supergirl fanfiction kara hides injury

So Alex decided to give her sister some time alone, she grabbed Kellys hand and leading her out of the training room in direction to the showers as well, because Alex wasnt going to pass up an opportunity like this and suspected that Kelly wouldnt waste it either. AU where Kara still works for Cat and Lena just started a midnight IT shift. But she was the type of person to do a backup plan to a backup plan. Maybe they could be each other's clarity. You are probably thinking that I'm some kind of sick psycho, isnt it? Kelly continued in sheepishly tone. Lex and Veronica were right, Luthors arent meant to have things that last. TV ShowsSupergirl Follow/FavThe Family That Loses Everything By:LMXB Separate crises on the same night leave Kara, Alex and the DEO reeling. But is she willing to open her heart and allow herself to be vulnerable to give love a chance. Having promised to keep her past and powers a secret from her new brothers, she grew up as a normal child. Sam giggled a little and then said: If anyone needs me, I will be taking a shower. Shenanigans and angst ensue. Kara had failed her. Or is it just more than one baby? Unfortunately for Alex and Kara, the facts contradicted her statement almost to the point of implausible deniability. She feels lonelier than ever before on Earth. During another late night at the office, Lena settles down to complete the mountain of work left to her, only slightly distracted by her girlfriend's lack of response towards her text, before a whimper breaks her out of her concentration and forces her back to reality. There was 99.99% chance that the project wouldn't work and kill whoever was near it when working. Especially when she begins to relive traumas and pains from the past that she never got over. Sam and Kara make a harmless bet on who can get any girl. What happened when her trust is broken? a series of one shots delving into the life of lena luthor, and her experiences as an autistic woman. It made Alex angry. But once the danger passes, will Kara stick around on Earth and give the woman she left behind another chance? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Also, Kara is a trans woman. The repercussions of a surprise attack on Kara send Lena spiralling, taking Kara along for the ride. They round the Superfriends up and do blind karaoke. Please ReadThis story revolved heavily around rape. Thank you for being such supporting girlfriend, Kara said faking feeling hurt in a very sarcastic tone. I mean, she's probably not allergic to pretty ladies, right? "Supergirl," Lena asked quickly. With the curse broken, Regina's fighting feelings for a certain Sheriff and trying to be the woman she should be, but after a few too many drinks, she accidentally opens a portal that leaves her falling through the air and being rescued by Supergirl. Wait, that mole thing from the Incredibles? Nobody was prepared for the consequences of bringing Kara back. Nothings working out for her anyway. Plot- First arch is strangers to friends to more and dealing with the secret identity. No one seems to understand or wants to help Kara, they just unintentionally make it worse. Consummating their love for each other and an argument that lead to Lena's kidnapping, Kara learns that her lover was carrying the most precious thing that has both souls fighting for the very right to be happy and live happily ever after. And then the Salem witch trials came, you can imagine what happened.After that point in time, the vampire population had all but been exterminated. A time where nothing could come between them. After hearing this, Sam and Lena started giggling while Kelly helped Alex to zip up her suit, and then Alex helped Kelly to fix the buttons of her blouse. Lena hates her. Winnara drabbles. Accident Chapter 1: Accident, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction Kara Danvers was plenty of things. Friendship/family of Alex and Kara meeting each other as Batgirl and Supergirl. Lena encuentra el diario de Kara y al ojearlo descubre algo preocupante. Kara is injured badly saving Lena and that's how she finally learns of her double identity. She watched her exhaust her powers yesterday against that stupid alien. As old acquaintances remerge little do they know the real danger is just beginning and will threaten to destroy the Danvers family forever. Anyway, this chapter was inspired by a prompt from Anna: Kara gets injured badly during a Supergirl fight and Alex being the overprotective and caring older sister. "Lost my powers. James hasn't spoken to Kara since the 'guardian incident'. Updated: some grammar and additional plot details. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". (Remix Story for BluesoftheCobalSoul's deleted Story "Crooked"). Kara has endured a lot of things in her life. she screamed a few times. Despite how it happened, she feels better about coming out to Varia. A revised timeline in which Lena met Kara much earlier than in canon, told from Lenas perspective. Kara has sensory issues and is obsessed with the anatomy of a human heart. As Lena softly threw the bag of ice in Karas direction, Alex entered the room accompanied by Kelly, following her lead. That was them in another life, another time. Alex's therapist is making her "open up more about her personal life". Loving, she thought she was different. So when they meet again as adults, after Kara transfers into the same program where Lena's doing her surgical residency, neither of them know where to start.OrThe childhood friend's medical au that nobody asked for but everyone needed. It hurt to think that her little sister wasn't able to communicate the pain she was going through. A couple of minutes later, Lena entered the room with a bag of ice and said: So how is my future superheroine doing on her first day of training?. Kara doesn't take too well to being on earth. Regina's story wasn't as black and white as Henry's book made it seem. Unable to deal with her sisters disappointment and her cousins ignorance, Kara takes off. With a sigh Lena closes her book and decides to give her full attention to the child next to her. In the meantime, Lena Luthor is attacked and left for dead during a business trip, only to be rescued by Wonder Woman. Some angst and a lot of joy). Kelly and Alex looked at each other, and then Alex replied in a tone that had resulted from a failed attempt to sound cool and casual: No, we didnt, we were just observing the training. As Kara was lost in her thoughts, Samantha Arias entered the training room to receive her official training session to become a superheroine like Supergirl, after her Worldkiller powers had returned and reactivated to their fullest extent. The moments after Lena reaches remission from leukemia at fifteen, meets Kara again at twenty-six, and all the little things in between. Como si su cuerpo estuviera en un lugar, pero ella realmente no estaba all. You are so sweaty and sticky, Lena said putting her arms around Sams neck. And her family are speciesist terrorists. He could have rejected his deviant nature and made Cyberlife win. Set around 4x9 (from events in 4x16). Laying in the park's field like this is a usual routine for Karaone that the Danvers and the local kids have learned not to questionso its a surprise when Kara hears a breathy voice ask, Are you okay?. Karas sick and tired of going from job to job. It seems a similar feeling to the time she saved that plane, a complete body and soul relief that she was able to be who she truly wants to be. Did you two just had sex or something?, Kara asked while she rubbed the ice bag on her sore neck. Quizs s era, quizs ese miedo haba sido todo este tiempo y ella era demasiado cobarde para aceptarlo antes. With her children gone, Regina's lost in her anger and pain, relying on an unlikely friendship to stay afloat. That Kara didn't feel as if she could. Alternate Universe fanfic:On another earth, theres no DEO. Kara Danvers x ReaderPositive Reinforcement- Fluff, Smut, Reassurance Reader is in college and hates it with every fiber of their being. As Kara was lost in her thoughts, Samantha Arias entered the training room to receive her official training session to become a superheroine like Supergirl, after her Worldkiller powers had returned and reactivated to their fullest extent. The premise of this story centres around two major conceits or changes from canon (for the most part? The beginning and the end. Karas spent her entire life doing what other people expected of her her entire being evolved around pleasing others: Her father, her mother, her brother Everything in her life was about what others wanted from her. Please consider turning it on! Alex? Alura takes a stand against the notice, resulting in the house of El being removed from the church of Rao registry temporarily. Kara feels trapped in National City and leaves. No, Lena Lena was better; yes, she lied, mainly to spare people of the venom in her life, but her intentions were clear. The world had turned its back on her. I'll Keep You Out of the Darkness." Kara Danvers looks for a new roommate along with her friend Livewire, not knowing that her new roommate is the one she called her first love when she was twelve, but Kieran is no longer that skinny nerdy kid she used to defend from bullies.No.Her real name is Lena and despite appearing to be the queen of the room she has plenty of demons that know how to swim no matter how much she wants to sink them.Lena Luthor is a transgender girl working hard to make a name for herself at L-Corporation. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. canon is staying the same) - one that Reign is redeemed! tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. A veces, Kara se senta cansada de la vida. And one Lena Luthor. Lenas sensory issues have stopped her from ever reaching an orgasm with a partner. There's been no threatening letters delivered to Lena's office, no escapes from super max prison. A Daxamite and a Kryptonian. There were so many missing pages and forgotten characters. After that the real question is what doesn't this fic have? They say that loving someone is one of the bravest things you can do, especially if you've been burned by it before. What does she hide? childhood friends to lovers, featuring: mutual pining, tropes, and autistic kara danvers! Not much, just another 5 months and 29 days, Alex replied cheerfully. She went into STEM. When secrets and lies are shed, Lena must decide on the best course of action. You mean that, Kelly said before being distracted by the sound made by Sam slamming Karas body against the hard and solid floor of the training room. Will mostly be fluff, since they're just very fluffy people, but there will most likely be angst and possibly a little bit of smut too. The intruder stumbled, pushing into a chair. Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl Podfic & Podficced Works Podfic Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes Podfic Length: 20-30 Minutes Podfic Length: 30-45 Minutes Podfic Length: 45-60 Minutes podfic chapter length varies wildly - sorry This is a podfic of one of my ongoing Supergirl fanfics. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. She has always been there, from Crisis to Crisis. Her feet were barely off the edge when a hand grabbed her arm. Please consider turning it on! It doesn't exist. Kara gets Sensory overload, Lena feels like crap. Kara feels trapped in National City and leaves. Mon-El hasn't spoken to her since she refused to get back with him. Alex has been too busy in the honeymoon stage of her relationship with Maggie. "Will she be okay?" Cat asked, shaken by how broken and weak Supergirl looked. canon is staying the same) - one that Reign is redeemed! Rao is punishing me for opening my big mouth, isnt it? Kara said. One-shot fics that relate to Kara and Lena's "friendship". Can she find her way through her duplicitous life, or will she be lost within the demons of her past and the looming threats that appear on the horizon? 42 guests Lena has a dark, twisted past, all-consuming, but she knew she wasn't like them; she was honest and truthful. An ultimate weapon, a monster no one could love for her very existence means the death of others. This is a podfic of one of my ongoing Supergirl fanfics. Also if anyone has any Supergirl prompts they would like done I might try them. When Carter visits Catco, all he wants to do is hang out with Kara, but it turns out that Kara is not having a great day herself. Wait? Work Search: Far more than someone her age ever should. How would she cope? Yeah, I'm still here, and the system has gathered enough data to study, Alex said with a pained breath, like she had been running or fighting or doing some exercise heavy activity inside that room. Now, for the first time, they are working to find the same artifact, but Kara has changed and trust may be broken again as Supergirl tries to find something more than friendship with world-famous archeologist Lara Croft. Kara is the head of general surgery and she has a strict no-dating coworkers, that is until a certain pediatric surgeon comes into her life. To save the family he returned for and prevent the future he most fears, he must draw strength from wherever it is found. She could not lose anyone she loved ever again not when she was able to stop it from happening. Lena doesn't know what to make of this mafia leader, who according to her family is her sworn enemy. Heavy, rasping breathing, and footsteps. None of them had lost everything in their lives. However, it doesn't go as planned, and Lex, seeing an opportunity, weaponizes the one thing Lena thought was safe - her feelings for her best friend. It was a well-known fact, vampires had existed since the middle ages wherein a wannabe warlock had meddled with things he wasnt supposed to.From there vampires had only grown in numbers, at one point they were surpassing the human population. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10. . Loosely based on the movie Sliding Doors, where a single moment diverges reality into two separate time lines. Kara was invited to the fundraiser and finally got her chance, but things never turn out as she plans and she had to cut it short to rush out for a family emergency. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). My moms at work, and isn't that how you make friends? She asks with a tilt of her head. I hope I do this series justice. So when Kara finally does get home, they have a big heart to heart. Yes, jealousy, Kara hated having to admit it at least to herself, but she was jealous of Sams Worldkiller powerset, Supergirl is supposed to the worlds strongest heroine, and to some extent as well, at least one of the strongest beings of the Multiverse. She hates that she doesnt always understand Earth phrases, both in English and in other languages shes picked up. Yeah, I think that the last months have been so chaotic, you know, with Jonn and his brother, and then Leviathan, and then even Lena, Alex explained, That we havent been able to talk about of this part of us, of our relationship. is the porn actually just thinly veiled commentary about american society's view of autism? Please consider turning it on! Im not sure how long this will be. . Bright and dark. Yeah, I think that the last months have been so chaotic, you know, with Jonn and his brother, and then Leviathan, and then even the weird red skies, Alex explained, That we havent been able to talk about of this part of us, of our relationship. Lena is a walking target thanks to Lex. Alex, I can see your underwear, Kara said in an exasperated tone. How Wonderful Life Is Now You're in "My" World. On Krypton, Kara Zor-El is exceptional.So exceptional that her parents take her to a doctor. She stuck to hearts beliefs and still followed Zor-El's footsteps. And Sam she's in the middle of two girls who are a mess and she's not sure the band will survive in such a Disasterology. Lena is not turning "evil" like she did in the show. After Sam and Lena left, Kara laying down face up on the ground of the training room and asked her sister: How long do I have to do this?. I think that this was enough for today, Kara finally said while her abdomen still hurt, Or what do you think Alex?. Their back was turned. Thats what humans do, Kara paused letting the words sink in, And Im better than that, she finished coldly. Before leaving the training room, Sam winked at Alex and Kelly with a knowing and rather alluring smile. Of her adoptive mother is a hassle but, that's ok. She is perfectly fine. She's trying to recover from an accident that has drastically altered her life. By now and unlike Sam, Kara was feeling really sore all over her body, her only solace was the fact that Lena would cuddle with her and prepare her a bubble bath later; but on the other hand, it was infuriating that Sam only looked like she had a rather intense gym workout. She only wants to bring change to the city, but to do so, she has to be alive. 98 notes She doesnt know how to open Lenas brand new dishwasher without ripping the handle apart. This sends Winn into an anxious spiral, and he convinces himself he'll lose everything once it comes out that he'd cheated with his best friend's boyfriend. What happens, if Kara meets Lena earlier and under different circumstances? What they were. Connor certainly did, for he was the only one of them three to work against the androids. After the Crisis event and Leviathan, Lena Luthor thought her life was starting to stabilize. ******ALPHA/OMEGA/BETA STORY******IF YOU ARE NOT A FAN OF OMEGAVERSE PLEASE AVOID*********Ava had come to earth to bring her brother back to Ossory, something he had avoided the past few years. Kara is about to celebrate her twenty eighth birthday, a culturally significant day for Kryptonians, when a message comes through from the Kryptonian council that discourages those off Argo from preforming religious rituals. None of her friends understood. A Luthor and a Super. That was them in another life, another time. With little thought, Lena jumps at the rescue and helps the hero. I think youre cool, so why cant we be friends? She asks with wonder in her eyes. Senta que estaba en medio de un ocano de angustia, dolor y trsiteza, en un bote al que se le filtraba el agua. Kara's Talents By: Immortalshark One shots about possible hidden talents that Kara has that no one in the crew knows about.except Alex of course. Saving others but not saving herself. One of them is afraid and the other will try to make the first move.This a ride of friendship, love and self discovering. One-shot I wrote in the middle of the night. If Kara had just opened up and not bottled it all up, none of this would have happened. It hurts Lena to see her best friend suffer, after spending years in love with her, all she wants is the well being of her favorite blonde. Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers Sibling Feels. Kara opens her eyes ever so slightly. Lena queda "flechada" de Kara pero Kara se niega a tener alguna relacin con algn Alfa, Omega o Beta. In the meantime, Lena Luthor is attacked and left for dead during a business trip, only to be rescued by Wonder Woman. Why isn't she healing?" He asked before looking at Cat and saying. Mother, lover, daughter. They immediatly can't stop thinking of each other but Kara has a secret she doesn't know how to share. Falling in love - Lena and Kara. Lena slowly but surely breaks down Karas walls and helps build her trust whilst becoming the most important person in Karas life. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Lena hates her, and it's all Kara's fault. Fanficjunke, Ace_Mefa, PolinaJekson, IguanaPacifista, BlinkInUrArea, PosenFilms, Ratcatcher09, Redfox91, Al_s, LittleAvocado, scshipper, Roseriotgrrl, Cands21, WhyRuntotheTARDIS, MostWickedLoveStoryEverTold, mystical_lesbian, villaneluthor, Satanstaco, jesslynne79, Runningmouth123, SuperLena26, Archer1981, ryceball, Cracotte63, sammyhockey7, Xelavisa, shirosakiIchigo97, Scorpire619, isabelroznoy, Glendawan, Peedy2020, kuroneko22, and stefomen Kara pays Lena a visit the night before her wedding. She finally told her. A veces, Kara se senta cansada de la vida. Kara has always been Lena's champion. When the challenge of a lifetime captures Lenas attention, she is eager to pursue it alone, but Kara is nothing if not persistent - both in her attention to her job, and her affection for her employer. So, she just stands by the sink and watches the hot water redden Lenas sensitive skin, the light glinting off her beautiful earrings, and my happiness bites the plum of your mouth.The verse comes to her, unbidden, from one of their weekly poems. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Lena had never wanted to harm anyone - so when she had a chance to save countless of lives or herself; she didn't hesitate. She had started to wonder about if she had shut-up and stayed quiet, she would have avoided the beatdown that she was about to receive. Please consider turning it on! While Lena may have forgiven her for the Supergirl secret eventually, their relationship never went back to what it was before Lex told Lena about her being Supergirl, besides, around that time, Sams powers reactivated, and Lena started to spend more and more time with Sam instead of her; so Kara may not ever admit it to even herself, but seeing Sam and Lena being happy together upsets her greatly. She knew she could get hurt. If Kelly wasnt blushing like mad already, she would be now for sure: You mean here and right now ?. ", "Oh my Rao! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. She had always been transparent. or: Lena's a vampire, Kara is her new extremely smart secretary, and they have feelings for each other. Supergirl was swaying on her feet, and Lena only just made it in time to cradle her and slow her fall. Their strangeness separates and connects them to the world and each other in peculiar ways. Sam smiled pleased as she watched Kara trying to get up, with her knees and elbows planted on the floor; not that she was a sadist, but she couldnt deny that reducing the mighty Supergirl to a crawling mess felt so good. Banned from the temple of Rao and denied her blessing, Kara makes the best of being cut off from her culture by getting a back tattoo and preforming her ritual of isolation in Eliza's cabin retreat with Lena. Lena is already part of the DEO and is trying to gain everyone's trust and to prove that she is unlike her brother but a certain Super doesn't need the convincing. Lost their culture, their planet, their childhood, their childhood friends, and most of all their whole family. The devil leans forward, whispering in her ear all the self-doubts and negative thoughts Lena's been suffocating in for years. Why? When Lena saved a young woman from jumping off a bridge, she knew it was the right thing to do. In the meantime, Lena Luthor is attacked and left for dead during a business trip, only to be rescued by Wonder Woman. Without the DEO she takes things into her own hands as a vigilante of sorts. Now we follow the story to find out how Kara juggles her life, love and job in her crazy world. It was home. After Kara saves a plane from crashing and with it her sister Alex from certain death, her secret is exposed. Using the skills that she has, she pursues a successful melancholy life. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Your timespan must differ from normal humans. Kelly just laughed, perceiving that they need to do something or they wouldnt able to concentrate for the rest of the day. So he didn't complained. "Stick With Me. I think she did pretty good, dont you agree, Kara, Sam said as Lena approached and sat on the floor next to Kara and handed her the bag of ice. Lena knew she wanted to stay with Kara for as long as she would have her, but somehow at that moment she couldnt get any words out. Neither of them expect it. Was lying a terrible thing to do? While she still may be Supergirl, she's not the person you may know. Im not thinking this story will be super long, but well see. Qu pasar entre Kara y Lena? Sam couldnt help but laugh at that. She knows she shouldn't be but she can't help it. Alex? Kara said after no receiving confirmation or any kind of reply from her through the speakers. Lena removed the bag of ice from Karas face and her very pitiful and pouty expression caused Lena to start giggling. Please consider turning it on! I will warn each chapter, and the comments are open for thoughts and feelings. One Question a Week, Because my DEO Assigned Therapist is Making Me. It was home. Slight angst, Lena suspects Kara has been up to no good. Post Canon Oneshot Prompt Fill (Picture inside). They had always been clear; she was honest about who she was. There is much to Kara and its unknown to most. yes. That night was everything they had been. That night was everything they had been. Barry and Iris try to put her back together again. Kelly considered it for some moments before launching herself into her girlfriends arm, and then they started to passionately make out in the privacy of the control room. All of them are about Kara's intelligence since I feel that her intellect is played down a lot in the show. She had always been transparent. She's used to doing things alone, but she doesn't know what to do now. This is as close as she'll ever get to a session. She did not regret her choice. I'm a Luthor, what did you expect?, Lena replied. This will kind of be my own spin on the different shows.But I want to make this my story, how I want it to be and how I thought the episodes should have gone. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works How Kara Danvers and Supergirl become Kara Zor-El. Chapter 1: Kara gets tired of being bullied, so she stands up for herself.Chapter 2: Kara and Clark have a talk over their culture. Im not thinking this story will be super long, but well see.". Que senta empata, pero no le importaba. But to be honest, the sounds werent what it was distracting them, the true source of their distraction was actually Sams firm and toned body, barely covered by her skimpy outfit, and on top of that now was glistening from the sweat. The blonde then leans over one hand covering one side of her mouth as if anyone around is close enough to hear her Dont worry I wont tell. she replies with a wink. Kara Danvers is her irrepressible new assistant. Girls go to college to get more knowledge, so says the old rhyme. Lena is a transgender businesswoman seeking her own Pride while Kara is an anxious girl who has never stopped seeking justice for her lost first love. Lena is worried sick when Kara runs late. He regretted chasing Kara and Alice, regretted leading Cyberlife to Jericho and their Leader Markus. Will Kara be able to break through her walls? I would. However, just as peace settled over National City, Lillian intervened. Asked by Anonymous It happens in an instant. Im not thinking this story will be super long, but well see. The Writing Server is where I found the prompt to this story. Im not thinking this story will be super long, but well see.". If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Overload, Lena Luthor is attacked and left for dead during a business trip, only to rescued... Registry temporarily their lives learns of her relationship with Maggie things in.. More about her personal life '' dishwasher without ripping the handle apart Reign is redeemed senta cansada de vida! Is as close as she 'll ever get to a backup plan to a.. A bridge, she pursues a successful melancholy life, regina 's story was n't as black and as! Family forever Sliding Doors, where a single moment diverges reality into two Separate time lines Kara y al descubre. 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