in a material that holds groundwater, porosity

which of the following is a principle to interpret relative ages? Aquifers Layers which hold usable amounts of water are called aquifers. b) igneous d) a change in climate of the region d) seawater is drawn into a mid ocean ridge, which of the following igneous rocks would be formed by the fastest cooling? c) unfractured granite a) how environments are shifted in location through time d) aligned magnetic minerals within Earth's inner core, c) movement of iron and electrical currents within Earth's outer core, Which of the following is associated with mid-ocean ridges? How does a cross bed form? c) compacted clay a) mid-ocean ridges b) a change in grain size b) volcanic eruptions If one has two wells close together on tight rock, the areas of influence between the wells can overlap, reducing yields in both wells. a) Asia rifted apart form Europe Field capacity is the soil water content after the soil has been saturated and allowed to drain freely for about 24 to 48 hours. d) it is converted into feldspar and weathers into clay, c) it ends up as sand in rivers, dunes, and beaches, which of the following is not a source of material for soil? c) a younger rock can include pieces of an older rock. c) hardness d. number of formula units in 2.99gNaClO2.99 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{NaClO}2.99gNaClO b) sunlight b) well sorted gravel a) water contracting as it freezes 35. a) the amount of precipitation on land b) abyssal plain One type of secondary porosity is fracture porosity, caused by cracks in rocks (Figure 14f). which of the following best explains what a contour line is? The porosity of rocks describes the rocks' capacity to hold water. b) playa a) all rocks were originally deposited horizontally 2. subsidence and compaction of the aquifer c) huge shield volcano c) Divergent The volume of void space is 2 ml (2 cm3). a) Convergent from confined aquifer a) the glacier can slide over bedrock d) the velocity and turbulence of the current b) volcanic eruption b) the distribution of hard and soft rocks All rights reserved. water percolates straight down - pull of gravity, zone where all open spaces in sediment and rock are completely filled with water d) metamorphism a) well sorted sandstone d) meteorites, According to the rock cycle, sediment that is being transported by a river could become a metamorphic rock after: The water content in the soil at saturation is equal to the percent porosity . The initial porosity of carbonate rock significantly affected the increase in dissolution-induced porosity. d)islands in the southwestern Pacific ocean Porosity is the amount (or volume) of void in a rock compared to the total amount of the rock. b) melting and solidification c) some angular and some rounded clasts a) 1 mill In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: A. controls the amount of water that can be stored B. determines the composition of the cement between grains and clasts C. does not depend on the size and shape of grains and clasts D. is constant from one type of material to another. e) all of the above are evidence left behind by glaciers, c) changes in the isotopic composition of marine shells, which of the following does not physically loosen rocks on the surface? We measure porosity by the percentage of empty space that exists within a particular porous media. e) all of the above are involved, what is the ultimate source of food for animals living around deep-sea hydrothermal vents? c) the crust is stronger a) transform and convergent b) linear island chain 2. extract groundwater and treat it and the soil - not efficient or productive c) dunes formed by wind e) none of these, which of the following situations would result in angular clasts? If the rocks have low porosity and permeability, the radius of influence will be larger. Free drainage occurs because of the force of gravity pulling on the water. Groundwater typically flows through limestones by way of cracks. b) Mt. d) whether water runs off the land or sinks into the ground e) both a and b, b) the atmosphere rotating faster at the equator than at the poles, surface ocean currents circulate in ocean basins: d) all of these This is common in limestones, which are dissolved by acidic rainwater and groundwater: immense caverns may be formed by this process. d) a fault on land has a large displacement a) burial and tectonic forces Anyone can learn for free on OpenLearn, but signing-up will give you access to your personal learning profile and record of achievements that you earn while you study. b) a great variety of rock types as clasts In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: controls the amount of water that can be stored, determines the composition of the cement between grains and clasts, does not depend on the size and shape of grains and clasts, is constant from one type of material to another. However, whether that groundwater is able to flow in significant quantities depends on the permeability. c) movement of iron and electrical currents within Earth's outer core c) limestone d) all of the above d) water cannot erode unless it is carrying sediment c) melting of the entire thickness of the asthenosphere to produce magma b) stresses are pushing inward all directions by the same amount a) fractured granite a) uplift and weathering a) controls the amount of water that can be sorted After sufficient time is allowed for the pores to become saturated (the water volume in the container stops changing), the volume in the beaker is recorded as 108 ml. c. Cl2\mathrm{Cl}_2Cl2 will have a higher boiling point than Ar\mathrm{Ar}Ar. b) when strengthening of an ocean current results in warmer sea temp in the eastern pacific It cannot hold rainwater for long periods of time. in a material that holds groundwater, porosity, controls the amount of water that can be stored, Ability of rock or soil to allow water to flow through it, material that has low porosity and permeability so that it does not transmit water easily is called, main way surface water becomes ground water, water flows thru the unsaturated zone and into the saturated zone, groundwater velocity is most strongly influenced by, water table has a similar shape to topography, the well above the contaminate on the hill, a large body of permeable, saturated material thru which groundwater can flow well enough to yield sufficient water to wells, bottom of the lens of fresh water will rise, causing the well to draw in salt water, plume of contamination spreads out (becomes wider) away from the source of contamination, because of diffusion of the contamination and mixing of contaminated and uncontaminated water, 1. cone of depression Which of the following is NOT true about the unsaturated zone? Lassen, A hot spot is interpreted to have formed from: a) millions of layers of light-and-dark colored sediment that record yearly cycles Groundwater moves from areas where the water table is low to areas where the water table is high. Eventually it emerges back to the land surface, into rivers, and into the oceans to keep the water cycle going. (a)-(d) show vertical sections 1 cm across, (e) and (f) are 1 m across. Free statement of participation on completion of these courses. e) a and b only, Composite volcanoes are so called because they: Personalise your OpenLearn profile, save your favourite content and get recognition for your learning, Download this course for use offline or for other devices. c) Jurrasic c) convergent b) coarse granite Interconnected void space allows groundwater to move into and out of porous material. Sediments decrease in porosity as the angularity of the grains increases because the grains can pack more closely together, the bumps of some grains fitting into indentations in others (Figure 14c). groundwater that is accessible as a water resource transmits water easily - material is porous and permeable Aquitard A material of low porosity and permeability that greatly slows the movement of ground water Aquiclude A body of rock that will not transmit water at all little or no porosity or permeability water table e) open ocean away from land, if a rock is poorly sorted, this means the rock contains: c) floods from catastrophic melting of ice However, groundwater, even flowing through rocks with hydraulic conductivities as high as 1 m per day, will only have a speed of around 3 103 m per day under the hydraulic gradient from the Chilterns to London, and will take thousands of years to travel the same distance. c) dark porous lava flows The volume of water needed to saturate the sample is then divided by the sample volume to determine the effective porosity (Equation 6). It is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids or pore space divided by the total volume. c) nuclear energy from the heated uranium-rich rocks e) two glaciers that cross. This information allows the laboratory sample to be recompacted to a similar consistency. b) the lava forms a ropy texture a) very coarse granite pegmatite d) recrystalization of minerals tilting - tower of Pisa c) most groundwater forms when water on the surface infiltrates into the ground The part that continues downward through the soil until it reaches rock material that is saturated is groundwater recharge. a) a pan is placed directly on a burner The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302). c) commercial lodging for typical hardwoods, such as mahogany c) how close the river is to the ocean b) iron ore a) mudflows b) Gaines a) a change in mineral comp a) mid-ocean ridges d) continental shelf, which parts of the seafloor have the youngest oceanic crust? c) Mt. C. A. More specifically porosity of a rock is a measure of its ability to hold a . a) bouncing sand grains along the surface a) mid-ocean ridge Porosity and Permeability. 2. lowers water table the volume of open spaces in rock or soil. e) a and b only, the term half life represents the time it takes: c) Delaware, Maryland These pores are isolated from the active groundwater system, thus do not contribute to exchange of groundwater storage or transmission of groundwater. a) halides a) the depth to which wave action extends e) atmosphere, which of the following is correctly described part of the hydrologic cycle? c) we conclude from observations to form theories. Why is it important to know about porosity and permeability? If a disturbed unconsolidated sample needs to be repacked into a container for porosity testing, it is best if the degree of compaction is noted for the native field conditions (e.g., by using a cone penetrometer or a standard penetration test). b) the fault suddenly uplifts or downdrops the seafloor 4. bringing contamination into previously uncontained wells, well ( from below the water table) a) bouncing sound waves from a ship off the bottom For example, to determine the effective porosity of a granular earth material, a sample volume is collected, allowed to dry completely, and then water is introduced slowly to the base of the sample (so that air can escape from the top). Both are related to the number, size, and connections of openings in the rock. d) blowing salt crystals become incorporated into clouds and falls with the rainfall, c) weathering of rocks releases chemical elements that make the oceans salty, which of the following are true about how a stream erodes material? b) scoria cone whose magmas are interacting with groundwater a) a spreading center to a transform fault The volume of water that fills the void spaces is assumed to represent the volume available to flowing groundwater, VI. c) a longshore current X+YZ\mathrm{X}+\mathrm{Y} \longrightarrow \mathrm{Z} Calculate the following. b) the presence of coral reefs on land d) all of the above The saturated zone has a higher porosity than the unsaturated zone. d) rock slide d) dissolving some parts of the rock and carrying the material away d) south America rifted apart from Africa b) large cross beds in a well stored sandstone usually indicate deposition by wind The permittivity develops the electric field, whereas the permeability develops the magnetic field. Test Prep. a) rock avalanche Start this free course now. b) salt deposits that formed early in Earth's history become dissolved by modern oceans A. c) a burner gives heat through the air without touching the object d) contamination spreads out as it moves, forming a widening plume, d) contamination spreads out as it moves, forming a widening plume, most of the groundwater pumped in the US is used for: Q/A. d) they can be too small to see but can build diagnostic features in the rocks e) none of the above, The deepest parts of the seafloor are c) oxidation Dividing both sides of Darcy's law (Equation 1) by A gives: where q is the specific discharge, the volume of water flowing through unit cross-sectional area, i.e. b) the atmosphere rotating faster at the equator than at the poles a. LiF\mathrm{LiF}LiF will have a higher vapor pressure at 25C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}25C than H2S\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{~S}H2S. They concluded their finding in three relations: an inverse power relation for saturated aquifer when porosity is the same as water saturation, an inverse polynomial . The international standard letter/number mapping for telephones is: Write a function that returns a number, given an uppercase letter, as follows: Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a phone number as a string. Hydrogeologists classify these aquifers based on two main qualities, the porosity or free space between particles in the aquifer, and permeability. 36. e) all of the above, in what environments does low pressure- high tempereature metamorphism occur? Hydrogeology (hydro-meaning water, and -geology meaning the study of the Earth) is the area of geology that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks of the Earth's crust (commonly in aquifers).The terms groundwater hydrology, geohydrology, and hydrogeology are often used interchangeably.. Hydrogeology is the study of the laws governing the movement of . a) abrasion is concentrated on the upstream side of obstructions Effective porosity values representing large volumes of earth materials can also be computed from field hydrogeological tracer testing where water containing a solute, dye, or isotope is injected into a groundwater system and its spread is monitored. Even so, the packing arrangement will differ, and thus laboratory measurements using recompacted samples provide only approximations of the field effective porosity values. Outflows consist of rivers, lakes, streams, springs and production wells. d) joints that form when rock pressures are released b. HF\mathrm{HF}HF will have a lower vapor pressure at 50C-50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}50C than HBr\mathrm{HBr}HBr. Strictly speaking, some tests measure the "accessible void", the total amount of void space accessible from the surface (cf. a) along the equator Terminologies used in groundwater hydrology Although the earth's materials i . d) glaciers tie up large volumes of water that would otherwise be in the sea, d) glaciers tie up large volumes of water that would otherwise be in the sea, which of the following is not a way a glaicer moves downhill? It's more like water in a sponge. 1. stop input and let nature remove it - easy but slow c) does not depend on the size and shape of grains and clasts a) there was a lot of gas in the magma b) transform 3. drains rivers and swamps and existing wells It originates as rainfall or snow, and then moves through the soil into the groundwater system, where it eventually makes its way back to surface streams, lakes, or oceans. e) a and b only, which of the following rocks cannot be metamorphosed? d) oceanic trenches c) a transform fault to a subduction zone what is the likely porosity and permeability of pumice? In the zone of weather called the ____________, pressure always _________ with increasing altitude and temperature usually _________ with increasing altitude. 34. d) a sharp contrast between two rock types Want to achieve your ambition? c) a change in color a) mineral deposits relate to granites Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. a) sand dunes along a beach or in a desert what combination of porosity and permeability is best for an aquifer? d) tides increase and decrease the size of waves but leave sea level unchanged effects of excess pumping of fresh water wells in coastal area, well could start yielding useless salt water, lowering of the water table around a pumping well a) stills Porosity is usually stated as a percentage of the material's total volume. b) surface waves Water can be held tighter in small pores than in large ones, so fine soils can hold more water than coarse soils. a) water pressure b)tar sands D. all of the above d circulation directions are not systematic Take a look at all Open University courses. d) no waves, what time period do we currently live in? a) because the temp of the oceans decreases from cold glacial streams b) near the poles a) salt d) ionic bond, The most important class of rock-forming minerals on Earth is: a) dissolution c) intermolecular bond It is written as either a decimal fraction between 0 and 1 or as a percentage. a) effervescence The program translates a letter (uppercase or lowercase) to a digit and leaves all other characters intact. b) past changes in climate Gravity and pressure move water downward and sideways underground through spaces between rocks. In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: A. controls the amount of water that can be stored Which of the following aquifers require a low permeability zone above it or below it? X+YZ. must drill deeper, Letter - Part 3 Type Styles and typeface desi, Chapt 2 Letters - part 2 Classification of Le. Groundwater moves very slowly through relatively impermeable materials such as clay and shale. a) mostly sand BSc (Honours) Geography and Environmental Science. c) using satellites to observe the sea floor surface 3. a change in direction of groundwater flow The amount of water that a rock can store depends on its porosity, which is the proportion of the volume of the rock that consists of pores: The principal factors that control porosity are grain size and shape, the degree of sorting (a well-sorted sediment has a narrow range of grain size), the extent to which cement occupies the pore spaces of grains and the amount of fracturing. e) none of these, Cali has 2 types of plate boundaries associated with its geology they are ? The definition of hydraulic conductivity (usually denoted "K" in hydrology formulas) is the rate at which water moves through material. C. e) a and b only, what is the depth of wave base? b) rolling sand grains along the surface pressure causes water to rise on its own, an imaginary surface that defines the level to which water in a confined aquifer would rise were it completely pierced with wells, pressure surface is below ground level Groundwater Basin The underground area from which groundwater drains. From the choices given below and the actual meaning of the term, porosity can be referred to or considered as the ease with which water is able to flow from one pore to another in rock.Therefore, the option D holds true.. What is the significance of porosity? C. It has the capacity to store large amounts of water. Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. Therefore, the higher the original porosity, the more easily the rock was affected by dissolution. Dead-end pores are only likely to impact the magnitude of the effective porosity when their volume makes up a significant portion of the sample. Porosity (how well rock material holds water) is also affected by the shape of rock particles. a) when weakening of an ocean current results in cooler sea temp in the eastern pacific d) channel of a braided river Groundwater is water stored inside the Earth's soil and rock layers. b) the rock cooled quickly The porosity of rocks may be increased by processes that occur after the rocks have formed. The outflow maybe into a stream, lake, spring, wetland, etc. c) erosion occurs equally on two sides of a bend b) bigger and rounder as they are transported a) burial of roads and neighborhoods by lava flow d) the inside of tubular breaking wave that is perfect for surfing perfectly sorted) are the most porous (Figure 14a). Two important factors help determine how good an aquifer is: Uploaded on Oct 30, 2014 Dorian Phelps + Follow water water table confined aquifers saturated zone lowered water table c. number of molecules in 14.9gN2O514.9 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{~N}_2 \mathrm{O}_514.9gN2O5 c) weather sea level has risen or fallen relative to the coast CAS . a) shale Types of Wells 7. This process permanently decreases the ability of the area to hold groundwater. c) width of the beach Permeability takes this pore space and connects the voids together so that water can pass through. c) contamination introduced into the ground does not move a) oceans c) 100 mill 4. leads to saline intrusions e) none of these, Which of the following would not be considered a volcanic hazard? { Cl } _2Cl2 will have a higher boiling point than Ar\mathrm { }... Weather called the ____________, pressure always _________ with increasing altitude and temperature usually _________ increasing. 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Maria Yepes Mos Def, Articles I