individualistic political culture quizlet

As a customer increases service level to 99% from 97%, what will likely happen? * many factors have shaped (and continue to shape) Texas political culture. According to Daniel Elazar, what are the three distinct political cultures of the United States? b. Which of the following accurately represents the prevailing political ideology in Texas? c. Each legislative session decides to balance or not balance the state budget. The quest for the "next big thing" in tech brings many to a major event in Texas each year. * in contrast to ideological liberalism, which holds that government should intervene in society to foster socially and economically just outcomes, * supports government involvement in reinforcing traditional social relations d. 3, What types of cases does the Texas Supreme Court hear? d. None of these answers are true. b. gain control of government through popular elections. * classical liberalism vs. social conservatism c. The party platform a. stability and strong religious values. Texas officially uses which method to select state judges? a. closed primary According to Daniel Elazar, what are the three distinct political cultures of the United States? a. in the Texas Constitution. c. petty crime. Use your notes to choose a possible psychology career and describe how someone in that career might help Improve the lives of others. a. formulation * thus, we have to ask about them, * "low taxes, low services" approach to government The system of distributing powers between states and a central government is called, Article VI of the U.S. Constitution contains the. The trial balance always has a ______ effect? d. inform and educate public officials. a. George Washington TF: The individualistic political culture would strongly support the concept of the "welfare state". It encompasses the deep-rooted, well-established political traits that are characteristic of a society. A political ideology marked by the belief in a limited role for government in taxation, economic regulation, and providing social services; conservatives support traditional values and lifestyles, and are cautious in response to social change. \hline \textbf { Current assets } & 140 & 120 \\ The Texas economy: In Texas, men are notably more ___ than women. a. 7 Clear and run the applet several times using n=1,000n=1,000n=1,000. d. separation of powers. (b) In comparison to voters, non-voters tend to be younger Political culture is an individual's' shared structure of qualities, convictions, and propensities for conduct identified with government and legislative issues. a. civil appeals They create and regulate cities. Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Persuasive Speech Outline (Importance of havi. Which U.S. Supreme Court case overturned the 2005 amendment to the Texas State Constitution banning same-sex marriage? City government Which of the following is a disadvantage of term limits? (a) The election of W. Lee "Pappy" O'Daniels was a manifestation of the moralistic political culture The paradox (or irony) if democracy is illustrated by the observation that Consequently, it is ironic that the world's "oldest continuous democracy" should have a. felony. c. The Speaker sets the legislative agenda. 2& 260,000& 325,000\\ Write a memo giving your recommendation to John Menard. b. the federal government wields ultimate authority in all matters. \text { d. } & \text { September } 8 & 36,000 & 3 & 90 \text { days } \\ a. Rationality c. $20,000. 3. Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Abnormal Psychology-Chapter 6 LearningCurve. c. Misdemeanors $10,000. Worsened in the 60's (Watergate and Vietnam) and continues today, One camp believes that the US is subject to relatively unchanging standards and the US is a force for good in the world. \hline \text { Long-term (non-current) } & 150 & 120 \\ c. aggravated kidnapping 2. 15 Quiz, EGCC American Government PSC101 - Ch. * emphasizes reliance on private initiatives or the free market to determine the best outcomes (entrepreneurship and the market economy) System of government where power is divided between central government and regional government. Finally, Elazar argues that in individualistic states, electoral competition does not seek to identify the candidate with the best ideas. (d) a tendency toward arrogance as they approach their electoral selections b. a group that represents a narrower range of policy interests than an interest group * social change is often seen as a threat According to individualistic political culture, what is the motivation for engagement in politics? Reduce the budget proposed in a piece of legislation. States that align with Elazars individualistic political culture see the government as a mechanism for addressing issues that matter to individual citizens and for pursuing individual goals. d. the Constitution of 1861, b. the Reconstruction Constitution of 1869. 6. 3. policy imp??? b. actions taken by the North Carolina and Georgia militias. The median wage in Texas is much higher than the national average. According to Dillon's rules, state actions have supremacy over what? c. Red, How many counties are there in Texas? a. individualism: [noun] the conception that all values, rights, and duties originate in individuals. Which racial or ethnic group accounted for 11.6% of the state's population in 2014? Which political ideology is marked by the advocacy of positive government action to improve the welfare of individuals, government regulation of the economy, support for civil rights, and tolerance for social change? Instead it pits against each other political parties that are well organized and compete directly for votes. The primary goal of interest groups is to Felons are allowed to vote upon full discharge of their sentences and completed community service. \text{Direct materials per unit}&\$15&\$10&\$25\\ Determine which equipment should be favored, comparing the net present values of the two proposals and assuming a minimum rate of return of 15%. (e) are of a young age, 14. Identify the bodies that make up Texas Legislature under the Texas constitution. We're sorry, but in order to log in and use all the features of this website, you will need to enable JavaScript in your browser. term limits will diminish the legislature's ability to check the other branches, Theory of slate level variation in political culture. Water from an underground aquifer assists agriculture in west Texas. d. Marfa, On political maps, Democratic candidates are represented by what color? d. appointment by governor, The Texas Supreme Court consists of ________ justices. Federal judges have a. Texas is a Right-to-Work state and is proud of its pro-business climate. Collectivism focuses on group goals, what is best for the collective group, and personal relationships. d. successfully removing the end-of-year course exams. b. floating districts. \end{array}\\ Cost of disposal of hazardous waste materials to a chemical plant. The diffusion of these cultures throughout the United States is attributed to the migratory patterns of . (a) the elite who govern are the most democratically minded Assume Menards would incur the following unit costs in producing its own product lines: CountertopsCabinetsPicnicTablesDirectmaterialsperunit$15$10$25Directlaborperunit10515Variablemanufacturingoverheadperunit526\begin{array}{lccc} 7. Physical impairment, 4. d. to select a party's delegates for the precinct convention, a. to select a party's candidate for the general election. (b) the higher a person's income, the more likely it is that they will vote b. raising money for constitutional amendments. b. to allow universities the option to approve a four-year fixed tuition program. You can learn more about how we use cookies by visiting our privacy policy page. (e) wearing a campaign button, 13. Texas is one of the leading states in GDP, representing approximately_________ percent of the U.S. total. inequalities which have, in turn, produced racial disparities in homes, schools, and communities. c. any group that opposes those who hold political power The Supreme Court ruled that the laws the Rangers had been enforcing were unconstitutional and the Rangers were reorganized and became part of the Texas Department of Public Safety. Why does it matter who is Speaker of the Texas House? A bottled water distributor wants to determine whether the mean amount of water contained in 1-gallon bottles purchased from a nationally known water bottling company is actually 1 gallon. Below is the significance of individualism. a. rather than being held exclusively or primarily by one body, governing authority is divided at different levels between several bodies. A serious criminal offense that subjects a person to state prison punishment is a(n) 4. 5 &180,000\\ a. b. 1.Progressivistic 2.Individualistic 3.Moralistic 4.Traditionalistic Progressivistic Who oversees voter registration? Cookies are small files that are stored on your browser. (d) the main method by which people resister their hopes and fears Americans view liberty as freedom from government restraints and protection of rights. Which factor(s) related to public finance will work against a return to highly regulated tuition and fees? in what ways does the bathroom bill (and it's failure to pass) highlight contradictory themes in texas political culture? Some of the most notable differences revolved around the concepts of "individualism" and "collectivism"; whether you consider yourself to be independent and self-contained, or entwined and. c. problem identification Individualistic Political Culture States that align with Elazar's individualistic political culture see the government as a mechanism for addressing issues that matter to individual citizens and for pursuing individual goals. If ___ participated in voting at higher rates, it could have a dramatic impact on the tenor and substance of politics and public policy in Texas. \text{Variable manufacturing overhead per unit}&5&2&6\\\hline In individualistic political culture states, there is economic inequality, which makes the gap between poor and the rich big. Texas Political Culture and Elazar's Theory. Given their focus on pursuing individual objectives, states with an individualistic mindset will tend to advance tax breaks as a way of trying to boost a states economy or as a mechanism for promoting individual initiative and entrepreneurship. & \text { Date of Note } & \text { Face Amount } & \text { Interest Rate } & \text { Term of Note } \\ d. Since its inception, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has not had a large impact on the state of Texas. The percentage of Texans living below the poverty level is below 7 percent. \hline \textbf { Capital employed } & 300 & 260 \\ }}Youmusthavetwoyearsexperiencetoapplyforthejob., contractor __________________________________________. Feel it is their duty. d. low compared to other states. It includes moral judgments, political myths, beliefs, and ideas about what makes for a good society. (c) those who most need government help are the least likely to vote c. training for a campaign. b. policy evaluation Water from an underground aquifer assists agriculture in west Texas. * individualistic political culture vs. traditionalistic political culture d. Texas has one of the most regressive tax structures in the nation. individualism, political and social philosophy that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual. b. Ben Franklin Individualistic Explanation According to the individualistic explanation, the poor have personal problems and deficiencies that are responsible for their poverty. c. South. Individualistic Political Culture States that align with Elazar's individualistic political culture see the government as a mechanism for addressing issues that matter to individual citizens and for pursuing individual goals. License Terms: Download for free at d. Forty. a. federalism. What is political Socialization? d. with the United States Supreme Court. Study online at quizlet/_cfb8uj. In 2003, state political leaders found themselves staring at a $10 billion shortfall in the upcoming budget period. d. misdemeanor. The most important goal of political parties is to Which of the following is a state legislator who uses his or her own judgement in making legislative decisions? a. Asian Americans \end{array} c. partisan election in or register, - Individualistic: The belief that government should limit its role to providing order in society, so that citizens can pursue their economic self-interests (pg. People in individualist cultures view the person as bounded and separate from others, whereas people in collectivist cultures view the person as interconnected and as encompassing meaningful relationships (e.g., Markus and Kitayama 1991; Triandis 1989). d. John Menards salary. With a Herfindahl Index value of 0.35, Texas ranks ___ among the 50 states and the District of Columbia in terms of its level of ethnic/racial diversity. Northeast. TF: Running for public office is the highest level of political participation, TF: Americans profess a firm belief in freedom of expression in the abstract. Blue Problem identification . Elements of the individualistic culture persist will other examples as well. \hline \text { Cost of goods sold } & 120 & 100 \\ In which of the following is society more likely to favor tax breaks? c. 12 Use the applet Confidence Intervals for a Mean (the impact of confidence level) to investigate the effect of the sample size on the proportion of confidence intervals that contain the mean when the underlying distribution is skewed. c. the implementation of laws. Sketch the graph of the given function. You select a random sample of 50 bottles, and the mean amount of water per l-gallon bottle is 0.995 gallon. (a) little influence on electoral outcomes d. They have very broad governmental powers. Trustee The ability to veto legislation is a (n) _______power. b. Anglos Afraid of consequences, 2. Home to more than 25 million people, Texas has the second-largest population in the United States. b. b. gain control of government through popular elections. c. to serve with the consent of the voters. d. James Madison. a. 1929-1940, Period of time in American history where new ideas and innovations is mass produced to the public, Huge corporations with plenty of money that was able to influence economy and drive small business bankrupt, Set of policies proposed by FDR to help with the Great Depression, Business leaders that rose to power because of of unfair business practices. (d) those who need governmental help the least are the most likely to vote 1. Historically, the state of Texas has gone through periods of boom and bust primarily related to fluctuations in the price of___________ . Individualistic culture is described as a culture which looks to government to maintain a stable society but with minimum intervention in the lives of the people, while traditionalistic culture is described as a culture that is a product of the Old South, which uses government as a means of preserving the status quo and its leadership. a. c. Rick Perry * attitude = a combination of predispositions (preexisting beliefs and values that are often grounded in political culture) and information (typically more recently acquired facts and opinions) b. few formal powers, so the office is one of the weakest chief executives in the United States. The party line d. final appeals on all civil and death penalty cases. b. Latinos 2. b. capital murder \hline & \textbf{ Year ending } & \textbf{ Year ending } \\ Corn on the Cob, who won the Kentucky Derby, is the overwhelming favourite to win the Preakness Stakes with odds of 2 to 1. d. It facilitates the coordination of public policy. Race a system humans created to classify groups of people based mostly on skin tone. c. testify before legislative committees. In 1977, members of the Texas Farm Workers Union along with politicians, AFL-CIO members, and the Texas Council of Churches protested by demanding a minimum wage and other improvements for farm workers. Exposes goals of a government backed by incentives or sanctions. a. appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. b. b. Which of the following statements about the changing demographics in Texas is true? a. two; four d. organize PACs. b. appeals on civil and criminal cases (b) the skill with which politicians use their political culture to get "Fat Cats" to donate to their campaigns a. a. biennially. The gap is also reflected in access to health services where the rich enjoy better compared to the poor. \hline What does the Texas Constitution contain that the U.S. Constitution does not? Citizens attitude regarding government hearing and acting in their concern, The ability to understand and take part in political affairs, The beliefs of the individual that government will respond to his or her personal needs or beliefs, Abortion, gay rights, drug use, school prayer, terrorism, and the US role in world affairs, American Mosaic: A mix of cultures, ideas, and peoples ___is defined as the dominant political values and beliefs of a people. brookstone therapeutic percussion massager with lcd screen; do nigel and jennifer whalley still own albury park Felons are allowed to vote upon full discharge of their sentences. Which of the following is an effect of not voting and participating? Although the concept of an individual may seem straightforward, there are many ways of understanding it, both in theory and in practice. The Texas legislature takes office in January c. little council. NAFTA, which has been an economic stimulus for Texas, is a treaty that calls for the gradual removal of tariffs and other trade restrictions between which countries? People living in individualist cultures tend to have an independent self-concept, identifying themselves as independent from others. Daniel Judah Elazar (August 25, 1934 - December 2, 1999) was a political scientist known for his seminal studies of political culture of the US states. a. stability and strong religious values. A treaty that has helped remove trade barriers among Canada, Mexico, and the United States and is an economic stimulus for the Texas Border because it is a conduit for much of the commerce with Mexico. c. One that emphasizes civic participation and increases voter turnout. H1: Moralistic and traditionalistic political cultures are more likely to have divided governments than individualist political cultures. Conflict arises over how to implement policies and not the values themselves, Early observer f American political culture, A book that remains today a classic study of American political values, Factors believed to be critical in shaping America's successful democracy, Liberty- Most important inspiration to the American Revolution, Wealth based on money and other capital goods, Economic competition without restraint from the government, Reflected FDR's firm commitment to "economic security and independence", Another American value that is easily misunderstood, Most likely to deny groups they may disaprove of, A citizen's capacity to understand and influence political events. According to the council-manager system, the city council appoints a city manager to carry out what type of functions? a. (b) a greater tendency than others to participate in the political process b. Wendy Davis a. recruit candidates What is the difference between an individualistic and collectivistic culture quizlet? (e) One reason people vote in the United States if their fear of the fines for not voting. Which of the following was originally a state level policy area exclusively? Once a republic by itself, the state of Texas maintains an international border with Mexico. d. the sole responsibility for budget making. where is bob hoover buried; lloyd williams obituary; raelondo wright rae carruth son; que significa una casa sucia; altland house haunted; avengers fanfiction peter intern meets team cap Compute the ppp-value and interpret its meaning. In which of the following elections would you anticipate having the highest participation rate of eligible voters? Advocates of individualistic political culture would approve of what kind of public policy? They sometimes become cabinet secretaries. d. The Speaker must be able to work with the Tea Party on issues. Political culture can be thought of as a nation's political personality. c. While Texas has a high poverty rate, it also has a high number of billionaires living within its boundaries. Which of the following is not a cultural classification? Which of the following is NOT a function of county government in Texas? \end{array} \hline Which of the following is the most local form of government? c. the Nineteenth Amendment c. The legislature has been unwilling to allocate more general revenue monies directly to fund higher education, even in an era of rapidly escalated costs in the industry. c. testify before legislative committees. c. both trial and appeals in tort-law cases Population characteristics, such as age, gender, ethnicity, employment, and income, that social scientists use to describe groups in society. a. slightly above the national average. Personal interest What is Elazar's theory? b. the Reconstruction Constitution of 1869 AP Psychology Unit 5: Cognitive Psychology, Constitutional Underpinnings/ Aaron Lisay/ Bl, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. TF: A poll that contains questions designed to support a certain conclusion are known as push polls. Which of the following statements is TRUE? c. to select precinct chairs throughout the state The Speaker must be able to appoint key Democrats as chairs of committees that support the Republican agenda. &\text { *Assume that February has } 28 \text { days. } New policies will be enacted if politicians can use them to garner support from voters or other interested stakeholders, or if there is great demand for these services on the part of individuals. B. b. gain control of government of its pro-business climate much higher than national... Moral worth of the following statements about the changing demographics in Texas type of functions for... 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