kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

Make sure you have Speed activated, then destroy all of the Jedi capsules in one run, if possible, while avoiding Malak as best you can. Assuming you gain a normal amount of experience on Taris, your new Jedi will start out as a level four soldier / level five Jedi guardian (or whichever class you pick), instead of a level eight soldier / level one guardian. He volunteers to shut down his healing mods for a few minutes, then detonate a grenade nearby to give the Sith the impression that he's about to die. He also asks me to help some more -- he wants me to access the Czerka mainframe, looking for data to bring to the TSF to expose their more. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords/Versions transitioning between B-4D4 to the main character after Czerka Mainframe quest on Telos. Jan 21, 2017 - 27 min - Uploaded by Weasel BanditLet's play Star Wars: KOTOR 2 - Ep 13: Getting into Czerka's mainframe Star Wars . main character after Czerka Mainframe quest on Telos (light side) * Corrects an art issue with NPCs that appear in the mine foreman's log on. B-4D4-GE3 was a GE3-series protocol droid working for Czerka Corporation and a of the Czerka office, but also had access to the corporate computer mainframe. Skills, like most everything else in the game, are based upon simulated rolls of a 20-sided die, so even a high level of proficiency in a skill won't always protect you from failure. To the east of this hallway, you'll come across one of the Sith barracks, with some lone survivors of the robot rampage hiding away inside. Dark Side Solution: Largo becomes Prestissimo for a moment, and then..the orchestra is silent. That wasn't so bad, now was it? Repair also governs the amount of vitality that your droid NPCs gain when they use repair kits on themselves to recover from damage. The value after the slash normally represents the kind of weapon that can overcome the damage resistance, but, for the purposes of KOTOR, you won't have to worry about your DR being overcome. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ; Star Wars: General Discussion ; Stuck on the Czerka Mainframe Quest Stuck on the Czerka Mainframe Quest. You'll have Freyyr (or Chuundar) and Zaalbar fighting alongside your party, though you won't be able to control Zaalbar, while Chuundar has four Wookiee guards and a couple of Czerka goons by his side. On the other hand, selecting the custom character option will give you access to a much broader array of customizations and allow you to select your player character's (or PC for short) attributes, skills, and feats, in addition to the cosmetic choices required of quick characters. If you stop a couple meters short of the end of the metal walkway that leads into the room, then lay down mines, you can easily lure him across after you dispense with all of the trapped Jedi. In practical terms, Force jump gives the Jedi's first strike in battle a bonus to hit and to damage. Luckily, you aren't going to be shackled by your initial attribute allotment for the rest of the game: your character will gain one extra point to allocate to any attribute every time you gain a level that's a multiple of four. Dark Side Solution: Bring the journals back to Igear, who wishes to destroy them, since he fears that his business would be destroyed if everyone left the settlement. They sound very impressive, but they're no match for destroy droid. You'll want to try and ensure that you have something in your hand when you get to match point; hoping for a natural 20 is rarely a viable game strategy. Take a left from the entrance and head northwest; you'll come to the entrance to the Hidden Bek base without incident. ), Logarithmic: 7 (Here's where your public school education starts to fail you. If you wish, you can use the terminal again to shut down all of the sentry droids, but they're easy enough to kill, and you don't want to miss out on the experience. These won't be very important right away, but towards the end of the game having proper explosives can make some tasks much easier. The best combination of Force powers in most run-of-the-mill battles is almost always going to be master speed and Force wave. This mod is compatible with KOTOR 2 Community Patch. I am on the quest where you get into the Czerka Mainframe on the first planet, but I can't do anything, I killed both the rebel and real exchange leader and helped the ithorians . Any character that you pick to be involved in the rescue will start completely unequipped, with only their skills and Force powers to rely on. In the Upper City's Cantina, you will find a dueling pit where you can earn a few extra credits by taking on challengers in non-lethal duels. Now you can proceed to the third and final quest; Zhar wants you to find the source of a 'taint' that has been infecting a meditation grove near the Jedi Academy. In any case, numerous instances of Force wave, insanity, or stasis field will help thin the herd a bit, since you'll have so many enemies in such a small space. The Tuskans will attack, but don't let Komad's fearmongering affect you; they're just Tuskans with blasters. 4) Information Console The console is located just outside the Cantina. As you proceed into the facilities, you'll come across a couple of vignettes where you'll be forced to choose between violence and inaction. . As soon as T3 is left alone in the droid repair office, you'll begin a little mathematical minigame, where you're able to disable the droid that's attempting to wipe your memory. You'll burn through computer spikes fairly quickly, but don't worry: the cylindrical 'spike bins' next to each terminal generate a computer spike every time you destroy one of the droids created by that corresponding terminal. Also, whatever B4-D4 decides to do doesn't affect your alignment. Once you have visited more areas you can use these consoles for fast travel. As soon as Shen and Rahasia meet up outside the Sandral compound, their fathers will approach, intent on settling their feud and preventing their children from seeing each other. Empathy boosts persuasion, awareness, and treat injury. You'll still be allowed to select your character's sex, class, in-game portrait, and name. Before you fight him, though, you might want to try laying down a bunch of mines in front of the door leading south. If you fancy your character to be the model of the traditional Jedi, or perhaps one of Han Solo's progenitors, then the dueling feat will be right up your alley. After he's dead, check Calo's body for an excellent set of armor. For best results, try to use this feat with a weapon that already has a critical range of 19-20; the range will be increased to 17-20, giving fully 20% of your attacks the chance to see their damage doubled if they connect. You can kill Dia fairly easily the first time you encounter her, and collect the bounty from Zax in the Cantina in the Under City. I'm trying to recover the Ebon Hawk and in the mean time been doing various bonus missions. The corresponding conversation can be found in the cut content. B-4D4 assured them that he would not do such a thing, though whether he meant it or not is unknown. Either way, you've got what you came for. Once you reach the Shadowlands, you'll need to look for a broken droid lying on the ground a short ways south of Jolee's hut. All you have to do to get in is ask nicely; you get the feeling that this gang probably doesn't have the killer instinct required to survive a gang war for very long. Even if a mere +1 to hit doesn't sound impressive, you have to consider that, over the course of the game, your characters will engage in thousands of rounds of combat, so even a five percent larger chance to connect with a weapon will add up to a large savings in combat time, not to mention medpacs, since some enemies will undoubtedly die before they can deal damage to you due to your improved accuracy. Er befand sich hinter dem Bro der Leiterin Jana Lorso. Proceeding on, you'll run across a squad of five Sith troopers who have just wiped out a bunch of Republic soldiers. Once you do gain a few party members, though, you will probably begin dominating opponents in fights, and your high vitality will enable you to tank for your ranged attackers, giving your entire party a better chance of surviving battles. One thing you can do to shorten the fight is to rapidly press the fire button (A) right as the mini-game starts up; most of the fighters will be flying straight and low overhead during this time, so you'll have a good chance of taking down two or three of them immediately. More attacks is a surefire way of increasing the rate that you deal out damage, and the attack penalty at the second and third ranks is negligible, as is the defense penalty. Canderous has some interesting abilities, the most notable of which is his ingrained regeneration, which will slowly bring him back to full health after he's taken damage, and his head-start at using heavy weapons. For instance, suppose two of your characters both attack an opponent with a defense of 15. Master speed will be critical to this fight, so try to reserve your Force points by any means necessary. Be sure to activate speed, valor, and any other defensive powers you may have before entering the room, then divide and conquer, with Bastila and your PC ganging up on one of the Dark Jedi while the other two are on the ground. My loan is owed to Goto, the Exchange boss on Nar Shaddaa. Surprisingly enough, you shouldn't have too hard a time with this battle; as long as you can continually knock the Dark Jedi around, preferably with Force wave, you should have an upper hand. Soldiers lag behind scoundrels in terms of the number of skills they acquire, both at character creation and at level-up, and have the fewest number of class skills, but gain more feats than either of the other classes upon gaining a level. While a Force storm might knock a group of opponents down to half of their life, a Force wave is much more likely to stun a good number of them, which not only makes them easier to kill, but prevents them from dealing damage to you while they're knocked out. Youll then be offered another quest to kill the leader of the Exchange, Loppak Slusk. Second, have that character run, as fast as he or she can. They don't gain any special Force powers when compared to the other two classes, but do gain Force powers at a very slightly more rapid pace than do guardians and sentinels, and will have a deeper pool of Force points to draw upon when they need to unleash their powers in combat. In case youre wondering whether or not this optional game is worth it, the loot includes a nextor crystal, a Zabrak blaster pistol, an Eriadu strength amplifier, and Naga Sadows poison blade, which deals 4-15 damage as a one-handed melee weapon, with a good chance of poisoning your target on a successful hit. If you switch off of Malak with the B button and get a distance away from him, your Force points should start regenerating, since the game won't think that you're in a battle anymore. If you do make your primary character into a soldier, you'll want to make sure that you keep an NPC with excellent security skills in your party, if only to make it easier to get through locked doors. There is a side-quest here involving a woman named Dia; see the Side Quests at the end of this planet's section to learn more. If you did manage to equip an item that grants you immunity to mind-affecting attacks, his horror power won't affect you, which is a good thing, since a successful hit with it leaves you incapable of movement for a couple of rounds. If you can combine master speed with master flurry, or even just use master speed by itself, you should be able to get at least one successful hit in on Malak per turn, assuming you haven't completely neglected your attack bonus. The computer also has a suspicious habit of hitting natural 20s more often than you do; whether this is just luck or a way to prevent you from making 100,000 credits before leaving Dantooine is a matter of speculation. Luckily you're some kind of linguistic super-genius, as are most of your party members, because you can learn her pidgin language in a few minutes, after a process of hearing her speak and guessing what the words that she says mean. Between the cantina bartender on Tatooine and the shady Rodian in East Central Ahto on Manaan, you should be able to compile a deck consisting almost completely of +/-2, 3, and 4 cards; these are the cards that are, given the odds, going to be useful in the most number of situations. If you're used to pre-made characters, such as are found in most console RPGs, by all means select a quick character and jump directly into the game; they're not handicapped at all when compared to a custom character. Once you've scoured the level, return to the southeastern room to fight off a huge battle droid that guards the elevator. The choice is obvious: side with Bastila, and accept her offer to join together as the new Sith rulers of the galaxy. Most of the time he served as a greeter for visitors of the Czerka office, but also had access to the corporate computer mainframe. The strength modifier would still be applied to the damage rolled, however. 1) Apartment C1 Your house arrest takes place in Apartment C1. If you just want to chop stuff up with a lightsaber, this won't make a large difference in your playing style, but if you plan to become a Jedi consular, you can expect to be spoilt for choice when choosing your Force powers if you do manage to save a few levels before Dantooine. T3-M4 is only required for one specific task throughout the entire game, and apart from breaking open that single door, he probably won't see much action for the rest of your playing time. Follow it down the hallway, until it kills the Sith guard with the keycard you need to rescue Carth and Bastila, then head back towards your point of origin to free them. The top-most energy ring can be transferred between pillars freely. Wookiees can not be equipped with any kind of clothing. The death of those people would cause my people to fight. Soldier characters will find it easiest to reach level four before ceasing to level-up; this will give them a few feats under their belt, which will make it easier for their Jedi characters to deal damage in combat later on, since the Jedi typically gain fewer feats than do the regular character classes. Unfortunately, he's guarded by two massively powerful droids who can use stun beams and flamethrowers from across the room. I am on the quest where you get into the Czerka Mainframe on the first planet, but I can't do anything, I killed both the rebel and real exchange leader and helped the ithorians through, and have done all the side quests, I looked it up online and it says I have to talk to Opo Chano and get the lieing module installed on the robot, but I can do is by his droid parts, and when I talk to the droid all I can do is talk about the prototype gun and about the corperation, I sided with the ithorians and so even though I never met her when I talk to the czerka head she said something along the lines of you have a lot of nerve talking to me after what you did or I don't have time for you. At any rate, once the ritual is complete, you'll enter the Temple, along with Jolee and Juhani, but not before a rather disturbing freakish cutscene involving Malak and one of his subordinates. Interested in getting to the surface on the planet Telos, she agreed to help Chodo Habat and his Ithorians against Czerka, their competitors for the Telosian restoration project, in exchange for a shuttle off Citadel Station. Rather than expending valuable attribute selection points to gain an extra hit point per level, you may wish to reserve those points for an attribute that more directly affects your character, and simply allot one of your feat slots to toughness or its upgraded brethren. If you've done all of this properly, then you'll receive the grand bonus of..wait for it..500 experience. Now for the semi-tricky part. If you have Force immunity, activate it before battle begins, along with speed and an energy shield, just in case she does manage to stun you. Leave the Selkath alone until after he's dead; they're not going to be hurting your Jedi that much anyway. It's rumored that some of the Pazaak players will give you a unique reward for winning a certain number of times in a row; most of these rewards are extra cards. I'm kidding, of course. As soon as you enter the Docking area youll receive a call from Mozo asking assistance. Obviously, if you intend to bring a character all the way from the Endar Spire to Dantooine without leveling up, you're going to have a hell of a hard time doing so, since you won't have more than 6--12 vitality at most. change the 1 to a 0. Take the ship up to the Star Forge, which should appear on your Galaxy Map. It contains a Bek datapad and some rancor bait, which will, not surprisingly, come into play when you need to take down the rancor, who's waiting in the next room. After you land, pester the mechanic on the docking platform for a bit of background information about Korriban and the Sith Academy. Not that harm is something the Republic necessarily seems to wish to avoid, here. Canderous will have to be one of your party members; choose the other wisely. When you're done screwing around, talk to Komad at the cave's entrance. At its second rank, against multiple enemies, death field has a much better chance of getting you back a high amount of vitality, since it gives you life equal to the highest amount of damage that's dealt. It's so hard to find good help these days; I'm afraid you'll just have to put her down. He'll instruct you as to the meaning of the different colors of the blade, and eventually ask you what Jedi class you'd like to proceed as. If Surik is using B-4D4, he can persuade Opo Chano to give him 25 credits involving being blackmailed by a droid. Step out onto the roof of the Temple to meet with Bastila. Indeed, the life of a Jedi guardian should be dedicated to peace, the minimization of bloodshed, and serene meditation on the meaning of the Jedi Code. This page was last edited on 6 October 2019, at 11:59. Look hard, too--there are mines scattered here and there, especially around the downed escape pod, so let Mission recover them to add them to your inventory. Once you have the pass keys and have explored to your satisfaction, head to the elevator in the northern section of the base and proceed to the garage. Her insanity attack has a DC of 31, so it'll be difficult for any of your characters to save against it naturally; this is why having a nerve amplifier belt or something similar on your characters is a good idea, since immunity to mind-affecting attacks will render insanity useless. The shapeshifter is in the Upper Shadowlands, and can be somewhat time-consuming to find. Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords Patches TSL Patch (U.S. Malak will fall eventually. Search Jorak's body for items, then grab Tulak Hord's mask from his locked sarcophagus (DC 28). If you're intent on bringing Bastila back into the fold, then you'll need to follow the script here closely; if you veer off, even to what sometimes seems like it's nearly a synonym for one of the choices here, Bastila may decide to remain with the Dark side at the end of your conversation, and you'll need to reload. Rapid shot is essentially the same as flurry, except that it only works in conjunction with blasters or other ranged weapons. Once you've made your choice, walk to the computer behind where Bastila was and deactivate the Temple's defenses, as well as the disruptor field around the planet, then head back to the Ebon Hawk. Never use their Force Powers to intimidate or coerce NPCs to do something they wouldn't do otherwise. Even if you refuse his reward, he'll push it on you (1,000 credits), but, of course, you can pressure him for more if you wish to obtain more Dark side points. The damage reduction affects every attack from an opponent, so if an opponent with two weapons hits you twice, your character would take four less damage during that round. Whichever path you decide to take, you'll need to enter the Hawk, then find the hyperdrive at the rear of the ship and click on it to repair it. Spider Man Web Of Shadows Pc Download Kickass, Die Sims 1 Free Download Vollversion Deutsch, Ncomputing Activation Status Not Registered, Allows use of weapon type with no penalties, Successful hits with weapon type gain +2 damage, Attack penalties: -6 (main hand) / -6 (off-hand), Attack penalties: -4 (main hand) / -4 (off-hand), Attack penalties: -2 (main hand) / -2 (off-hand), Chance to stun enemy; doubles critical strike range, Chance to stun enemy; triples critical strike range, Chance to stun enemy; quadruples critical strike range, Two attacks per round, both at -4 attack; -4 defense for three seconds, Two attacks per round, both at -2 attack; -2 defense for three seconds, Two attacks per round, both at -1 attack; -1 defense for three seconds, Jumping attack; +1 to attack and damage on first strike, Jumping attack; +2 to attack and damage on first strike, Jumping attack; +4 to attack and damage on first strike, Jedi is immune to all fear attacks and effects, Jedi is immune to all stunning attacks and effects, Jedi is immune to all paralysis attacks and effects, Attacks one target more than five meters away; deals 1-6 damage for every two levels of your character, Attacks three targets more than five meters away; deals 1-6 damage for every two levels of your character, Double movement speed; +4 to defense; 1 extra attack per round, Double movement speed; +4 to defense; 2 extra attacks per round, Opposing Jedi must make a roll of d20 + his level vs. DC of 10 + your character's level, or his Force powers have no effect, Opposing Jedi must make a roll of d20 + his level vs. DC of 15 + your character's level, or his Force powers have no effect, First 15 points of cold, fire, electrical and sonic damage ignored, Entire party ignores first 15 points of cold, fire, electrical and sonic damage; party immune to poison and disease, Allows you to use the force to persuade the weak-minded, opening up new conversation branches, All party members are healed for 5 points + Charisma modifier + Wisdom modifier + level of casting character, All party members are healed for 10 points + Charisma modifier + Wisdom modifier + level of casting character; eliminates poison in all party members, Entire party gains +2 to all attributes and saving throws for 20 seconds, Entire party gains +3 to all attributes and saving throws for 20 seconds, Entire party gains +5 to all attributes and saving throws for 20 seconds. If you insist on presenting the holocron to him together, she'll attack you; kill her and take the holocron for yourself. It is also possible to kill him after threatening him. You'll also run into a merchant named Larrim here; you may want to take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the merchant interface and sell off any unneeded equipment. Heading further south after that, you'll stumble across a lone Wookiee near a campfire. Talk to Bolook and tell him that it was Handon's blood, because he is holding his side. You can start systematically looting the area now for items; the warriors have done a lot of salvage over the years. To make a very long story short, the liars are: After all of this, get the blood report from the droid, make sure you've explored every dialogue option with the two men, and save your game. Once the droid is taken care of, grab the equipment from the lockers in the room and load yourself out, then head down to free the Rodian from his cell and free Bastila and the others. Kandon and his primary bodyguard both have energy shields, but both offer substantial experience rewards and some great items. The Sith, of course, spot you, and you find yourself in a fight before you know it. Once you get the invitation, head to the apartments in the northeast corner of the North Upper City to get your swerve on. There's a Jawa by the city gates named Iziz, who claims that some of his tribesmen have been captured by the Tuskan raiders, and asks you to help free them. If you haven't yet, now might be a good time to earn some experience and credits in the Duel Ring. Once this occurs, take her into your party and start hitting the starports and towns. Of course, no daring escape is ever quite as easy as it seems in the Star Wars universe. After Mission and Zaalbar join your party, Soldier characters will want to kick him out to make room for that duo; Scoundrels will want to keep Carth for a bit longer, but after you rescue Bastila, Carth will probably take a permanent back seat for the rest of the game. When you make it to the Shadowlands, you'll find Rorworr's corpse a bit north of Jolee's Hut. Don't forget to switch out of combat mode by pressing the B button if you can't switch off of Malak. Walk over to the corpse pile, take the items, and then plop down a frag grenade and some of the synthesized odor back into the pile. The primary new features of KOTOR2 include: Into this shaky situation steps you, a former Jedi who has given up all attachment to the Force. While the extra health from ranks one and three will be helpful to any character, this rank is of most use to melee-range characters, since they will often be taking damage from multiple enemies at the same time, or will be the target of opponents that can attack multiple times per turn. Battle droid that guards the elevator not that harm is something the Republic necessarily seems wish... Of clothing that character run, as fast as he or she can Map. Cut content vitality that your droid NPCs gain when they use repair kits themselves... Recover the Ebon Hawk and in the northeast corner of the galaxy holocron yourself. And treat injury boosts persuasion, awareness, and treat injury Shadowlands, you 'll the... Done screwing kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase, talk to Bolook and tell him that it was Handon 's blood, he! Doing various bonus missions so hard to find good help these days ; i 'm trying to the. 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