mirrors facing doors spirits

As for altar, I would be careful. The energy is partially blocked by some trees that have grown up. I have a big sliding glass door located at the back and facing my front door. However, some others think that placing mirrors in staircases has theeffect of cutting Qiand is not recommended. Step 1 - Touch your finger directly onto the mirror surface. would you suggest dining room south wall or stairway , whats a better place for my rectangular mirror? Hi Kathleen, If youre getting well rested, I wouldnt worry about this. It is said that mirrors will invite spirits into the lives of people whenever it is placed in the wrong place. The correct height at which the mirrors should be placed is about four to five feet above the floor. my stove is place outside the house) thanks, Hi Michelle, I would go with the first option that reflects living room, dining, and window. Directly opposite of the bathroom door is the kitchen which has no door. The building has 4 floors and I am living at ground level. A password will be sent to your email address. yards. -Victor. Just think if you was able to see and experience that then theres a special reason why. I am of Korean/Chinese descent and my family have always told me about the merits of this ancient practice but never truly embraced it until now. Yes and yes. Most Feng Shui tips out there fail to mention the difference between Early and Later Heaven Sequence. Victor, we also have an open floor plan with a corner of the brick of our fireplace more than 5 feet away from the front door on a bias. If someone in the family has died, cover the mirrors until it's clear they are completely gone. I have a situation I wanted your guidance on. 2The gate cannot face the elevator door. Do mirrors, according to Feng Shui, hold on to what or whom they have reflected in the past? Also, my master bath has a mirror which faces the door so when the door is open, I can see one mirror in the other. Since I am renovating it, I have an option to remove these mirrors but I love them a lot. 1. Is there any connection between a mirror and spirits. -Victor. Having a mirror facing your bed can be good or bad. Is this problematic from a feng shui perspective? However, to prevent negative things from happening, it is best to not sleep in front of a mirror. As for the oil painting, its great to have them because you love waking to them! Hi Victor, My home is open floor plan. I have a great mirror just opposite the bathroom door and moving it elsewhere is not possible. For example: you dont want to use black color for your bedroom if you are scared of the dark. Therefore, mirrors facing windows should be placed depending on what it will reflect from outside of window. Is it safe to hang the rectangular large mirror there? Both places are great. Maybe hell notice the next time he tries to move something inside the house from the front door. These five elements (and their impacts) are: Earth: Grounding, security, stability, balance. Now, if this is an angel, then there is nothing to fear. -Victor. So if you are not sure which type of mirror to use, some would recommend that you use the flat Bagua mirror. This is why anyone serious about the placement of their bedroom . I have written a whole article about this and you canread it here. I bet she is negatively Feng Shuing me.. what can I place on my door to avert the dangers of bad feng shui. No worries about the family picture. However, that wall faces the stove which is about 20 ft away. A mirror you find that you like the most is best. -Victor. Previously we had placed it at eye level at our hallway, facing our kitchen but not the stove. Mirrors hold residual energy from all of the attention that we humans focus and spend looking into these objects, then the light bouncing back and forth between them can create a charged gateway, or pocket of free energy for Spirits to use to appear. Mine BTW. of the bed facing where the foot lies towards the head..There is a high chance that may . I plan to hang the mirror right next to the front entryway. The mirrors are not facing each other. -Victor, Victor, I appreciate your reply and hope my pedestrian Chinese is up to the standards. -Victor, Hey Victor I have a beautiful mirror in my dining room that faces the windows and outside the windows is my neighbors house who is a very mean-spirited person. Brass Mirrors were to hang above idols in China. Our ceilight lamp is reflected in the mirror. Therefore, if you keep a mirror in your bedroom, it will attract different spirits from the spirit world. If not, try placing it in another wall or placing an art instead of a mirror. I would like to put mirrors on the south wall which will face the north side which has windows that overlooks the garden and main road. Hello Victor, I have a small apt. It's only bad if it's directly facing the bed. -Victor. Reasons To Not Have Mirror Facing Bed Due To Ghosts. Feeling of being touched: Feeling a hand or something brush past, or a poke, push or nudge.Sometimes if the energy is negative there can also be unexplained scratches. It states not to have a mirror in the bedroom, however it a mirror over the dressing table acceptable? When feng shui was developed, mirrors were often highly polished pieces of metal. When I sit at my dresser I can see the top of the door and when I walk into the room I can see myself, is this ok too? Will this make a difference? I have purchased the convex bagua but is thinking of getting the simple plat one too. -Victor. Hi Victor , is it ok to place a mirror behind the dining table but facing ( north)the side of the staircase? Thanks in advance. 1. Hi Laney, Both locations are fine, and how you want to place it is totally up to you. Hope you can answer my question. Others say that mirrors placed at hallways can help slow down the Qi energy as it moves through your home. Others say that it can bring a third party to your relationship and even tendencies of soul-stealing. will it, as they say, bring about circumstances and energies that are out of my field of vision and understanding? Good luck with your neighbors! What is your ideas cause Ive run out of ideas. The reflective windows, after reading your article, really bothers me now. Its not in any of the examples mentioned in the article I was wondering if this is ok. In this way, the darkness in your life can be banished. Appreciate your help. -Victor, There is a small dining wall adjacent to the patio for an open layout. The two Baguas are the Early Heaven Sequence and the Later Heaven Sequence. This will definitely compromise the quality of your life, and the lives of your loved ones. Hi Hum, Without considering other factors, I dont see the need for the mirror. Copyright 2021 Feng Shui Nexus. If it doesnt spook you, its good. This will also lead to sleeplessness. Hi Naomi, From what you described, it seems that the mirror has a good distance from your daughters bedroom door. There is a house 2 houses down from mine that has been on the market for about 3 months. There are theories that mirrors break up your "dream body" in a bedroom. Then, this article is meant for you. You will begin to feel several thoughts running across your mind. Windows that are located on the east side of your home face the sunrise and allow you to start your day with a lot of sunlight. directly faces the stairs (going down). Bagua Mirror is widely used in Feng Shui, because it can block, eliminate, absorb and fight against evil spirits. You should always hang the mirror and not place it on the ground or table. As for where to put the mirror, only put it at the door that faces the street lamp. For the mirror, how about pasting some of your favorite artwork/posters? I have a mirror opposite my shops main door. -Victor. Is it bad? Hi Celestine, Only basic answers I can answer for free. i like it because its big. My backyard large door is towards the northeast direction with a beautiful view. I thought of placing a mirror on north side facing windows with reflection of beautiful nature. Its the same type of mirror some drivers use to attach onto their automobiles side mirrors. I am thinking to place a mirror up in the dining room area to bring in light from the adjacent window which reflects a tree. Since it is a small space it faces both toilet and sink. For example: if the mirror reflects the picture of your deceased loved one, it will bring about negative thoughts, which releases energy that causes depression, and sadness. For the mirror, go ahead and place it! It is believed that your energy level will be reduced, and this will expose you to negativity. Seems like your situation requires some human intervention! Hi, Can I hang a mirror on the opposite wall of my family photos wall. -Victor. -Victor. -Victor. Thanks for the compliment and Im glad you like this site! Underneath these lights are nights stands that have mirrored top, front, and sides. Anyway I had a strange experience involving the mirrors. although it faces my bed I cannot see myself in it when I sleep. Youll be fine as long as it doesnt reflect your front door/window. However, almost all experts agree that having a mirror facing the front door is just bad Feng Shui, and their reasons vary. -Victor. My bathroom door was open as I slept and I was having a restless night. However, each type has different functions: plane mirror can collect and reflect. And, if you usually eat in the kitchen, what does that mean for mirrors in in kitchens? Hi Jen, That is totally fine. Were all made special. This has continued for a year. I have mirroed closet doors in my bedroom that when closed face the window. Pick whichever one you like most. Nothing to worry much there. Thanks for your advice in advance Samantha, Hi Sammy, Some brief answers for you: 1.) This is where modernization and commercialism has taken a toll on Feng Shui. My question is, should I put up the mirror in direct line with the energy or should I just put it to the front facing the energy or over the door which does not face the energy directly, but is perpendicular to it? In the victorian era there was once a tradition that all mirrors should be covered when someone had died in the house until after the mourning time, or their spirits might be trapped in them. My home has a short hallway with bedroom doors at either end. argentus. Hi AT, This is not bad by default. Mirror placed near the front door is fine as long as it doesnt face the front door. Face the foot of the bed away from a straight-on view of the door. To make it clear, placing a mirror in the dining room does NOT improve your ability to attract wealth. Hi Dieu, I dont have the experience you had with mirrors! I was already advised to place a bagua mirror on top of my front door, hoever, there is no space to place it there. 2 Newborn Babies we love mirrors in our house and want to use a custom mirror contoured to it as a table top. Youre all good. Shall I put a round mirror (small) facing my house (and we see the mirror when we come out of the front door). Mirrors have multiple functions in Feng Shui. I read that mirror should not be on the south wall. I would also like to add that you can see the mirror from the second floor living room. I live in Southern California. Who gets the luck or bad luck from the mirrors in an empty house? As for the kitchen, its good that the mirror doesnt face the stove. In general, you can put mirrors up where they are functionally useful as long as you don't have your own negative feelings attached to them. I have an L shaped hallway off my family room that leads to the garage. Some say that the Qi entering the house will be reflected and repelled right out the door, which is a negative impact for the residents. For example: having 2 mirrors facing each other will attract ghosts into your house. Ii lasted for over an hour and finally I just closed my eyes and went sound asleep. We also have a circular mirror which is currently in the kitchen on the west wall opposite a window reflecting brick buildings, is it best to move this to the North wall in the bedroom above the bed OR to the North wall in the living room reflecting the kitchen or not use it at all? Placing a bed in this room will be challenging. Similarly, when you have two mirrors facing each other or hung opposite each other, they drive away energy reflection, which may result in negative energy. One photo which showed the mirror displayed a strange scene in the reflection. LillithSanguinum 1 yr. ago. Rice paper in the bedroom advice not yours referred doesnt cut it. the moment i open our screen door i get to see myself and i feel happy. However, this does seem like a practical tip, especially for those working in restaurants. Hi, my dining area is small and I intend to install a mirror there but this will face our main door. Required fields are marked *. Colors can be used to balance the five elements of that area: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-home/colors-influence-homes-feng-shui/ It is true that there are ideal door positions based on a persons Kua number. Some experts say that mirror facing bed depletes personal energy, causes bad dreams and leads to restlessness at nights. Hi KD, Without a good luck, I suppose the beams are ok. As for Y intersection, I cannot comment without taking a look. While the reflected image is not seen from the inside, the mirror itself is inside. -Victor. Sprinkled salt in the corners of the house will purify it. Please advise. Mirror on the North wall that is outside the bathroom/toilet room? That is one of the reasons why I suggest you seek professional help on this. Doing this will protect you from imbalanced, or scattered energy. Let us look at both sides carefully with emphasis on the factors surrounding their answers. 8 Superstitions, Mole on the Eyelid and Eye Spiritual Meaning: 9 Superstitions. I dont think that mirror facing the desk will actually double your workload. Im not sure what kind of altar you have. The answer is yes. It is believed that sleeping in front of a mirror will attract ghosts. Thank you. I am very well pleased to know you are there to help us analyse the positioning of the mirrors and I hope to have one from you, is full size mirror placed infront of my bedroom door and eventually at the lower end portion of my staircase good.. I think itll be a great addition, and you can keep your habit of last minute checking, pimping etc. The beauty of an old house. Hi Denise, If I were you, I wouldnt place the mirror, even if it doesnt face the kitchen stove. Theres no need to worry about it! I have a very long connected living room and dining room. The reason is that the cook would easily know whos entering or leaving the kitchen. If the dining area is in between, I dont see a problem here. This will give the impression of an infinite series of the same . Early Heaven Sequence and the Later Heaven Sequence. At the moment, I am not in a position to move house. If you move into a new home, don't bring along the broom you used in your old digs! Thank you for your quick response Victor. I dont think it is their deliberate use of Feng Shui. Can we place a large rectangular mirror in a home gym room wall in the basement? Hi Victor! However, if you sleep in front of a mirror, your soul will see itself in the mirror and might be scared. I wish I could have taken a picture of the reflection of my curtains that was rainning silver glitter so someone would believe me. -Victor. Narrow staircases are said to diminish fortune and abundance. If placing a desk, your back should be against the side without without the doors and windows. Is it okay to place next to my door? Hi Valerie, Those reflections are minor so theres nothing you need to worry about. In fact, it brings what is outside to the inside and is especially nice if your window has a nice view. Now, apart from all of these myths, mirrors serve as portals for spirits. If mirrors are placed opposite the locker of your house, this can double wealth. First let me say, love and light to you! Is it better to move it on the staircase (half way on the staircase there is wall , i can hang on that)? This persons hilarious feedback captures just how we feel if we were using a toilet like that. -Victor, OMG.. what an awesome article.. 1. ,So I should remove any type of mirror from behind my couch no matter what shape or design it is? Removing it is not possible. Hi Mickie, Thats not a bad place to place a mirror. We have mirror and its facing the back door. So, is it ok to have the image of closed door in the mirror all the time? Its very valuable. Lots of lovely light comes in, but I have to put my largest mirror directly across the room from it. My house is a northwest entrance home. It would not be facing the stove or windows. And then the hallway continues. It depletes personal energy and creates sleeplessness. Hello Sir! Or should I rather hang a multi-faceted round glass crystal (or three of them, aligned and small) directly above the first step of the staircase? Hi Im planning to place rectangle mirror in dining room (north wall) . Is this bad feng shui> One faced my bed the other to the side. Thank you very much for you advice. Hi Svetlana, Mirror inside wardrobe is totally fine because you only see/use it for a short period of time. -Victor. MY neighbor that lives exactly across from me has placed a beautiful Square mirror right across the hall , facing my front door. If your son doesn't have any sleep issues, then he's ok. From my experience, most young people doesn't have any issues with mirrors facing the bed. -Victor. Sleeping in front of an uncovered mirror will invite spirits into your room, and your dreams. Whats more important is how you handle it. 1) It is believed that mirrors are made from water: It is good to have a mirror facing your bed if: It is bad to have a mirror facing your bed if: You will invite the spirit of your deceased loved one: Your email address will not be published. Should this be covered up? If youre a little (or a lot) familiar with feng shui, you might know enough to wonder about mirrors. Just like the bed, the back of the sofa should be placed against a wall for sense of security. Best regards, anka, Hello Victor, I have a mirror in my powder room. Will this be ok ? A mirror on the outside of the door can be a protector of sorts and can be useful to keep out possible intruders. The dining room is near the window, while on the other end, I am thinking of placing a mirror to lighten up the place. However, according to Feng Shui expert Rodika Tchi and many other masters, its best to use a Bagua mirror only when its recommended by a professional. Others have said that these types of mirrors, when used with the Early Heaven sequence, can be used to absorb good Qi. but after reading more about Feng Shui.. it seems i did mistake.. I cant make a full recommendation unless I do a measurement and analysis of the surroundings. the 2nd flr.) It doesn't necessarily have to be a mirror, any highly reflective object will do. Let me know if you need my service. And, no worries if it faces the drains. Is it bad ? This will force you to take a hard look at the mirror at your own reflection and reflect upon yourself. Hi Anna, Yea that is fine, as long as the mirror doesnt startle/surprise you or others living with you. In terms of Feng Shui, mirrors are great for the dining room and good for narrow stairways and hallways. A mirror was placed at the dining area. So if I will put a big wall mirror of my Dinibg it will face to the living area with a tv attached to the wall. Hi Janet, Of course that is totally fine! It is getting to be more than I can take. Also this toilet is facing a front street of my house which also faces west. I have odd shape pieces that are mirror.. It will bring a vivid image of your ugly past, and make you responsible for those mistakes. Ive just come across your website. -Victor. Should I move the altar elsewhere since the mirror will be above it and its at the bottom of the stairs, plus its not even facing the front door? 3.) Doubling the work likely comes from the idea that wherever you see, you just see stuff that reminds you of work. They are to busy to even call me to say hello. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Heres more information fromUncle Dixeronmaking the space of your front door area feel wider. I have a full size mirror (78 cm x 110 cm) that I have placed right opposite the Easel (on the middle of the North wall), reflecting my Painting. And what about placing a mirror inside of wardrobe? -Victor, Hi Victor! If so, does it apply to a decorative one like that in the patio? Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. So, what about the mirrors? Therefore, it will invite them into your bedroom if you keep a mirror there. This is where it gets weird! There is a difference between the two. Happy Chinese New Year to you! Hi Mya, Hows the traffic of that road? Hi Lily, The mirror should be covered if it faces your bed AND if it bothers you. You might want to fix the FAQ section of your page duplicated and when you click on the link, it takes you to the Default text. 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