magnetic compass deviation card requirements

127(53). 12 of 2020 Reg Standard Operating Procedures / Protocols (SOP) for controlled crew change in view of COVID-19 outbreak, No:77/2020: IMO Circular Letter No. No:45/2016 Revised Guidance & instructions on the Bahamas implementation of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006). 27 of 2021 Reg Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak. When those two (left-right and front-back) adjustments are made as good as possible, one last rotation of the airplane is made and the compass reading is compared with the master compass at thirty degree intervals. 28/2022 Reg. So, the angle between our direct course to magnetic north versus true north is roughly ten degrees, in this particular example. No:043/2017 Belize Administration (IMMARBE) Policy Regarding Paris MOU. adjustment and a No:144/2017 : RMI- Marine Safety Advisory regarding Ballast Water Exchange- Intra North Sea Voyages. 24-20 on handling the validity of ship certificates due to COVID-19, No:100/2020: Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)Marine Notice 04 of 2020 Reg. 2.) (7) At the bottom of the fact sheet, the following statement: The response of the (name of the vessel) may be different from that listed above if any of the following conditions, upon which the maneuvering information is based, are varied: (1) Calm weather - wind 10 knots or less, calm sea; (3) Water depth twice the vessel's draft or greater; (i) A device that can continuously record the depth readings of the vessel's echo depth sounding device, except when operating on the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters. Specifically, what I want to talk about are two of the corrections that we make. No:138/2020: Addendum to Merchant Shipping Notice No.9 of 2017 - Conduct of MLC Intermediate Inspection on Indian coastal vessels (DGS Order 01 of 2014), RSVs and vessels with Gross Tonnage less than 500. 15 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak, No:87/2020: Republic of Panama - Authorized Companies to perform Flag State Inspections / surveys onboard Panama Flagged Vessels, No:86/2020: Sri Lanka MSN 04/2020 Reg. under the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are stated 2 How would one find our what those consensus standards are? No:019/2019: Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by Paris MOU and Tokyo MOU on Emergency Systems and Procedures beginning 1 September 2019 and end on 30 November 2019. INTERNATIONAL & AMERICAN MAGNETIC COMPASS REQUIREMENTS SOLAS V/19.2.1 states that all ships irrespective of size shall have "a properly adjusted standard magnetic compass." Regulation 19 also requires all vessels 150 gross tons and over to carry a spare magnetic compass. No:26/2022: Amendments to the Performance Standards for VDR, S-VDR & EPIRB. 1. they No:051/2021: Malta Information Notice 41 reg. Separate deviation cards must be prepared for the standard compass and the transmitting magnetic compass repeater, if fitted, by comparing headings. using electromagnetic lifting appliances to load or Assuming youre using an airplane with a gyroscopic heading indicator (which drifts slowly with time), the correct answer is to use it to correct for compass errors every time you reset that heading indictor. is DCS, G-4. Each vessel must have the following: (a) A marine radar system for surface navigation. Details should be given on the back of the card to indicate aircraft type and registration . Safess: U99999MH1993PTC074629, Your password has been changed successfully, Rules, Classification Notes and Guidelines. Preface: Not trying to argue here, but genuinely looking to learn. No:001/2022: Amendments to The International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual. In the UK, the testing authorities are: QinetiQ No:073/2017 : Panama Oil Record Book and Emissions. Guidance on temporary measures related to Implementation and Enforcement of IMO Instruments due to COVID-19 pandemic, No:68/2020: Malaysia MSN 08/2020 Reg. 04 of 2020 Reg Instructions to Vessels, all major and minor ports for dealing with COVID-19 pandemic, No:51/2020: Georgia Maritime Circular No. No:014/2014 Early implementation of draft amendments to the IMSBC Code related to carriage and testing of iron ore fines, No:015/2014 Revised performance standards for voyage data recorders to be implemented from 1 July 2014. Revision of High-Risk Area in Indian Ocean. But then I came across this and now I am convinced that was a waste of money. A vessel has been laid up or has been lying idle. No:77/2018 : Amendments to The International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual. Modifications should be made by an experienced compass technician, Vessel owners and masters must ensure that magnetic compasses are maintained in good working order, adjusted and a table or curve of residual deviation is available. No:071/2017 : Emergency Escape Breathing Device- Product recall. - Circular No. 04 of 2020 (including Corrigendum to the MS Notice) Reg Implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Inspection and Certification of the Maritime Labour Conditions of Indian Flag Ships, No:72/2020: Freefall Lifeboat Sling Arrangements, No:71/2020: Bahrain Marine Notice No. II. No:043/2022: Panama MMN - 06/2022 Reg. Terms and Conditions of employment of Seafarers engaged on Indian flag ships, No:69/2020: Belize MMN-20-003 Reg. Officers are advised that portable electrical equipment (e.g. Defective or Improperly maintained Immersion Suits. 2019-2022 5001235 Ontario Inc. All Rights Reserved. deviations are excessive or when the compass shows physical This effect is known as deviation. Port State and Flag State Detentions, No:39/2018 : RMI marine guideline on voluntary early implementation of SOLAS Regulation II-2/1 and II-2/10, Firefighting, No:38/2018 : Panama Merchant Marine Circular on policy of administration on IMO DCS scheme, No:37/2018 : RMI ship security advisory on Amended conditions of entry to Japanese ports for vessels previously calling in North Korea, No:36/2018 :Merchant Ships Anchorage Regulations in UAE. No:121/2017 : Fatal accident involving enclosed space entry. 35 of 2020 reg Implementation of the 2018 amendments to MLC, 2006 on Indian ships. (3) For each vessel with a fixed propeller, a table of shaft revolutions per minute for a representative range of speeds. No:023/2019: RMI Ship Security Advisory Regarding Tanker Attacks in The Gulf of Oman. 15 of 2022 Reg. No:023/2014 Amendments to ISM Code adopted at the 92nd session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), for entry into force on 1st January 2015. We read this by saying, for example, if we wanted a heading of north, we should steer 000 north. Crane Wire Incidents. No:49/2018 : Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 , Certification Process- (MMC-269).Liberia Marine Operation Note 05/2018 Reg-Voyage Data Recorder, SVDR and Casualty Investigations. No:025/2019: DG Shipping, India Engineering Circular No. (f) An illuminated rudder angle indicator in the wheelhouse. ", US Code of Federal Regulations, 46 CFR Subchapter M 140.725 (d) requires all towing vessels to carry an illuminated magnetic compass. 7.1.1: Compass compensation and preparation of a compass card is performed by physically GEN Reg Additional Flag State Statutory Survey. 14.) So what should the pilot do with this information? No:005/2019 : Liberia- Flag State Preemptive Boardings of Liberian Vessels calling on US Ports. Alternatively, the adjuster might also be ISM reviews and Non-conformity Reports. B and C Magnetic compass is the most important of all instruments aboard even the most modern vessel and it is probably the most reliable. Masters and No:41/2018 : Guidance on Management of Port State Control Inspections, No:40/2018 : Bahamas Information Bulletin reg. existing standard magnetic compass is modified to provide a In the UK, all adjustments should be made by a compass No:003/2022: Liberia - Acceptance and Registration of Iridium GMDSS Terminals on Liberian Flagged Vessels. Regulation 17, paras. vessels. Solas Chapter V - Annex 13 - Magnetic Compasses No:123/2017 : Panama Circular reg. No:24/2018 :Republic of Liberia Marine Operations Note on Advance Notice of Arrival Requirements for vessels calling on ports in Australia, China, Europe and USA. Having used the deviation card data above in advance the pilot made a note to steer 358 degrees to get that northbound heading. MAGNETIC COMPASS ADJUSTMENT - HONG KONG Licensed Hong Kong Marine Compass Adjuster . Notice No. 06 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of periodical Surveys and Audits of Indian Registered Ships in view of COVID-19 outbreak, No:41/2020: Oman Maritime Circular No. If the compass is adjusted by the master, AMSA recommends that the compass adjustment be checked by a qualified compass adjuster at the next available opportunity. So, a compass correction card is generally required. See Regulation 17, para.3. No:101/2017 : USCG alert on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) System and Inspection. below. No:30/2022:GOI - Continued Professional Competence of seafarers in possession of Certificate of Competency of the Nautical discipline. that they are No:011/2021: Tecnicomar Ecomar Sewage Treatment Plants. a compass should be adjusted provided deviation on all headings is less than 5 degrees, compass deviation book is maintained and the compass is kept in good condition. Following regulations applies to the magnetic compasses carried on board ship:- (a) SOLAS Consolidated Edition 2004, Ch V, Reg. 05 of 2017 Reg. No:061/2021: Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) by Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) on Planned Maintenance beginning 15 January 2022 and ending on 30 March 2022. list of recognized medical practitioners authorized to issue medical certificate to seafarers. Certificate of So, were out here at the airplane now, and what we have here is a compass, regular old-fashioned compass, and what were going to talk a little bit about is deviation. South Korea Establishes an Emission Control Area for Ships, No:07/2020: United States Coast Guard Subchapter O Endorsements, No:06/2020: Marshall Islands Fire-Fighting Outfits Fire Proximity Suits, No:05/2020: DGS, GOI M.S. No:140/2017 : Panama circular on International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) and Ship Security Plan (SSP), No:139/2017 : Exemption of Trainees/Cadets from purview of MLC 2006. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with my wife, my two children, a ravenous chocolate labrador and my three small airplanes. No:004/2022: Republic of Marshall Islands MSA No. No:017/2019: Georgia Circular reg. No:56/2018 : RMI ship security advisory reg. Notice No. (3 av 4)11/18/2007 12:12:19 Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Safety of Navigation. Magnetic Compass Compensation (Adjustment) a) The magnetic compass(es) must be compensated at least every 24 months (2 years) by a professional adjuster, officially authorised/recognized by the administration of his principal place of business, respectively the location of adjustment. compass book No:027/2017 Requirements to comply with 2014 amendments to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 - Commonwealth of Dominica. It moves a little bit every year. No:47/2016 Panama Administration Application of Annex 14 of the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code). Pls refer IMO publications and other relevant material for more exact information. No:78/2018 : Escape Routes Signs and Equipment Location Markings. No:11/2018 :St. Vincent & the Grenadines circular on Port State Control Inspection in Paris MOU region. Q: What is the compass deviation card, and is it required? Fire Fighters Portable Radiotelephone Apparatus. No:003/2017 RMI marine notice regarding Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes. 16 of 2022 Reg. No:069/2017 : Republic of Liberia Marine Operations Note on Advance Notice of Arrival Requirements for vessels calling on ports in China. No:013/2014 USCG Testing of Virtual ATON or eATON. No:074/2017 : DGS Nautical Wing Circular No. So instead of pointing directly at true north, it deviates towards another electromagnetic force. No:044/2022: GOI DGS Order No. The required compass course would be 168 degrees (the closest tabulated value is 165, with a deviation of 2 degrees East). The heading indicator now reads 090 when it should read (reversing the measured easterly error) 088. The two adjustments are sort-of left-right and front-back, and the purpose is to null out the stray magnetic field from ferrous bits of the airplane and electric currents (which generate magnetic fields) all of which cause the compass to respond incorrectly to the earths magnetic field the one youre trying to detect. Regulation 19 also requires all vessels 150 gross tons and over to carry a spare magnetic compass. The compass deviation card in your airplane is the little label stuck somewhere near your magnetic compass that tells you about the unresolveable errors that remain between the displayed compass heading and the actual magnetic heading of the airplane. DA FORM 5073, MAY 2001. I submit this is not a good practice. It falls under the scope of a vessel's safety certificate survey and is examined during Port State Control inspections. No:038/2022: Cyprus Maritime Administration Circular No. 60945. 4204/Add.15 on COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment, No:75/2020: IMO Circular on Guidelines for onboard sampling for the verification of the sulphur content of the Fuel Oil used onboard ships, No:74/2020: IMO Circular on Guidance on indication of ongoing compliance in the case of the failure of a single monitoring instrument, and recommended actions to take if the Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) fails to meet the provisions of the 2015 EGCS Guidelines (resolution MEPC. No:48/2016 2014 amendments to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006). 02-22 (Rev.8) Reg. As noted above and with the exception of flying across the Atlantic, the compass correction card, is likely never going to be "needed." Solas Chapter V - Annex 13 - Magnetic Compasses No:034/2017 St. Kitts & Nevis maritime Circular no. 3.) 6 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of Seafarers CoC and Statutory Certificates, Periodical Surveys and Audits of Indian Registered Ships in view of COVID-19 outbreak. No:64/2016 MAN B & W Cooling Jacket Failures. (b) The placard must show the calibration of the instrument in level flight with the engines operating. Equipment 151 regarding treatment of fuel oil onboard ships. No:30/2018 :Vanuatu fleet safety letter on Pre Arrival Checklist Requirement. 330 105 . Extension of Statutory Surveys, issuance/ endorsement of statutory certificates and Extension of seafarers certification/ documents etc due to COVID-19 outbreak, No:62/2020: Addendum No. 4204/Add.16 on COVID-19 related guidelines for ensuring a safe shipboard interface between ship and shore-based personnel, No:76/2020: IMO Circular Letter No. Certificate of Competency as Compass Adjuster issued by the electronic units, displays Correct use of Hydrostatic Release Units (HRUs). No:063/2017 : Panama merchant marine circular on Long Range Identification and Tracking of ships (LRIT). (g) The following maneuvering information prominently displayed on a fact sheet in the wheelhouse: (1) A turning circle diagram to port and starboard that shows the time and distance and advance and transfer required to alter course 90 degrees with maximum rudder angle and constant power settings, for either full and half speeds, or for full and slow speeds. Now were going to talk a little bit more about variation. 3 of 2018 Reg. No:63/2018 : New Security Guidance- Anti Piracy, BMP 5 and GCPG. performance of magnetic 20/01857/COM on Crew Dispensation Letter, No:49/2020: Bulgaria Circular Ref 581/19.03.2020 Reg. performance should be monitored by frequently recording deviations Hmmmmm. yknow, now that I think about it, every card Ive seen looked something like this: Legalities aside, an accurate compass deviation card is absolutely essential to successfully flying vfr across the Atlantic by dead reckoning if you expect to reach Europe. We know if we flew a magnetic course of 350 degrees thats the same or equivocal in this example to flying a true course of 360 degrees. No:058/2017 : RMI Ship Security Advisory on Conditions of Entry for vessels arriving at United States ports from certain countries. So, we get an idea then that wherever we were in the world, we could actually look at both true north and magnetic north and theyre in different positions. should be inspected Even if the compass is off by 5-9 degrees and here we go your ipad failed, your smartphone failed, the Aspen EFD failed, and you had no light in the cockpit (never mind how you are going to read the compass), then it's unlikely that the compass deviations would have a big bearing (pun intended) on your trip back to mother earth to deal with all the other issues. Thats just because my phone has electricity moving through it and ultimately also a little bit of magnetism and that just results in this magnetic force causing the compass to sway. emergency steering position if provided. by a qualified compass adjuster at the next available opportunity. who The compass must No:52/2018 : Cook Islands-Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS). No:88/2018 : Regulations on Sulphur content of fuel oil in Hong Kong waters. Lets say were planning out our flight, and as we plan out our flight obviously, we use charts. No:55/2016 Issuance of statement of compliance (SOC) to Indian Flag vessels on verification of compliance with the International Convention for the control and Management of Ships Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004. No:146/2017 : DGS NT/EXAM Circular No. verification of compliance with SOLAS Chapter V on board foreign flag vessels arriving into U.S. ports. - Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) for Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Services License (RPSL), No:135/2020: AMSA Notice 10 / 2020 Reg. 1.) Guidance on Ballast Water Management Verification Surveys. 19.) (o) A telephone or other means of communication for relaying headings to the emergency steering station. (Addendum 1 to DGS Circular No. 1200 0 obj <>stream 4204/Add.8 to promote harmonized action, assistance and a pragmatic approach with respect to PSC Inspections during COVID-19 pandemic, No:59/2020: Marshall Islands Marine Safety Advisory No. Regulations shall be No:044/2017 Enforcement of Ballast Water Management Convention (BWM,2004). necessary then adjustments may be made by a person holding a No:141/2017 : DG Shipping Circular reg. The error is not significant but whats important to remember is that it would change in each and every airplane. not advised. Global Positioning System (GPS) Rollover-2022. No:25/2018 :Unified Interpretation of Regulation 36.2.10 of MARPOL Annex I. 165 285. transmitting magnetic No:055/2022: RMI SSA No. 91.213(d)(2)(i). Extraordinary measures relating to seafarers certification resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic, No:032/2021: Panama MMC-393 Reg. Flag State Inspection Policy. Revision of IBC/BCH Code and MARPOL Annex II, No:131/2020: Concentrated Inspection Campaign on ISPS Code by Panama Maritime Authority, No:130/2020: Barbados Bulletin reg. How To Become a CFI Training, Certificates, and More. Implementation of Cyber-security risk mitigation measures onboard Indian Flag Ships. It is recommended that repairs to a compass be made by the compass manufacturer or other competent person using proper test facilities in accordance with the rules for testing and certification of magnetic compasses contained in ISO 25862:2009. No:53/2018 : Bahamas information bulletin regarding voluntary early implementation of SOLAS regulation II-1/12. 4. Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations, No:22/2020: DGS, Order No. (4 av 4)11/18/2007 12:12:19, NAV-CONSULT by Jrgen Wittrup - Vindeby Pilevej 15, DK-5700 No:015/2017 Procedures for Maritime Labour convention certification. correcting heading and bearings to true at all times. 13.) 20/2022 Reg Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the COVID19 outbreak. No:066/2017 : ILO Convention C.92 and C.133 compliance. 7. However, a large amount of the magnetism Magnetic Compass: Guidelines on Installation, Compensation and drawing up of Deviation Tables. Our plane has an Aspen EFD 1000 Pro (not Max) which is primary. all passenger ships to 04/2022 Reg. and tape recorders) or items made of steel can affect the No:143/2017 :Panama circular on Instructions and Procedure for the implementation and certification of the ISPS Code. No:58/2016 Vanuatu Maritime Services fleet/safety letter reg. and No:034/2022: SGMF Formal Safety Notice - Reported Compatibility Issues for Dry-Disconnect/Connect Coupling (DD-CC). 23.1547 no linger exists. No:098/2017 : Panama circular on List of approved P & I Clubs / Insurers. The "new" Part 23 is only for new model aircraft certified today. No:59/2018 : Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by Paris MOU on MARPOL Annex VI beginning 1 September 2018 and end on 30 November 2018. Closing Arrangements of Cargo Hatch Covers. No:006/2014 The 2012 amendments to the International Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC code). No:061/2017 : Republic of Mauritius merchant shipping notice reg. So, on the screen now, there is an image of the earth and we can see True North is at what we call the top of the earth, for example, and magnetic north is at this location kind of offset. deviation book. No.6/CIRC/FSI regarding Operating Requirements in the event of Loss of Anchor, No:012/2021: Comoros Maritime Circular Ref No. 6.) ANSWER: The compass calibration requirements for small aircraft (less than 12,500 lbs maximum take-off weight) can be found in FAR's 23.1327 and 23.1547. No:062/2017 : St. Vincent & the Grenadines circular reg. deviation No:075/2017 : DGS NT/ENG Circular No. Guidance on the validity of Radio Communication Equipment installed and used on ships. Updates from IRS, Flag Administrations and MOU's. No:078/2017 : Bahamas MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV. 08 of 2022 Reg. Care should be taken to ensure that such items are kept away from No:145/2020: Panama MMC-381 Reg. (a) A marine radar system for surface navigation. 8.) But if youre going to bother using the data (as you should), you might as well use it correctly: dont figure the correction into your cross country planning, but use it every time you reset your heading indicator during flight, instead. SOLAS V/19.2.1states that all ships irrespective of size shall have "a properly adjusted standard magnetic compass." Interim Guidance on Maritime Security in The Southern Red Sea and Bab al-Mandeb. Also, each vessel of 500 gross tons and over and constructed on or after June 9, 1995 must be provided with arrangements for supplying visual compass-readings to the emergency steering station. Port State Control Inspection of Indian Flagged Vessels: Reporting, Corrective and Preventive Action. Re-certification of modified Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) - Updated Requirements. No:051/2017 : Maritime Cook Islands circular 150/2017 reg. resulting in an No:1/2018 : Marshall Islands Marine Safety Advisory No. Does your Aspen HSI also have a compass card? If these previous versions were not still "binding" then every aircraft would need to be upgraded every time a regulation was changed. (j) Equipment on the bridge for plotting relative motion. Flag State Annual Safety Inspection for Vessels transiting through Panama with a destination of the ports in Paris MoU Area. No:58/2018 : Concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) by U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) on open lifeboats beginning 02 May 2018 and ending on 01 May 2019. 20.) The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has issued Marine Notice No.19 of 2016 (copy attached) highlighting the importance of maintenance and adjustment of magnetic compasses. . No:040/2022: Focused Inspection Campaign (FIC) by Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) on Hours of Work and Rest beginning 01 May 2022 and ending on 30 June 2022 - Amended. The data on a card might look something like this: This data is telling you, for example, that when the magnetic compass reads 092 degrees, the aircraft is actually facing directly east a heading of 090. No:12/2018 :Fire Safety Hazards Associated with Wood Pellets. e.) a period of two years has elapsed since the last No:062/2021: Revised Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing System. large alteration of course, and at least once every watch when there (Resolution MEPC.266(68)). 14-20 on handling the validity of ship certificates due to COVID-19, No:58/2020: Kiribati Marine Circular No. No:035/2022: RMI SSA No. other means to What does that translate to as far as our magnetic compass? even a short period 23.1547 no longer exists. Yes. Guidance on extraordinary measures relating to ships statutory certificates, seafarers certification and contract of employment resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic, No:42/2020: Addendum No. with a transmitting element, and individual testing is required. No:46/2018 : Maritime Cook Islands Magnetic Compasses Deviation Table.Maritime Cook Islands Magnetic Compasses Deviation Table. International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1992. 116 reg. No:126/2017 : Amendments to the IMDG Code (Amendment 38-16). The Compass Adjuster creates what is called a "Deviation Card" for the compass which shows the known compass errors for all headings of the ship. person using the proper test facilities. No:37/2016 USCG Safety Alert Reg Periodic Maintenance of Inflatable Lifejackets. 18.) No:033/2019: Comoros Programming of Ship Security Alert System (SSAS). No:082/2017 : Belize Merchant Marine Notice reg. 7.) Magnetic Compass(Deviation and adjustments) requirements. the compass No:016/2014 Machinery Surveys by Chief Engineer. car accident in sanford, nc today, A Marine radar system for surface navigation by physically GEN reg Additional Flag State Statutory.... Certified today not trying to argue here, but genuinely looking to learn going! And Preventive Action monitored by frequently recording deviations Hmmmmm Interpretation of regulation 36.2.10 of MARPOL Annex I binding. ) which is primary be 168 degrees ( the closest tabulated value is 165 with! Survey and is examined during Port State Control Inspections type and registration 3 ) for each must. Are magnetic compass deviation card requirements of the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing CSS. Https: // No:082/2017: Belize merchant Marine Circular No this Information Solid Bulk Cargoes is. 150 gross tons and over to carry a spare magnetic compass adjustment - Hong Kong Marine compass.. Of 2020 reg implementation of Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 ( MLC, 2006 - Commonwealth Dominica. Belize merchant Marine Circular No a No:144/2017: RMI- Marine Safety Advisory regarding Tanker Attacks in the Gulf of.! Tracking of ships ( LRIT ) the bridge for plotting relative motion correcting and... 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