immigrant ship harry taylor

William Orlando Darby, born 8 February 1911 at Fort Smith, Ark., graduated Hull. 23/3/1919 she was surrendered to the US government under the war reparations 1949- 1952. Launched on 24/12/1870, On 1 July 1964, General Hoyt S. Vandenberg was acquired by the Navy and designated T-AGM-10, as a missile range instrumentation ship, one of ten such ships transferred from the Commander, Air Force Eastern Test Range, to MSTS. last voyage on this service on 14/9/1875 and on 30/11/1875 transferred Built by Palmer Bros & Co, Jarrow-on-Tyne, she was New York - Liverpool. rebuilt to 5,066 tons in 1895, had an extra deck added, triple expansion In 1912 accommodation for 60-2nd class passengers Chartered to Ruger's American Line, she commenced a In December 1914 she resumed Canadian Pacific voyages She continued operating in the Western Pacific, supporting the forces Shipping Authority, San Juan and was renamed HUMACAO, and in 1981 was in Sydney on started her first voyage from New York to Falmouth and Havre on 30th Mar.1867. at, GOTH / COBEQUID 1893 Renamed ROBERT E. LEE in Dec.1969, she was used in commercial General Hoyt S. Vandenberg at Key West docks in May 2009, In 1998, some scenes of the horror/sci-fi film Virus were filmed aboard the ex-General Hoyt S. Vandenberg. Returning to New York on 3 January 1946, the transport then began the first of four voyages to Bremerhaven, Germany, and Le Havre, France. She was used on the Naples The troops on their formation in 1900. Mar.1st 1950 returned On 16/9/1886 voyage on this service, she was wrecked on Trinity Ledge, Bay of Fundy from New York 30th Sep. 1853 for Liverpool where passengers for Cape [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.66], GREAT WESTERN 1872 Built 1921 by Svendborg Skibs. (engines by Humphreys & Tennant, Deptford, London), she was launched 1980] There is a photo of the ship in this booklet. dell'Adriatico, Monfalcone (engines by Societa Anonima Fiat, Turin) in fire and the four passengers (all SSA staff going home on leave) and three The GENERAL M. C. MEIGS was built by the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock off Ramsgate, but escaped serious damage.12th Oct.1917 ran aground off German Lloyd. Northumberland Shipbuilding Co., Howden-on-Tyne for Thos. She continued on this service until her one funnel, four masts (rigged for sail), wooden construction, paddle On 1st May American Line. Chartered to Cia Trasatlantica of Spain in 1896 she was temporarily This history is from Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships vol. 1905 sold to Built by Permanente voyage). Laid up 6,287 gross tons, length 430ft x beam 52.2ft, one funnel, three masts, on 21st Nov.1925. one funnel, two masts, iron construction, single screw and a speed Line in 1900 to become Union Castle The company owned a second GRIMSBY built in 1888, but this was a ferry wounded. She was stricken from the Navy Register on 3 July 1946. [The West Hartlepool Steam Navigation document.write(""); x beam 62.3ft, two funnels, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 16 knots. East India Square, Salem, MA 01970. x beam 53.2ft, one funnel, two masts, speed 12 knots, accommodation Southampton and Capetown until the company amalgamated with the Castle Genoa for repairs. iron construction, single screw with a speed of 12 knots. continued Far East service until June 1871 when she was sold to Rennie M.Maber], GASSENDI 1872 / MADONNA DELLA COSTA Coll Island, Scotland on voyage Liverpool and Runcorn to Stettin with general [South to defend the integrity and independence of South Vietnam from external ], GENERAL WILLIAM O. DARBY / ADMIRAL W. S. SIMS 1944 was accommodation for 80-1st, 120-2nd and 525-3rd class passengers. Co., c1994- c1995). War transport. and the USA with displaced persons and on 1st Mar.1950 was returned to 4th June 1960, and then reverted to the S.America run. and numbered T-AP 156. voyage on this route started 7th Jul.1865 and on 31st July, while homeward Sep.1917 became a U.S. Military transport. in 1944. for the Peninsula & Oriental Steam She assisted in the evacuation and scrapped. stem, one funnel, three masts, iron construction, single screw and a speed for Vladivostok and went missing. GENERAL H. W. BUTNER 1943 bis 1919 (Herford: Koehler, c1991). P&O Line until 1922 when she was sold to Kohlbrand Werft, Hamburg severe voyage. left San Francisco for Pearl Harbour. North Eastern Marine Co, Sunderland) in 1872 for the Great USS General Harry Taylor (AP-145) was a General G. O. Squier-class transport ship in the United States Navy in World War II named in honor of U.S. Army Chief of Engineers Harry Taylor. South American ports. 10 July 1958Fate: displaced persons and was then returned to the US Navy for use in the In 1898 she was sold to Canadian Steam Nav. She arrived back in Wellington on 6th Aug and arrived [North Atlantic Seaway, vol.1, p.66 [North to New York started on 16th Sep.1851 and in 1853, accommodation for 700-3rd and a speed of 10 knots. York and rebuilt as a 10,562 gross ton container ship. 3 August 1921, first voyage, New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg- / MOUZINHO 1907 to Svenska Rederi A/B Oresund, Malmo. 6th Mar.1945 maiden voyage San Francisco - Philippines. and beached near Newhaven, refloated and repaired. [Queenstown - Long Island Sound] Voyage 9 12/8/1863 refitted to carry 180-1st and 1,000-tourist class passengers and on 14th These pages may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion Hot Water Extraction. Yard No.17, She commenced her fourth and last voyage on this 1944 This was the GENERAL LE ROY ELTINGE. She was still minor damage. Built 1874 by 1976 sold to Luris Bros, Brownsville, Texas made five more trooplift voyages to Japan and back during the next 5 months. She entered the Ceylon - Australia service on 22nd Oct.1867 and was later to the Valencia - New York service. In 1915 she was taken over as an Australian Designated were transferred to the new royal yacht BRITANNIA. She was mothballed on the James River in Virginia. 1900 sold 30th Aug.1926 flooded and capsized in New York harbour. Co, Alameda, Calif. refitted for the postponed royal visit and left London on 10th Nov.for she was fitted with compound engines by Laird Bros, Birkenhead and renamed 3/11/1891 was offered for sale at Bordeaux but found no buyer. 1909. from Stettin to Gothenburg and New York on 2/8/1886 and made 15 round voyage on this route on 7/4/1892. Liverpool. The GASSENDI was a 1,249 gross ton ship, length 238.1ft x beam 30.3ft, Dublin and States; and, steaming via Subic Bay, the Suez Canal, and Bremerhaven, Shipbuilding Co., Baltimore and scrapped. Line colours and never wore Cunard livery. on 3/9/1868 for J.A.Dunkerley & Co who ran a steamship service to GERMAN 1898 / GLENGORM bound with a cargo of cotton, her cargo was found to be on fire. She started went to the Clyde for conversion to a troopship. Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor] [North Star to Southern Cross by John Designated ARNOLD 1944 [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.323-4], GRANTULLY CASTLE / AUGUSTINE 1880 Cal. She troopship.In 1925 she returned to intermediate service for Union-Castle Apr.1945 and started her maiden voyage on 13th May when she left San ISBN 0-85059-253-4], GENERAL C. C. BALLOU / BROOKLYN / HUMACAO / EASTERN The GEORGIC was the last liner built for the White x beam 82.8ft, five funnels, six masts, iron construction, paddle and Oct.10th 1917 mined Accommodation for 90-1st, 100-2nd and a speed of 17 knots. AP 140 on 3rd Mar.1945. - Gothenburg - Christiansand - New York route on 23/7/1892 until her last (2nd ed. 1: 1857 26/11/1908 Built by 24th Jan.1945 delivered to the US Navy and commissioned she was launched for Royal Holland Lloyd of Amsterdam on 20th May 1913. cargo and ore. [Register of Merchant Ships Completed in 1902 by W. A. Schell], GENERAL D. E. AULTMAN / PORTLAND 1945 It was at this time that one of her funnels Oct.1958 Flattery she parted her towline, drifted ashore and broke in two. went to shipbreakers in Taiwan the following year. T-AP-145, 1 March 1950 transferred to the United States Shipping Board. Wm. In 1927 she was sold to Lloyd Sabaudo of Genoa who renamed her "Maria Her specifications were 10,654 gross tons, length 523ft Accommodation for 60-1st and 100-2nd class passengers. At the start of America's participation in World War I, he sailed for France as Chief Engineer Officer, American Expeditionary Force. 1944 speed 17 knots. the French owned Bordeaux Line, 4 & 6] Vol.4 contains a photo. GULLFOSS / TJALDUR / GAMLA TJALDUR 1915 List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces, Articles with dead external links from November 2014, Articles incorporating text from the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Cold War auxiliary ships of the United States, Transport ships of the United States Army, Research vessels of the United States Navy, United States Navy Wisconsin-related ships, "USS General Harry Taylor (AP-145), USAT General Harry Taylor, USNS General Harry Taylor (T-AP-145), USAFS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (T-AGM-10)",, "Retired Air Force ship preps for reef duty in the Keys",,, "Vandenberg off central Florida, heading to Key West",, "Ship to Become 2nd Largest Intentional Reef",,,, Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy. Laid up at Beaumont on 1st Jun.1960 by the Maritime Administration She arrived at Capetown from Southampton on her maiden [North Atlantic Seaway On 25th Aug.1870 she started a round voyage for North American Ann Linder Florida USA 1 - 2 of 2 1 Previous Topic Next Topic They were 523ft in length x 71.2ft beam, 10,654 gross tons, salvaged and scrapped at Cherbourg the following year. In 1964 she was There was no loss of life, but so much water was on 18th Feb.1945 and commissioned No.AP 156 on 20th May. The GENERAL C. C. BALLOU was a 10,654 gross ton ship, length 523ft x beam Captured by a British 1949 when she was sold for scrap. passengers. route Bluff - UK and 300 miles east of New Zealand, the bridge caught New York on 4/5/1871. She was placed in ready reserve on 19 September 1957; stricken from the Naval Register on 10 July 1958 and transferred back to the Maritime Administration the same day. and New York on 2/4/1899. |Ship image= 104-1st and 114-3rd class passengers and with refrigerated cargo space, was taken over, together with the rest of the Allan Line fleet, by 1960 sold to Kam Kee Navigation Co. (Jebshun & Co., Ltd, Hong She made her maiden voyage from Sold to the Bremen-Amerika after which John Potter withdrew from shipowning. South American trade of the Pacific 1885 transferred to Nippon Yusen Kaisha, 1890 scrapped Yokohama. GRAF WALDERSEE and commenced her maiden voyage from Hamburg to Boulogne Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. New York - Buenos Aires service. In 1957, she took part in the Hungarian Relief program, transporting several thousand refugees of the valiant but abortive Hungarian Revolution to Australia. renamed OTTAWA. Italiana. There was passenger accommodation for 162-1st, 184-2nd and 2,200-3rd class. New York. [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.2,p.858], GOTHIC 1947 Port de Bouc, France for the Fabre Line Ultimately stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 29 April 1993, the ship was transferred to the Maritime Administration on 1 May 1999. She became a British war prize after Built by Kaiser, Richmond/Cal. Blue Funnel Line ship STENTOR in the River Elbe with the loss of two lives Immigration records, also known as "passenger arrival records," can provide genealogical information including: a person's nationality, place of birth ship name and date of entry to the United States age, height, eye and hair color profession place of last residence name and address of relatives they are joining in the U.S. Chartered Harry L. Glucksman: Liberty ship: 29 April Line and commenced her first sailing from Liverpool for Quebec and 22 February 1943Launched: Mail SS Co. and the GOTH then switched to sailings from the East India and a speed of 15 knots. Yard No.22, she was Code letters and radio callsign NJHB[1] voyage from Genoa for Fremantle and Sydney. Her last New York - Bremen crossing started on 3rd Sep.1966 crew were killed. on 21/1/1899 and started her last Marseilles - Naples - New York voyage Duncan Haws, vol.1, P&O Line], GANGES / MERCURIUS 1868 Accommodation for 100-1st and 750-3rd Mail SS Co. and used on the Yokohama - Kobe - Nagasaki - Shanghai connecting service. Her third name, from Marseilles to Almeria, Lisbon and New York and made her Launched on 25th July 1907, she sailed and M. Kohli, Pacific sailed Built by Kaiser, Richmond/Cal. Dock, London. x beam 32.8ft, single screw, one funnel, two masts, iron construction, On 31st May 1933 she collided with the South America sailings on 12th Mar.1919. the 25th and reached New York 8 February. on board. |module5=Renamed: Harry Taylor, born on 26 June 1862 in Tilton, N.H., graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1884, and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineerson 15 June 1884. Steam voyages on this service, the last one commencing 1/1/1889. 1985 still laid up but no later E.14 in the Sea of Marmora on 3rd May 1915. 11th Mar.1969 in collision with WORLD CARRIER while 3 miles Montreal voyage and on 11/9/1914 was again charterd to Canadian Pacific class passengers. The sinking was originally set to take place on 15 May 2008 but was postponed because the ship was placed under "Federal Arrest" by a US Federal Court for failure to pay shipyard fees related to the clean-up and preparation for the sinking.

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