potter fans know what's said in the book and will understand what's going on. ." Destiny is not written in stone Luckily Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Luna Lovegood, The Weasley Twins, Ravenclaw, Daphne Greengrass, and her friends are on his side. However, MJ and Dumbledore don't get why Harry is upset and wonder if they can fix his relationship with Petunia, unaware of what really happened. said a shrugging Harry. However, Harry defends them. However, Fudge was shocked. However, he was shocked to find all other wizards in the Great Hall and that Percy Jackson is there but he's happy to see him. (He rolled onto his back and tried to remember the dream he had been having. "Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. "Yet very ambitious" "She seems to be too old for you." Having just survived her first year in the Wizarding World, things turn a darker turn for Shade, having so much end up on her plate that she is bound to drown Or will she? said a crying Amelia. John was getting angry at this, increasing his hatred for the Dursleys and his respect for Harry. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Harry Potter). said a happy Luna as she also kisses him and snuggles into him. People call an old man ugly. I thank you for trying to save my son but please don't injure him to do it. This fem harry potter reading the books fictionhunt was certainly one of the better fem! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. People call her a slut. However, Violet was disgusted. "However, it wasn't a dream." Years after his adventures, Newt Scamander wrote his book, 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. Especially that little whore of an Ice Queen." Hadriana has perfected the act of hiding from the world. She hates children and tortures them with blood quills. She/her version, but I will gladly make a they/them or he/him version if anyone asks. Harry potter various x fem!reader) Unfortunately Fudge came to Umbridges defense, I had my Aurors confirm the truth, Moody? Moody nodded his head to affirm Fudges claim, This book hold the complete truth as it is written in Mr. Potters point of view. Fudge finished. "What did you say?" Disclaimer: I only own my own original characters and plot. Once he returns, he brings out some food he made and when Luna eats it, her go wide. The stranger said. "Pretty smile. Harry Potter, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Ludo Bagman, and Bartemius Crouch are kidnapped by Lady Hogwarts and are made to read books from an alternate dimension about the past, present, and future. Harry Potter FanFiction All of the best novel length Harry Potter FanFiction stories. Harry receives a letter on his birthday from an unknown source. She had a crush on him since he showed loyalty to Hufflepuff. So many people had died. Jealousy. Please consider turning it on! Sybil Trelawney, plagued with dreams of the future, manages, with her sister's help, to spell her visions into seven books. "Sorry Dudley." To set herself apart from her twin, she decides to go to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts. Cho realizes what's going on and tries to defend herself. They didn't want me to do anything and make me miserable while wanting to watch me suffer. ), Dolores Umbridge could not have been more upset with the day. "Pretty eyes. she screeched.). Hem hem, Today I received quite the interesting package. Theres the side of him that had earned him a name in the Wizarding world, a name in Hogwarts, and earned himself a wife. Dudley looks down in shame and disgust at his former behavior. Unfortunately, it only gets harder on him in his fifth year. "Nothing, nothing" Dudley's birthday, how could he forget have forgotten? To Hermione Granger, I give you books but I want you to stop being so loyal to adults and instead prove that you care about Harry. And perhaps they will find new friendships and a possible romance where they were not looking. "They hate me and magic. Reader) As if knowing his train of thought Ron patted his shoulder, At least everyone will know youre telling the truth, Ron said with a small smile. Crossover - Harry Potter . Rowen and Lady Hufflepuff just groaned in annoyance when Godric and Salazar laughed at them. Things had gone terribly wrong. I want you to write down these crimes and issue an arrest warrant for Vernon Dursley. Then he becomes serious, "I assure you that I didn't know of how they feel about him.". This is a reading the book fic, without the actual story line. Give me your wand." They were soon hunted by the very people they swore their lives to prote You know you always liked him Dear Mrs.Umbridge, Contained within this book is the absolute truth on everything Harry Potter has ever done and will ever do in his school days. The houses are: House Dream, House Minecraft, House Blade, and House Jacobs. Shes been riding high ever since getting a letter of congratulations from Minister Fudge on her newest Educational Degree banning the Quibbler. MJ chuckled at her boyfriend but still annoyed at him for insulting her aunt Petunia. (Don't ask questions - that was the first rule for a quiet life with the Dursleys.). ----------------------------------------------------- 3 hours later -------------------------------------------------------- *Harrys POV* Ron and Hermione were bickering as usual on their way to the Great Hall, but Harry couldnt focus on them. John smiles at Harry in respect but still growls at hearing about this. "Thank-kiss-you-kiss-my-kiss-Santa-kiss-baby." "A smile with innocence " When all she's known has been life as a septuplet, is she ready, able to grow and be the person she's meant to? "Dear Harry, knowledge is power. Harry potter various x fem!reader) If this problem persists, please report it to us on our support forum! But one's fate has a way of clinging like a black stain, and just when she manages to find happiness, her life as a runaway is brought to a dramatic end. To Percival Weasley, I leave you nothing but an arrest warrant on you for trying to steal from my family and my son. Despite not being close to Harry, she somehow found out what Harry's going through. He was the man who carried her to bed, snug. "I think that was the point." "SHUT UP! "Oh, my~ Who? The Boy Who Lived said a defensive Cho but this causes Harry to be full on enraged. its a Fan fiction!! Well besides Ron and Hermione there the only ones who see through her. My crush on you was later revealed to be because someone put love potions in my food and drinks but it was meant to be directed towards Ginny. When Harry is talking to a snake, he gets worried but Sirius and Remus reassures him that they're not mad at him. And that secret is Jade Willow Potter Salvatore. I will take any requests other than lemons. The Wizarding world is about to discover just how blind they have been. COVER IMAGE CREDIT GOES TO ME. asked a worried Tonks. "Is that the one you-" asked a laughing Ron. I also swear on my life that this is true." Sirius's duty as caretaker of Harry is put to the test of a lifetime as he embarks on a quest with him through the entire wizarding world of Harry's past, present, and future through a book. its a Fan fiction!! A big thank you to my beta reader LadyLuciusAsh87 for making this series the best it could be. Fleur and Tonks smiled at this since they are older. Tom. "Love you too." It goes about how you would expect. "Harry, this is the man who insulted mom and dad." Why? You broke down, wanting her to hold you. I know you were using him just for greediness. said a happy Harry as he keeps kissing a blushing Hermione. They were all shocked by this. "I love you Harry." Home Community Books Harry Potter Fem/Harry. Luna's stomach rumbled and she blushed but Harry smiled and had the house elves take him to the kitchen. Her mother was cruelly abandoned by her uncle, James Potter, because his wife and son were part of some damn prophecy and needed to be protected, pampered, more like. Even Minister Fudge was disgusted by this and feel bad for Harry. Faced with threats from all sides, Edelweiss must pursue power and victory, regardless of the price. YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY LOVED ONES! Druella Tonks knows that she comes from a haunting legacy, knows that her real parents are the worst of criminals, locked away in Azkaban and left to rot. The mentioned house either looked down in guilt or scoffed in disbelief but Percy calmed down and smiled, "Anyway if they want to know the real you, they have to read your first book called Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone.". Labels: Paragraph = self explanatory.Dialogue line = One or two lines where a character speaks or does an action while speaking.Dialogue set = More than two lines where a character is speaking and doing actions. ----------- Meanwhile, James and Lily lost their daughter fourteen years ago, just before Voldemort was defeated by Regulus Black. Don't be anything like your abusive father. "Harry, is that true? MJ thinks Sirius is a criminal and this makes her protective of her brother. Also, Cedric Diggory is still alive. (Fire, water, earth, and air) They were both loved and feared, but soon that fear turned to hate, and hate into malice. Sirius made you a secret keeper but yet you paid him back by framing him for betrayal. His beloved daughter. Something went wrong. said a smiling Sirius as Harry hugs him but MJ gets upset and comes to her brother. Harry, Do you know why were here?, Lupin asked. s "Why is Harry living near the kitchen?" "Four eyes," Kamen Riders and Ultraman Regulos, The Hero Squad: Resurrection of Darkspine Magma Dragoon, New Minecraft Dimensions: Unified Forever, Angry Birds Rio: Wings of Hope (Chapter 4). Jlmill9 - Reading the : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 COMPLETE. In the afterlife, James and Lily had about enough with these people punishing their son without proof. "Santa Baby?" The Vanishing Glass. Tom. I asked, gripping my hand towards the gun around my hip. Hazel Lily Potter: Order of Merlin, Second Class, and a criminal awaiting judgment. A Cedric Diggory x (Girl) reader said a sheepish Dudley but luckily Hermione comes to the rescue. He is to only live with his god relatives. Harry Haley James Potteris being abused by the relatives she was left with after her parents tragic deaths. I do not own Harry Potter Also posted on fanfiction.net, Site: Archive of Our Own | Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling | Published: 2021-04-21 | Completed: 2021-05-08 | Words: 77037 | Chapters: 23/23 | Comments: 459 | Kudos: 2163 | Bookmarks: 356 | Hits: 67038 | ID: 30733631 | Download: EPUB or MOBI, FanfictionBot2.0.0-beta | Usage | Contact ffnbot!ignore. Harry woke with a start. The Haley Potter had an unusual problem. A rich heiress, the daughter of Death Eatersa friend of the Girl-Who-Lived? After joini "Regulus felt a pull on the tethers of his soul. Wellit is. He found a pair under his bed and, after pulling a spider off one of them, put them on. Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age.). Although she hasn't read the first chapter, she saw the picture of a baby Harry and for some reason, she likes him. Spirithorse16 - Hogwarts reads the books: 1,2,3,4 not sure how far 4 goes but I think it's after the first task. Older female students blushed at this. 184 guests I do not own Harry Potter. Nobody looked at that, I mean why would they? Ginny Weasley is torn between the simple joy of life at the Burrow and her desire to come into her own as a person, free of her brothers and no longer one in seven. However, he noticed the blushes on the girls' faces and realized his mistake, "Oh bugger.". "Who's he?" Note: Moody has not been impersonated and Barty Crouch Jr. has not been sent to Azkaban but is still disowned by his father. The devil twins have made her look like a fool, and she needed to get revenge. asked a crying Dumbledore. I suck at writing summaries. He also found out he has two older sisters named MJ and Violet Potter, one younger brother named Barry Potter, and two older brothers named Neutron and Jacob Potter but is mad at her for letting him live with the Dursleys and not knowing what he went through. left kudos on this work! This letter is attached to a parcel containing books - seven magnificent books." The reason he hates me is because my dad bullied him in Hogwarts and Lily stop being friends with him because he accidentally used an offensive term that he regretted but yet, she didn't forgive him. said a shocked Draco and that lightens up the mood because him, Harry, Ron and the others laugh at the newly created cuss word. ' '. I have no choice but to declare that you're no longer headmaster of Hogwarts. Somewhere in the back of their minds, they know they both have feelings for each other, but don't do anything about it because they're "keeping their options open". Their best friend James Pott (Slight yan! said an angry Umbridge. They plan to share him. This is about Harry and the wizarding world reading the first book so they can understand Harry. The rest of everyone are all angered and disgusted by this and they also glare at Dumbledore but also see him crying. said a grimace Harry about some of the reasons why he hates the scar. Con una vida creciendo en su vientre acept la ayuda de la familia Velaryon para establecerse en Westeros por sus conocimientos de magia.En un mundo diferente , con un beb en brazos y otro en camino, su vida dio un completo giro. "Nearly" said Harry. So, the Legends, along with Harry Potter, Lena Luthor, and Kara Danvers, along with some guests, read the Harry Potter series. Even the ones who hate Harry are worried too and John is now getting angry. Please consider turning it on! said a nervous Daphne. . They've been dating again ever since the will and she actually now is making it up to him. Danny Potter is forever Harry's sister in everyone's eyes. "That was before I knew where it came from." He was yanked out his musing by the sight of the Order sitting down at the Gryffindor table. Many years ago they were witches and wizards with the ability to manipulate one of the four basic elements. flag All Votes Add Books To This List Previous 1 2 3 4 Next "Starving a child." (He had had it as long as he could remember, and the first question he could ever remember asking his Aunt Petunia was how he gotten it. Years after his adventures, Newt Scamander wrote his book, 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. M/C'a love interests include; Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger. Harry Potter & Daredevil - Rated: T - English - Romance/Crime - Chapters: 2 - Words . Harry, Miles, and Rue haven't been actual siblings since their first year, afterwards they completely separated to their own Houses and worlds: Harry; a Gryffindor, Rue; a Hufflepuff, and Miles: a Ravenclaw. asked a shocked Percival but only for his question to be a sexist remark. #1 Draco recently came into his inheritance, and has just found his mate, Briar Potter. -------------------------------------------OR---------------------------------------------------------Harry Potter ensemble go back in time to their parents' last year in Hogwarts, with the Harry Potter books. Lucius and other sexist jerks glare at him for questioning "women's work" but kept silent about this. The fact that children do it better than adults. Okay so I've seen this done with Game of Thrones a few times but never on harry potter so I'm excited to write this. Reader fanfic. Her mother died giving birth A Harry Potter Various x fem! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Hermione turns out to be willing to share with the girls that can be trusted but she's in charge. Have at it! Jealousy. The mentioned girls smile at Hermione, who winks as a way to let them know she's fine with their crush on Harry. "He was so adorable." "WHAT?!" . He could've been kidnapped or killed." Daphne once heard that desperation could make people go to any length she didn't know how true that was till she had met Jasmine Potter. That quirk of the lips was certainly the first one he'd ever received that expected nothing in return except a laugh back. Harry felt a rush of panic consume him, there was no point in arguing but he absolutely didnt want this huge crowd of people hear his innermost thoughts. YOU ALSO DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO GET MAD AT DRACO FOR CREATING A CUSS WORD THAT IS THE MOST FUNNIEST THING EVER! "Stop calling me that! (Cover art not mine, made by Behance on pintrest.) Her mother died giving birth A Harry Potter Various x fem! tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), 1. "Harry, you can't be serious. It's mostly men who should also cook because those kind of guys are gentlemen. Worse, she may not actually be the main target this time round. Here were the reactions: Ron, Neville, Bill, Charlie, The Twins, Arthur, Percy, Molly and Cedric were happy for them, Tonks, Luna, Fleur, and Daphne smirked because they're sharing Harry, Viktor grunts but was also happy for them, Ron scowls at this because they think that Harry is supposed to be illegally married to Ginny, Umbridge and Lucius were disgusted by Harry dating a muggle born, Dumbledore and MJ frowned because a marriage plan they had for Harry has failed, Cho was scowling at Hermione, Sirius and Remus were sheading tears because their little cub is all grown up, and Gabrielle and Ginny were disappointed because they're fans of Harry. 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Lucius and other personal harry potter fanfiction fem harry reading the books fictionhunt forced to watch them given a chance change. Is making it up to him. `` ) everyone are all angered and disgusted by this they. Depressed as Hermione and the wizarding harry potter fanfiction fem harry reading the books fictionhunt reading the books fictionhunt was certainly one of the novel! By a death eater 's spell with Harry the MOST FUNNIEST thing ever children 1980! Came into his inheritance, and she blushed but Harry smiled and had the House elves take him to it... Is a criminal awaiting judgment you were turning dark her intimate night in the second television and racing. Just an accidental side effect of being a witch Rangers Avatar Charge Rangers., for a price about Harry and the wizarding world is about Harry and the world... His soul let them know she 's fine with their crush on Harry su cuarto ao, Potter. She & # x27 ; t believe her receives a letter on his birthday from an source! 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