wellington, kansas city ordinances

Ed.Eden Twp. LUENING FURNITURE CO 212 s Washn tel 90 EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS Crowell J E Mulvane.Go McCormick A M Cicero.Har Telephone 165, Farmers Phone 22 Tegder John B wf Adaline r 422 s H TICHENOR MARY V MRS music studio 1051/2 n Washn r 824 w Harvey L. J. FRENCH C. E. HITCHCOCK R. W. HITCHCOCK Herrington Neva milliner Mrs M A Beckwith rms 124 w 9th Hobbs H F South Haven.S H Wartick T H Oxford.Val Wensel John Caldwell 3.Bl Felt E L Wellington.Jk Tracy R J Argonia.Dix Tyson Jacob Hunnewell.S H Tel. THOMAS F V PROF (Profs Thomas & Thomas) r 117 1/2 n Washn tel 66 78 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. SHIRLIE & CO CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Gas and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing. Davis S H Fletcher B A EYES TESTED FREE. A. Graff, pres; F. E. Carr, vpres; O. C. Knowles, sec; M. R. McLean, treas. 377 105 N. WASHINGTON TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS A. Walton Land Investment Go. Frost Ben Anson.Su Shore A J Belle Plaine 3.Pal MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. Hibberd Ada A r 111 6 s Washn Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Wellington Lodge No. J. Heasty, Milan; A. Zook, Milan; L. B. Cryell, Milan. 123 W. Harvey. Haines E B Portland.Ge B. Your Business Solicited Haines E C Conway Spgs 1Ill Scofield W H Geuda Spgs.Wal Seller I H Peck 1 . Wellington Cement Stone Company One dollar will start an account. Coggins I T Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Cooper Sam Wellington.Jk Cornwell Margaret tchr Third Ward School b 719 n A Fahnestock J T Mulvane.Go 107 Harms Frances r 10th ne cor F Myers Nellie waiter Santa Fe Eating House rms 501 s Jefferson Laughlin Tim Mayfield.Os Burkholz P Argonia.Dix Wellington boasts of three mammoth flouring mills, having a combined capacity of 5,000 barrels of flour per day, finding a market for their products even in foreign lands Lowery G W Conway Spgs..Cr MISS DAVIS MILLINERY Sullivan John distributer rms 311 s Washn WYATT J MELL wf Katherine C sec and treas Wellington Whol Gro Co r 223 n F tel 199 Crenshaw H S MilanJEty Sprague Nellie M r 312 n B Wagner F Mulvane 1.B P Warburton W H Argonia.Dix Outland D A Alexander A G Hall H L Conway Spgs.Con Matthews Harry L wf Cartharine V r 817 n A Roth John 201 s Washn Cox Nettie M stenog Aetna Mills r 510 w Harvey Smith Robt r 210 Lincoln FirstLincoln av. We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business Fansnacht J C Conway Spgs.Spg Kirkpatrick Saml C wf Eva J foreman Aetna Mills r 719 w 3d U. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. McBeth S A Sr Perth.Do AMSDEN LUMBER CO 113 to 123 w Lincoln tel 173 farmers phone 38 G E Dadisman mgr Parsons James Riverdale.Har Fulkerson A Milton.Ed Phone 153 117 1-2 N. Washington Tel, 66 Whitfield C E Wright, R L SADDLERY & HARNESS Hupp C M Mayfield l.Os Pickett R E Ashton.Wal Wellington, Kans. JAS. McOscar J E Caldwell.Falls Cunningham G N Hanson D H One dollar will start an account. Crittenden M D South Haven.S H Counties & Cities of Kansas. A. JENT, DENTIST. Wellington, Kans. Lawson Earl wks Wellington Stm Ldry b 203 n Washn BINDERS, MOWERS AND CREAM SEPARATORS Kirkland A J South Haven.SH Miller A H Perth.Jk CITY DIRECTORY. CITY OF OXFORD, KAS. All Eyes Scientifically Fitted. Runion Harris R student r 1024 s F Superintendent Public WorksM. Craig J E Caldwell.Falls We also Handle all grades of Coal Martin Ernest O wf Ada M engine insp Santa Fe r 1302 e Harvey Surplus Fund, $25,000. W. H. BURKS, CashieW. Kiger B Pearl student r 708 s H Manufacturer of Rectors Horseradish Stringer Wm W hostler W B Seymour rms 205 e Lincoln Kell J T Caldwell.Cald WOLFE RUBY stenog Hunter Milling Co r 507 n C Exchanges a Specialty. Farmers Phone 38. Gruber Sadie E r 207 w 15th Nelson J C Ransom E E Dey J S 105 1/2 n Washn Shoaff Luke I carp Chenoweth & Winger rms 309 s Washn Lowry Nora r 415 s Jefferson MOSBY LINCOLN 401 n Blaine Dunn L C Conway Spgs.Cr Baker E L Burnette J A Shelley J W Vance John ARTISTS BARNETT TURNER wf Sarah D street commissioner r 606 n Jefferson tel 58 Parker Rosa B student r 524 e 7th Parker Saml G wf Ida J r 524 e 7th White Jesse brake Santa Fe rms 402 s Jefferson NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL Smith D A M!ulvane.Go Snyder R Peck 1.B P Hawkins Willie (c) r 814 w 8th Buckholz Gus Udall.Go Hirons Joseph Mayfield 1.Su CENTRALLY LOCATED CLEAN, LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS, 164 Alexander I M Mayfield.Os Miller Margaret Lynn r 1001 s Jefferson J. GARLAND, President. Allen Jacob H retd r 727 s Washn 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Shipman T C Udall.Go Harvey. Cline Chas Conway Spgs.Con Royse Chas Caldwell 3.B1 Satterthwaite L Mulvane.Go Russell Herbert B student r 525 n Jefferson E. Douglass Ernest Caldwell.Falls 120 North Washington =:= Phone 240 130 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Klos Geo Maugheman Wm Ramsey E C Hunnewell.S H Reynolds O E Perth.Do Wellington, Kans. Pennington H D Wellington.Well Cannon Geo South Haven.Ge P. Seventh13th st. Dammann F C Fair C W EMERSON & HARRISON (Dr F G Emerson A L Harrison proprs Marble Block Drug Store 104 s Washn tel 153 W. Hoch. LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. Lumber Dealers Tel. FRENCH, HITCHCOCK & SOM Hubbard Wilbur M student r 1023 e 4th Artman N J Argonia.Dix 111 W. Lincoln. 67 BELSLEY AMOS A Natl Bank of Commerce tel 188 Funk 0 R Lane W L COPYING AND ENLARGING Jackson Andy Porter Ed PHONE 578 BOTH PHONES NO. Ordinance 2015-003: Wellington City Updated Purchase Policy, Ordinance 2015-04: Planning and Zoning Meeting Schedule for 2016, Ordinance 2015-05: City Council Meeting Schedule for 2016, Ordinance 2015-06: Municipal Building Authority Meeting Schedule for 2016, Ordinance 2015-07: Wellington City Water Conservation Plan, Ordinance 2014-01: Planning and Zoning Meeting Schedule for 201, Ordinance 2014-02: City Council Meeting Schedule for 201, Ordinance 2014-03: Municipal Building Authority Meeting Schedule for 201. T. A. Hubbard, H. P.; W. H. Staffelback, K; O. C. Knowles, sec; M. R. McLean, treas. Kelley A L South Haven.Ge Evans W E Loper Dan Ellis Geo W wf Alice N r 622 e Harvey Kennedy Mike Perth.Do Telephone 165, Farmers Phone 22 Keyes A Hayden Miss artist r 402 n Jefferson Fisher W C Dalton.Av HERRICK & HERRICK Spahn W H Weidman John PROFS. McCutcheon R Udall.Go Showman H H Conway Spgs.Spg Bartley J M Wellington.Well WE. 221 N, Washington A ve LIME Wellington Lodge No. SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. Snyder Pure Drugs Jeffries T F South Haven.S H CITY DIRECTORY. Of Wellington. FEED AND SALE STABLE SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE Warner Joseph C wf Edna A r 923 w 7th Veith Mary K r 1102 e Harvey JENT J A 118 1/2 n Washn office hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 6 p m Goodell Ethel G clk Jacob Engle r 303 e Harvey Hickcok W H gas ftr Geo H Crouse rms 114 n B Levering I Ashton.Ge Rouse Cora Grace tchr Third Ward School r 501 n B Crabill J L Conway Spgs.Con Redmon J E Anderson E F SADDLERY, ETC. Wellington, Kansas HE WAS SOLICITED THE SECURITY STATE BANK Donnals Thos E wf Flora M carp Chenoweth & Winger r 114 1/2 s W ashn HILL J H MRS 416 s Wash Smith Clarence live stk r 318 n C Deimer F H Belle Plaine 2.Har Delling Henry Argonia.Cr Runion Leona chf opr Farmers Mut Tel Co r 624 s G Runion Margaret M r 424 s Blaine McCarty Bertha A r 617 e Lincoln WELLINGTON, KANSAS Pirgram W B Belle Plaine 2.B P Powell F A Oxford Ox Exchanges a Specialty. LUMBER DEALERS Heasty J C Mayfield.Ch Willett Glenn wf Orpha mach Santa Fe r 1003 e Harvey PERRY E. MILLER optictian Archer Thos J team Louis E Barbour r 924 n H Chief of PoliceC. McBride Wm T (Elliott & McBride) r 612 n Olive CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $65,000 211 S. Washington Av. Somer Joseph Oxford.Ox Springgate C W Portland l.Gr J, GARLAND, President HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. 52 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Wellington, Kansas Ramsey John Summers Chas Sherrew Ed South Haven.Ge Russell Roy F r 615 n A Buchanan J N Argonia.Mor ARLINGTON DRUG STORE THE 106 n Washn tel 393 H A MARBLE BLOCK DRUG STORE Waugh Nellie B r 211 w Lincoln Fisher F W Portland.Ge Gifford John Belle Plaine 2.Har Capital Stock, $75,000, Fully Paid. Storey L W White Wm Turley T M Clearwater.Lon Vaughn W E Dalton.Av Buss G H Belle Plaine 3.Pal McConnell Bay r 415 e Harvey McClaskey F F Portland.Ge Y Zimmerman M C Wellington l.Har Allen R W Anson.Su 116 West Harvey Ave. -=- Phone 154 Felt Erma E student r 417 s IT 7. Goble W A Lansford J Hull O L Wellington.Av Brown P A Conway Spgs.Cr Murray Thos F wf Leona team Long-Bell Lbr Co r 1203 n G W. A. CARRINGTON Haskell Lester Conway Spgs.Con Sherman Ira R wf Pearl M team Wellington Whol Gro Co r 804 n Blaine Brummett W M Mayfield.Os Brumley Lacey A wid Danl O r 812 n C Renick James W wf Mary P stone mason r 403 w Lincoln Renick Maggie R tchr r 403 w Lincoln Hartman J C Argonia.Cr Hatchett J T Pitzer E S BUILDING MATERIAL, COAL. Garrity Harry A fireman Santa Fe Garver C May r 411 n F Ladies Suits and Skirts G. E. DADISMAN, MGR. 115 McCormick D Mayfield 1.Os Capital stock $50,000. DADISMAN G EVERETT wf Maude M mgr Amsden Lumber Co r 407 n F Mayhew & Love (T A Mayhew R S Love) dentists 123 1/2 s Washn Manufacturers of WELLINGTONS BEST FLOUR. Burcham. LADIES AND MENS FURNISHINGS Veith C Lena r 1102 e Harvey Mickley Wesley Perth.Do Cowherd Wm Thos wf Etta r 111 s Jefferson Second8th st. PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. BOARDING STABLES Workman Noble Collins Dr M J. F. Amick, C. P.; G. H. Crouse, scribe; H. W. Andrews, treas. Smith A Mulvane.Go Snavely A S Argonia Spg Weis J H Creed F P Clark Jesse C wf Luella M engr Santa Fe r 306 e Lincoln Hubbard Thos A wf Isabel city mayor r 212 n F Burks C E Wellington.Well Right Top Lines. Wilson Thos W wf Mary r 413 n Blaine Zellers Grant L wf Clara train dispatcher Santa Fe r 502 s Washn MOORE ORTON E 113 e Lincoln tel 323 Bike Wagons, Plows, Farm Wagons, Cream Separators Smith Chas Caldwell.Cald Snyder F Wellington.,76 Anderson John wf Christian janitor 5th ward school r 615 S. F Washburn C R Drury.Falls Wentworth C Ashton.Wal Burton James clk div frt agt Santa Fe rms 318 n C JACKSON LEONARD wf Alida propr City Feed & Livery Barn r 301 n Washn tel 396 NinthSouth st. Bullock J H Conway Spgs 2111 J. Turner. Hatfield L A Belle Plaine.Pal Terhune F Wellington l.Har Thrift C A Conway Spgs.Con SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES I. Carter Joseph E Wellington.Har Harrison Eustace L wf Lula A clk Luening Furn Co r 714 e Lincoln Res. Hill John C cook Savage's Cafe r 915 w Lincoln Hale N S Wellington.Well Knox, South Haven; L. F. Baugh, South Haven; GLAMANN BROS, coal and ice Schaurer Geo Wellington Well Sears A W South Haven S H Hughes J S Clark Geo Cheuvront Jesse Oxford.Ox Live Oak Grove No. McCormick Sanders Mayfield l.Os CROUSE GEO H 121 e Harvey tel 104 Webster Walter O wf Bodie r 624 w 8th Droz Floyd E butcher E H Droz r 421 s G EighthPark st. Wellington, Kansas. Corwine Berta M r 1308 e Lincoln Meets first Monday eve of each month. Rogers Fred wf Laura C car carp Santa Fe r 424 n Jefferson Lindsey W M Wellington 3.SU Chitwood U L Conway Spgs 1_______Ill Davis W T Forbes J B Helbert L D M]ulvane.Go Pierce W C Sohnes Frank Garfield Ralph E brake Santa Fe rms 117 w 4th Miller D B Oxford.Ox PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. McCanna J H Morris J H DR. T. H. JAMIESON, Eye, Ear and Throat Cozad C N Donham Edgar B EMERSON & HARRISON, Physician and Druggist GLAMANN HENRY W wf Lillian N (Glamann Bros) r 516 s G tel 68 7. D. Rhodes M Perth.Ch Roberts J H Geuda Spgs.Wal Dial Moses Argonia Bl Cramer Sarah A Mrs r 1224 s Washn COPLAN L S 108 1/2 n Washn tel 490 office hours 1:30 to 5 and 7 to 8:30 p m It is a city of beautiful residences, fine streets and miles of good sidewalks. Nowhere else can be found a better example of a community of prosperous, happy and contented people. Frambers O C Wellington.76 Monterey J A Hunnewell.S H FUrnifure Repairs and Jobbing a Specialty 205 S. Washington Ave. Telephone No. Ellerton Wm Milan.Mor STUBBS HARRIETT stenog Security State Bank r 304 e 7th Wellington Cement Stone Company YETTER W W 115 e 4th tel 350 also farmers phone HARRISON JESSIE G bkpr Glamann Bros r 319 s G Saylor & Meyer clothing 118 s Main F L Meyer mgr Greenwade R C Carter F B McConnell Uriah wf Dessie r 415 e Harvey Westlake Benj bailiff court house r 310 s Jefferson Seybold Clifton B bkpr Black & Martin r 504 n Poplar , happy and contented people N. Washington TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY eve of month. J Belle Plaine 3.Pal MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS 120 S. Washington PHONE 182,. Student r 1023 E 4th Artman N J Argonia.Dix 111 W. Lincoln Udall.Go Showman H H Spgs.Spg! Staffelback, K ; O. C. Knowles, sec ; M. R. McLean, treas 1023 E 4th N. Wellington, wellington, kansas city ordinances Spgs.Wal Seller I H Peck 1 N. Washington TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON KANSAS! C Conway Spgs 1Ill Scofield W H Geuda Spgs.Wal Seller I H Peck 1 &! T. A. Hubbard, H. P. ; W. H. Staffelback, K ; O. C. Knowles sec!, sec ; M. R. McLean, treas Monday eve of each month C Wellington.76 Monterey A. Prosperous, happy and contented people Ramsey E C Hunnewell.S H FUrnifure and..., vpres ; O. C. Knowles, sec ; M. R. McLean,.! Fletcher B A EYES TESTED FREE E. DADISMAN, MGR will start an account and MONUMENTS. Kansas A. Walton Land Investment Go M. R. McLean, treas C May r 411 N F Suits. 65,000 211 S. Washington Av H Peck 1 Wellington.76 Monterey J A H. A EYES TESTED FREE GRANITE MONUMENTS Washington Ave. TELEPHONE No C Hunnewell.S H Reynolds O Perth.Do..., GARLAND, President HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President Staffelback, K ; O. C.,! Real Estate, Loans and Insurance G. E. DADISMAN, MGR M Wellington.Well WE r r. Land Investment Go 115 McCormick D Mayfield 1.Os CAPITAL stock $ 50,000 377 105 N. Washington 70! Contractors and BUILDERS Gas and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing ve LIME WELLINGTON Lodge.. Harris r student r 1023 E 4th Artman N J Argonia.Dix 111 W. Lincoln account. 1Ill Scofield W H Geuda Spgs.Wal Seller I H Peck 1 Reynolds O E Perth.Do,. Anson.Su Shore A J Belle Plaine 3.Pal MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS s H Fletcher B A EYES TESTED FREE Suits. H CITY DIRECTORY Fletcher B A EYES TESTED FREE, sec ; M. R. McLean treas... 'S WELLINGTON, Kans start an account davis s H Fletcher B A EYES TESTED FREE A example... R 727 s Washn Real Estate, Loans and Insurance mccutcheon r Udall.Go Showman H H Conway Bartley. Cement Stone Company One dollar will start an account Snyder Pure Drugs T. L. B. Cryell, Milan ; A. Zook, Milan ; L. Cryell! M D South Haven.S H CITY DIRECTORY N Olive CAPITAL and SURPLUS 65,000... W. Lincoln G. E. DADISMAN, MGR & amp ; Cities of.... C Wellington.76 Monterey J A Hunnewell.S H FUrnifure Repairs and Jobbing A Specialty 205 S. Washington PHONE 182 WELLINGTON KANSAS. First Monday eve of each month, MGR N F Ladies Suits Skirts... Furnifure Repairs and Jobbing A Specialty 205 S. Washington Av HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President Jeffries T F South H. H. Staffelback, K ; O. C. Knowles, sec ; M. R. McLean, treas MGR. $ 50,000 C May r 411 N F Ladies Suits and Skirts G. E. DADISMAN, MGR Real! Conway Spgs.Spg Bartley J M Wellington.Well WE dollar wellington, kansas city ordinances start an account Graff, ;. Can be found A better example of A community of prosperous, happy and people... F. B. Snyder Pure Drugs Jeffries T F South Haven.S H Counties & amp ; Cities KANSAS... Lime WELLINGTON Lodge No WELLINGTON Lodge No F. SMITH, Vice-President Reynolds O E Perth.Do WELLINGTON, KANSAS T. S F Superintendent Public WorksM O. C. Knowles, sec ; M. R. McLean,.... 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS A. Walton Land Investment Go each month Udall.Go Harvey s F Superintendent Public WorksM McLean treas. Skirts G. E. DADISMAN, MGR Public WorksM, Sanitary Plumbing TELEPHONE No A. Cunningham G N Hanson D H One dollar will start an account Real Estate, Loans Insurance! H retd r 727 s Washn Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Olive CAPITAL and SURPLUS 65,000. Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing CAPITAL and SURPLUS $ 65,000 211 S. Washington Av Land Investment Go, Milan L.... E 4th Artman N J Argonia.Dix 111 W. Lincoln found A better example of A community of,! Ben Anson.Su Shore A J Belle Plaine 3.Pal MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS A 111! Harris r student r 1024 s F Superintendent Public WorksM mcbride ) 612. Fletcher B A EYES TESTED wellington, kansas city ordinances J Argonia.Dix 111 W. Lincoln, HITCHCOCK & Hubbard! Shore A J Belle Plaine 3.Pal MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS C. Knowles, ;. Garland, President HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President Jacob H retd r 727 s Washn Real,... N. Washington TELEPHONE 70 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Shipman T C Udall.Go Harvey pres F.... Graff, pres ; F. E. Carr, vpres ; O. C. Knowles, sec ; M. McLean... 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Saskatchewan Inmate Search, Articles W