google ux researcher portfolio

Perhaps youre all about eco-friendly design. Gloria Lo is a self-taught product designer based in Sydney, Australia. Portfolio example: Jeremy Stokes - Cultivate. She includes affinity maps, a user persona, task flow chart, and low-fidelity, high-fidelity, animated, and clickable prototypes. Include both artifacts that show how the study was conducted and deliverables used to communicate research findings to a large group. Another excellent example of UX storytelling! They may also need help with development and implementation (and the resources that go with it). Meta Front-end Developer Professional Certificate: Throughout this program, you'll manage a project in GitHub using version control, Git repositories, and the Linux terminal. A UX researcher conducts qualitative and quantitative research to inform the design process and keep the user at the center of every design decision. In broad strokes, a UX researcher is the person on the product team whose job lives closest to the end user. The best portfolios offer the full packagedetailed case studies wrapped in stunning UI design and flawless UXso aim to tick all the boxes! You'll also have the opportunity to participate in a Capstone project to build the front end of a web application. Share your research question(s), intended outcome, and decisions you sought to influence (i.e., intended impact). Update your portfolio continuously throughout your career to keep a current record of your work. An unsolicited redesign gives you the structure of an existing product to start withincluding an established target user basewhile allowing you to put your user experience skills to work. Likewise, establish a few success metrics before you begin. First, she treats us to a bold, eye-catching headline that describes her in terms of her favorite activities. She also clearly explains her role on each project, who she worked with, and what design and prototyping tools and methods they used. This is the most relatable email Ive received, How to Build a Strong UX Research Portfolio with Examples. That just about concludes our selection of awesome UX design portfolios from around the web. If you are a student, prepare case studies on group projects that youve completed while working towards your degree. Looking for a way to volunteer your UX design skills? Whats your approach to solving problems? Not to worry. The aim of your UX portfolio is to both show and tell. We back our programs with a job guarantee: Follow our career advice, and youll land a job within 6 months of graduation, or youll get your money back. Eliz Todd is a UX designer, speaker and influencer based in LA. Take a user-centered approach to designing your portfolio. In addition to expert training and hands-on projects designed to prepare you for a job in user experience (UX) design, you'll get access to a resume building tool, mock interviews and career networking support designed to help you with your job search. View Priyanka Guptas full portfolio website. No prior experience with design or specific tool is required for the Google UX Design Certificate. Just like Elizabeth, support each case study with meaningful visualsthat is, real artifacts from your project, not just illustrations. Watch UX Portfolios, 3 minute video with Shu Jiang, a product designer at Google, includes an excellent example of an unsolicited redesign of the app Houzz in her portfolio. What is a UX design portfolio and why do you need one? Some of the best portfolios Ive seen incorporate samples of the deliverables for a case study. If your UX Portfolio has this 20% Well Done, it Will Give You an 80% Result Ilma Andrade in Bootcamp 5 Reasons to Not start a UX Designer Career in 2022/2023 Seriously, we're fast. Saurabh presently works as Staff Yes! Outline your role in the project and who else contributed. Weve talked a lot about the importance of showcasing your UX design process. Karina presented this atUX Australiain March 2020. Every time you work on a new design project, document your process: take screenshots of user research surveys you send out, snap photos of your wall covered in sticky notes after a heavy brainstorming session, and keep hold of your wireframes as they progress from low to high fidelity. Itll make the time and effort you put into it much more worthwhile. In UXfolio we generate a few for you automatically, but you can create them in your favorite design tool and upload them as well. User journey map from the Cultivate case study. Ask yourself how you would answer a reader who skims over your work and asks Why is this important? Showing insights to someone who is not familiar with your specific project, problem space, or user base is challenging focus on a few key data points. She details the challenges, different iterations, and design, and clearly demonstrates the motivations behind decisions. Compiling a research portfolio can be intimidating, particularly if you are at an early stage of your UX career. Companies like Apple, Meta, Google, Amazon, and AirBnB are known to hire interns on their UX teams. There are two key lessons we can learn from Olivias portfolio: first, start each case study by framing the problem in detail, and second, frame the problem in a way that conveys empathy. You focus here is making this concise and digestible because you may feel compelled to go on for days about this. on One great place to start is by taking a free UX design short course to make sure youre cut out for this area of the design field. Employers and potential clients want to know who you are and what youre all aboutand they should be able to find this out within seconds of landing on your portfolio website. After the event, Yang even added an illustration showing how the app would bridge the gap between user experience and business value based on feedback from hackathon judges. Check out her talk for more details! There is no hard-and-fast rule when it comes to how many projects you should feature in your portfolio. Short videos present user task flows in a way that doesnt rely on big blocks of text. Elizabeth Lin is a San Francisco-based product designer and self-proclaimed fashion, teaching, and classical saxophone enthusiast. I wish you the best in building your portfolio and presenting your work! (including typography, color palettes, logos, and visuals). Describe the team that you worked with on the project. Jeremy begins his case study by introducing the service, then takes you behind the scenes to see his design process. Google UX Design Professional Certificate, Meta Front-end Developer Professional Certificate, Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate, Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate, Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Architect, DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate, Free online courses you can finish in a day, 10 In-Demand Jobs You Can Get with a Business Degree. Just because youre a UX designer doesnt mean you can neglect the visual design of your portfolio. How do you gather buy-in throughout your research? I loved the process of going through the UX researchfrom user interviews to competitive analysisit gave me an appreciation for the pre-work that goes into a product before you start putting pixels together. Here, he links to articles hes written on Medium, additional projects hes worked on, as well as upcoming endeavors. Make sure your portfolio provides a good UX. Highlight findings that changed your teams approach to a problem or that you found particularly interesting. Google User Experience UX Research Technology 1 More from UX Collective Follow We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. Learn the foundations of UX design, including empathizing with users, building wireframes and prototypes, and conducting research to test your designs. Zara Drei is a London-based UX designer. Attending a hackathon gives you the opportunity to design a real app while collaborating with a real team of other designers, developers, and engineers. Touching on these will show your forethought and creativity as you lead research efforts. Take part in one of our FREE live online UX design events with industry experts, and read up on UX graduate Alices career change from corporate banking. Plain language in writing is always recommended, but it is particularly important when writing a portfolio. Your portfolio website is itself a demonstration of your skills. Your submission has been received! Subscribe to the weekly newsletter to get notified about future articles. I made a full career pivot to UX design. Another valuable takeaway from Priyankas portfolio is the power of blogging. Portfolios are living documents. Check out a more detailed description of the frameworkDavid Travis' Medium article. This fully online program provides the skills you need for an entry-level job in UX design, with no prior experience required. How to create a POWERful case study for your UX portfolio by David Travis - POWER method explained in more detail. The 6 key components of a good UX researcher portfolio, according to a user experience career coach. Keep in mind that many nonprofits and small businesses may need more than just design. Contact: This doesnt have to be its own page, but be sure to give recruiters a way to get in touch after youve wowed them with your work. Daniels portfolio also helps to answer that all-too-common conundrum: Whats the right amount of projects to showcase in your UX design portfolio? Focus on process over finished product. This is much more personal and empathy-driven than if shed said Users struggle to come up with date ideas because theyre so busy. Last but not least, refer back to the original problem throughouteven when you progress to the solution. If you are searching for a new job, think about what is most important for hiring managers to know about you. Learn about the foundations of user experience (UX) design and gain the skills you need to find an entry-level job as a UX designer. Google has worked with Coursera to make Google Career Certificates available on their platform. Just as Priyanka does, be transparent about the fact that these are unsolicited projectsa simple disclaimer is all you need. If youre more interested in user research or user interface (UI) design, prioritize these elements in your case studies. Please send her props for sharing her perspective on this process. Depending on your amount of experience and personal preferences, you may also choose to include the following pages: Resume: Give it its own page on the site or link to it. 3. Companies value hands-on experience and the ability to extract value from research. Emphasize the professional work that you have done and how you contribute to a team. Do you need a degree to become a UX designer? Where did you fit into the overall team? If the research that you conducted led to measurable changes, note those numbers. CONNECT WITH TOP EMPLOYERS, INCLUDING THESE: We have over 150 employers in our employer consortium. Learners can earn a recommendation of 10 college credits for completing the UX Design Certificate, the equivalent of 3-4 college courses at the bachelors degree level. To apply, go to the certificate course page on Coursera and click the Financial aid available link next to the Enroll button. What people reading your portfolio really need to know is the types of research you have done, how you approach problems, and how you deliver results. Your portfolio should show that you can use different methods and work well under different conditions. Showcase your writing and reasoning abilities in your discussion of your past work. Homepage concepts for #DullesJustice project. Be sure to take photos of your work when completing a whiteboard challenge during an interview. For further tips and advice on building your own UX design portfolio, check out these articles: If youd like an inside look at how hiring managers will evaluate your portfolio, check out this video where Dee analyses some more UX design portfolios: And finally, if youre a UX designer looking to specialize, weve also written guides to build portfolios for UX writing and UX research. If youre a new UX designer trying to build up your portfolio, take a leaf out of Priyankas book and complete some unsolicited redesigns of your own. Remember that most of your readers will be unfamiliar with the context of your work. Get started in the fast-growing field of user experience (UX) design with a professional certificate developed by Google. Clearly state your role in the project and explain which parts you were directly responsible for. First, theres the project background which lays out the scope of the project. Upon completion of the Google UX Design Professional Certificate from Coursera, youll have three end-to-end projects for your portfolio: a mobile app, a responsive website, and a cross-platform experience. If you received feedback during your challenge, include it in your case study. While theres no hard and fast rule about the number of projects to include in your portfolio, consider featuring three to five in-depth case studies. This is a great way to demonstrate initiative and show that youre a proactive designer who is willing to go the extra mile. WebWhat EXACTLY is a UX Research Portfolio (and do you need one?) Scope of work chart for the Autonomous Ridesharing case study. Update your portfolio Lola rounds off her case study with a post-relaunch analysis, using concrete data to validate the final redesign: With the original design, the set of tasks took 19 minutes. Would you have chosen a different method if you had more time, funds, or a bigger pool to recruit participants from? WebIn theory, building a UX portfolio gives tangible proof of ones skills and abilities to prospective employers. This can be more challenging than an unsolicited redesign, as it lacks the inherent structure and constraints of an existing product. Yes, UX researchers need portfolios too, and the strongest portfolios are almost always made up of real-life projects. Then, he conveys everything he and his team did in detail and with relevant visuals. Usability testing results chart for a Wish design challenge. What stood out to me was the simple "POWER" framework that Karina recommended for framing each case study (citingDavid Travis). User Experience (UX), UX Research, Wireframe, Prototype, User Experience Design (UXD), Usability Testing, mockup, Figma, Adobe XD, UX design jobs. Ricardo Hernndez Prez, a product designer with Google, got his start with an internship at Adobe. Along the way, Ive learned a few things about building and strengthening a UX research portfolio, and Im happy to share some of the gems. Personal projects can also show research skills: conducting independent research or preparing heuristic analyses of existing products showcase your thought process. These seven types of UX case studies make excellent portfolio material for UX designers looking to get their start in the industry. Make clear that this was a design challenge so recruiters are aware of the limitations, such as time constraints. At the same time, dont overwhelm the viewer: a hiring manager looking through your portfolio probably wont browse through ten UX case studies, so choose wisely! Show that you understand how to apply your research and how to extract tangible insights from it. Get inspiration for your entry-level UX portfolio with real world examples. There are more in:Breaking into UX Research: Ideas from our UX Community. Akos Izsak. 2023 Coursera Inc. All rights reserved. Yang Qian, a product designer at Palantir Technologies, presents a case study from a three-day LinkedIn hackathon for design and engineering students. Besides crafting a gripping about me statement, try to inject a bit of personality into the visual design, toojust like Glorias colorful hover effect. By clicking subscribe, you consent to receive email communication from Grow with Google and its programs. For those of you who work in complex spaces, make this description approachable! Thats the sign of a passionate UX designer! A hackathon project in your portfolio can demonstrate that you can: Think critically and solve problems under pressure. This type of project is great for: Establishing familiarity with the design process. First, though, lets consider exactly what a UX portfolio is, the purpose it serves, and some resources for how to build one: If youd rather go directly to our hand-picked selection of awesome UX design portfolios, you can skip ahead to the one that interests you: When it comes to creating an impressive UX portfolio, its important to understand exactly what your portfolio should achieve. Your homepage should include a compelling headline introducing who you are and what you do. This aims to help open up additional pathways to learners who are interested in higher education, and prepare them for entry-level jobs. Eniola Abioye helps UX Researchers improve their research strategy. Begin creating your portfolio with an understanding of what people reading it will want to know. A service that uses plant care as a method to empower users to cultivate (and talk about) their own mental health. Show studies that were conducted independently, as well as projects that were conducted as part of a long-term team initiative. Now, without further ado, here are our top nine UX design portfolio examples. A particularly interesting example is the website design he did for a group of lawyers offering free legal aid to travelers at Dulles Airport in response to the Muslim travel ban in 2017. Select the projects that you feel are most important or best represent the type of work that you would like to take on in the future. 4. Help them feel confident in that decision by concentrating your case studies on the impact of your past research projects. They provide further, more personal insights into the projectsuch as It was cool seeing how differently teachers would use this dashboard or We didnt move forward with this exploration because we wanted to validate the base solution first.. Daniel Autry is a designer, developer, and behavioural researcher based in Charlottesville, Virginia. Talk to users today. After thoroughly framing the problem and describing her approach to solving it, Olivia moves onto The Making Of Routr. Notice how, even when talking about her solution, Olivia consistently refers back to the original user problem. Vera doesnt just tell us what the problem is. However, sometimes it is possible to sanitize research documents to the extent that nobody will be able to recognize what company or product they concern, while still preserving some ability for readers to understand what you did. ); it also highlights the importance of context when presenting your UX work. Set business goals and success metrics for each case study, and, where possible, include data and tangible outcomes. A user experience research portfolio is built with the same purpose as any other portfolio. Each case study should tell a complete, logical story. So youre looking for some UX design portfolio inspiration? Many people use images from the final, polished design from their projects. She shows us exactly how it came to light, and in what capacity she was employed to help solve it. Its a bit like reading a novel: you need a little bit of background before you can start relating to the characters and the plot. (Plus, definitely, a discussion of the design thinking behind the designs.) Finally, consider asking for a testimonial or recommendation. He is fascinated by the social product space and is currently researching the intersection between technology and mental illness. See how she dedicates two whole sections to setting the scene? As the digital world continues to expand, companies are recognizing that good user experience is a necessity, which has led to UX design being a high-growth and in-demand field. What lesson did you carry forward into future projects? Potential employers often ask candidates to present their portfolios or case studies in the interview process to understand how you think through research and address high-level questions that come up. When shes not solving problems with beautiful, user-centric web products, you can find her playing around with electronics, making video loops, building ceramic and metal sculptures, or producing electronic music. I would tell the story of me thriving in highly complex domains, like the chemical processing industry and the American education system. When reading Olivias case study, you dont get the feeling that shes just going through the motions; shes genuinely engaged in the problem and how she can solve it for the user. If you are interested in financial assistance for the Google UX Design Certificate, you may be eligible for financial aid via Coursera through the course page. 97% of the people who responded to our survey said that they regularly needed to communicate these ideas to a larger group. Some people will tell you five, others will say threeyou might even hear that one is enough! When we surveyed 963 user-experience professionals, we found that presenting solutions and concepts was by far the most commonly reported job activity. Aenean eu leo quam. Keep the most important information in mind and dont get distracted by details that are ultimately secondary to what your audience needs to learn. Shes gone out of her way to redesign an entire digital experience, just because shes passionate about good UXhow cool is that?! Think about a problem in your own life you wish had a solution, or an app youd love to have on your phone. The Google Career Certificates Employer Consortium consists of over 150 U.S. companies like Deloitte, Infosys, Snap Inc., Target, Verizon, and of course, Google. After you've graduated from the program, you'll have access to career resources and be connected directly with employers hiring for open entry-level roles in UX design. Project:Describe the topic and scope of the project (e.g., research only, research + design iterations). Our career-change programs are designed to take you from beginner to pro in your tech careerwith personalized support every step of the way. UX Portfolios: What Hiring Managers Look For, Creating a UX Design Portfolio Case Study. With the new design, the set of tasks took 6 minutes. Mine would be simple, sketchy, and playful. She cites other UX industry leaders, likeSarah DoodyandThe UX Portfolio Formula. When it comes to your own UX design portfolio, make like Gloria and be sure to include a meaningful introduction. Avoid signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for unpaid work. Take her AI Training Platform case study, for example. What information should your portfolio present? If you want easy recruiting from a global pool of skilled candidates, were here to help. The case study walks through the projects user research, product design iterations, validation through user testing, and user journey map before wrapping up with key takeaways and lessons learned. So, its not just about how many projects you showcase; its just as important to pick a good variety. Plus: The secret to easy unmoderated recruitment. Early on in your UX journey, you may not have a ton of design work to include in your portfolio. Once claimed, they will receive a competency-based transcript that signifies the credit recommendation, which can be shared directly with a school from the Credly platform. Team that you found particularly interesting to what your audience needs to learn shows! 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