moorish american passport

The term outlying possessions of the United States is defined in Section 101(a)(29) of the INA as American Samoa and Swains Island. Jabbar Gaines-El carries a Nationality and Right to Travel card that includes a Tax Immune Number.. I simply rattled that off at them, and they looked at me blankly, took off their robes and fezzes, and went back to their birth names, and pled guilty.. But black people were only made citizens by the 14th Amendment, they argued, meaning that they have permanently contracted with the government and therefore must obey all its dictates. Those members who are with us over a period of time, will be able to study ample material in the EMPOWER YOURSELF PACK and have the opportunity to have numerous conversations with our team, and over the course of time have resources to gain more information, skill, and knowledge. You will then be sent a welcome packet to review. All Rights Reserved. 11. Members of Moorish groups and other black Americans are taking up the ideas of the radical sovereign citizens movement. 11. This site will remove any gray areas that you may have had about being Moorish American! We have seen numerous cases of our SPC DONE W U members, get passports with leaving the SSN form blank, because the truthful statement is that the living man (NOT the corporate fiction ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS NAME) does not have a social security number as its a separate entity. The Honorable Prophet Noble Drew Ali spawned a religious fervor when he established the Divine and National Movement, which has now awakened an entirely new generation of Moorish American minds. is a de jure Religious government of an autonomous Cherokee nation of indigenous people known as Moors/Moorish Americans, successors of the Empire of Morocco. ), In an interview this April 15 Tax Day with a local Fort Wayne TV news program, Gaines-El said that he does pays taxes, but I do so under the threat of arrest or coercion.. The weapon of choice for both is paper. We are a faith-based organization, Exercising our Freedom of religion and the exercise thereof, who has no tax obligation to the United States or the Union States for the Church and State are separate. Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. Ms. Little is still shaken, enraged each time an ominous letter arrives in the mail. If you need to get a passport quickly, you will need to have your passport renewal expedited and pay additional fees. Mr. proclaims the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations and to this end Declares that: of Moorish American People to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United States of America Republic and is an impediment to the promotion of peace here in America and co-operation. Send an email to The Secretary will reach out to you with further details. President C Cannon Bey, who doubled the size of the country with the stroke of a pen, created a new Jurisdiction for Moorish Americans in which to live right on this land. There is a $50 Administrative Fee upon joining. Membership in the Moorish sovereign citizen movement has been driven by the internet into the hundreds of thousands, the law center said. 2. Ms. Little still receives strange letters like the one that upended her life in June. THE EUROPEANS HAS BEEN THE CUSTODIAN OVER OUR GOVERNMENT AND LANDS; OUR ANCESTORS HAD GIVEN THEM THAT AUTHORITY UNTIL WE WOKE FROM A LONG SLEEP. citizens belong have a variety of names: Moorish Nation, The Aware Group, Washitaw Nation, the North Carolina American Republic, Republic of United States of America, etc. He planteth new colonies, he buildeth strong ships, he openeth rivers for convenience, he formeth harbors for safety, his people abound in riches, and the strength of his kingdom increaseth. 9. Known as the Moorish sovereign citizen movement, and loosely based around a theory that Black people are foreign citizens bound only by arcane legal systems, it encourages followers to violate existent laws in the name of empowerment. 19. Any and all past and present affiliations implied by operation of law or otherwise with foreign entities are hereby, now, and forever dissolved and revoked.. However, politely decline and state you are well aware of who you are and what your nationality and answers are, and that you are respectfully not going to take their legal advice. Applications, THIS FREE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT WAS RE-ESTABLISHED ON THE 14th DAY OF APRIL IN THE YEAR, 2015, United States of America Republic Our Governing, Every nation in the world is ruled by some form, of governingheadship,who are either elected or appointed. Section 101(a)(21) of the INA defines the term national as a person owing permanent allegiance to a state. Section 101(a)(22) of the INA provides that the term national of the United States includes all U.S. citizens as well as persons who, though not citizens of the United States, owe permanent allegiance to the United States (non-citizen nationals). This site is for those Moors who are active and not passive;for those Moors who wish to have true freedom and equality and the right to self-determination! The Only Passport that is valid comes from the U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT. This included present-day Spain and Portugal as well as the Maghreb and western Africa, whose culture is often called Moorish. (It was rendered moot by passage of the 14th Amendment). They never had the opportunity for us to showcase our talent, so I created the opportunity, Mr. John said on the podcast. How to be effective at winning disputes, controversies, matters, cases,, is not taught in a weekend. (Many American black nationalist groups refer mistakenly to the people of northern Africa as black; in fact, the Moors were a mix of Arabs, Berbers and black people.) When the police arrived, both Ms. Little and Mr. John showed documents claiming the house was theirs, according to a report of the incident issued by Brian A. OHara, the Newark public safety director. We shall create a prison system that successfully rehabilitates and reforms the criminally-orientatedto re-enterinto society as productive citizens and tradesmen. action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against independent Moorish American People shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their National Government here in America shall be respected. Our organization has been misunderstood by people who see the value of our religion but dont want to conform, he said. 9. The outline of Ms. Littles previous knob remained after a man claiming ownership installed new locks. Let the idea of Moorish-Fest Destiny become the torch that lights the way for Moorish American expansion, so that the avowed objectives used to thwart U.S.A.R. Upon - (1) proof to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State that the applicant is a national, but not a citizen, of the United States; and, (2) in the case of a non-citizen national born outside of the United States or its outlying possessions, taking and subscribing, before an immigration officer within the United States or its outlying possessions, to the oath of allegiance required of an applicant for naturalization. Inshallah! 12. He became fluent in Chinese and produced several fashion shows focusing on Black designers and models, according to multiple accounts. for the Moorish American People who wishtohavetheir. 2. Your SPC DOCUMENTS and/or National Passport APPLICATION (if you kept an identical copy of your application) is EXCULPATORY Evidence against jurisdiction, in any/all FEDERAL CASES. They did. M.N.R.P. that all Moorish American People have an inalienable right to complete freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their National Government as National Citizens. Also,creating community programs to curb participation in criminal activitiesestablishguidelinesto ensure these laws are followed. Roots of the Moors Ms. Little greeting an officer on patrol in Newark, who had been among those responding to her emergency call the day someone took over her home. If you already have a U.S. PASSPORT BOOK from the U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT, you are fine!! This past summer the Moorish movement exploded into public view, after Ms. Little posted viral TikTok accounts of her ordeal and when the police pulled over members of a militant offshoot of the group on a Massachusetts highway. She shared the property deed proving ownership, Ms. Little said, he the fabricated papers bearing the Al Moroccan seal. To make an appointment at a Regional Passport Agency, call 1-877-487-2778; TDD/TTY: 1-888-874-7793 Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 10 PM ET. If you wish to proceed you will be given an opportunity to schedule a time to speak with the President of Moorish National Republic of Peace regarding any questions you may have about joining. Most of those locations can also take your passport photo. Im calling about your article about the Moorish Americans, it said. These fake documents typically are written in nonsensical language that is all but incomprehensible to non-sovereigns. The Passport Book and Card all looks the same in your hands. No murmurs against him arise in their hearts; the machinations of his enemies endanger not the state. In the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between Morocco and United States 1836 Article 4 states: A signal, or pass, shall be given to all vessels belonging to both parties, by which they are to be known when they meet at sea: and if the commander of a ship of war of either. As people are severely missing the mark due to unfounded rumors or misinterpretations on the weight of significance about this Passport and what it will give you. Either way is fine, and also, the crux of the matter is this a National Passport is NOT a Get out of Jail Free Card. Allah has no limits. Mailing times may add several weeks on to the door-to-door time it takes to receive your passport. They are absolutely organized, he told Intelligence Report. are part and parcel to its government; however, M.N.R.P. Moorish-Americans follow a blend of Islam shaped by the movement's founder Noble Drew Ali. Unless otherwise provided in section 301 of this title, the following shall be nationals, but not citizens of the United States at birth: (1) A person born in an outlying possession of the United States on or after the date of formal acquisition of such possession; (2) A person born outside the United States and is outlying possessions of parents both of whom are nationals, but not citizens, of the United States, and have had a residence in the United States, or one of its outlying possessions prior to the birth of such person; (3) A person of unknown parentage found in an outlying possession of the United States while under the age of five years, until shown, prior to attaining the age of twenty-one years, not to have been born in such outlying possessions; and, (4) A person born outside the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a national, but not a citizen, of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than seven years in any continuous period of ten years -, (A) during which the national parent was not outside the United States or its outlying possessions for a continuous period of more than one year, and. This was just somebody saying the sky is purple when its blue.. Tell them politely to submit it and let the cards fall where they may, even if they believe it will be rejected. The same views may be embraced by Freeman, Freemen on the Land, Sons of Liberty, and Aryan Nation. Secretary has issued its Board of Directors, Nationals and Citizens a National Passport Identification according to their Provinces; all vessels will be equipped with M.N.R.P. He calleth together the wise men of his kingdom; he consulteth among them with freedom, and heareth the opinions of them all. I got a very distinct impression from the phone call that they wanted me to know that they know where I live, he told the Intelligence Report. The United States of America Republic is the Seat of Authority. Stand mute. the important role of the Moorish American People in assisting the movement for independence in Trust as we Move forward in our Right to Self-Governing our Provinces and Territories. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. They are not members of our organization. Passports. A simple traffic violation or pet-licensing case can provoke dozens of court filings containing hundreds of pages of pseudo-legal nonsense. Not every judge can claim as much success as McLeod. This websiteisnotfor Moorish American Peopleto learn their history,or about Noble Drew Ali,or the Moorish Science Temple of America. ET, call 1-877-487-2778 (TDD/TTY:1-888-874-7793) Outside of these hours, call 202-647-4000. Central to their thesis is a rejection of the 14th Amendment, claiming it merely created a set of artificial persons . Your Homecoming is a mental transition and decision to exit slavery. Citizenship as if STATE OF TEXAS is suing you, arguing that you are not a US Citizen is a moot point. Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches that the word "Allah" is the Father of the Universe. Citizenship at Birth by a Child Born Abroad, Renunciation of U.S. For decades followers of the Moorish sovereign movement have remained largely off the radar, cropping up mostly in outlandish-seeming news stories on their paper-terrorism tactics. All Moorish American People have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. The passport could possibly help, and make up perhaps 10% of your game. The situation never turned violent, but McGauleys gut sense that something was amiss was correct. They advise Moors not to cooperate with the police or the courts. We are citizens of the United States of America, and we want to make our contribution to the United States of America, not tear it down, Jones Bey said. The officers verified that Ms. Little bought the house in February, and they asked the men to leave. Today, the head of MSTA is none too happy to see its prophets words used to encourage antigovernment activity. If Italians, Greeks, English, Chinese, Japanese, Turks, and Arabians are forcedto proclaim their free national nameand religion before the constitutional government of the United States of America Republic,it is no more than right that the law should be enforced upon all other American citizens alike. No Moorish Treaty documents, Common Law ID documents, or World Service Authority passport, will be accepted by U.S. CUSTOMS/HOMELAND SECURITY Officials if you are entering the U.S. What other countrys accept, might be different, but what we care about most is what the U.S. not Moors. A sworn statement on public record rescinding your past mistakes, overrides anything done or filed in the Past. But the strange letters declaring that Ms. Littles home is not her own still come. Such as the EMPOWER YOURSELF PACKand/or a one-on-one consultation or inquiry for your particular issue or question(s). Those treaties were with nations that existed independently for a short period of time, [and] any treaty was totally abrogated by subsequent events initiated by the Barbary states. They were Muslims from the medieval era in Northwest Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. that the process of liberation is irresistible and irreversible and that, in order to avoid serious crises, an end must be put to colonialism and all practices of segregation and discrimination associated therewith. Bearing a golden seal, in aureate legalistic language, the documents claimed that an obscure 18th-century treaty gave the sender rights to claim her new house as his own. The time has come that every nation must worship under its own vine and fig tree, and every tongue must confess his own. Inadequacy of political, economic, social or educational preparedness should never serve as a pretext for delaying independence. The United States of America Republicis not to cause confusion or to overthrow the laws or constitution of the United States but to obey hereby. To help educate the public, we've previously outlined two. 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