non switching systems osdd

But the most violent and hateful ones could only front enough to assist in/enact self harm or such things. There arent 1000s of things it could be. I dont related in any intimate way to friends or lovers I remain unattached and dont know how to be intimate or close to anyone .. Its quite.a mess to get to grips with .. I also feel constantly that I have no right to this. Both contain different self-states, holding shards of memory and unformulated experience (Stern, 1997). There might be alters who still carry onto memories, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to past trauma. I went insane as a 6 year old male child. So one option, favoured by many people that I have been in contact with, is to merge the categories and to count the condition as DID/OSDD and leave it at that. The good news is that 1a and 1b are not the only categories for OSDD systems. One of our system's little quirks is that our childhood is just *poof* gone. These intrusions may vary in strength and influence and may result in the fronting alter taking actions or voicing opinions that they can't explain or account for. I just read that even one of my favourite youtube channels, The Rings System, made a shoutout on twitter to non-switching systems. Find more information on DID here. And you are incredibly valid. There are 4 types of OSDD, but the most common is OSDD-1 which is similar to DID. During break, I was in a zoom group where we were talking about what brought us there and what we hoped to learn. I hope I did not break any rules above! I think writing about the experiences and types of otherwise unspecified DID which is not fully understood will help both professionals and those experiencing this to understand more fully themselves and lead to greater personal understanding , and access to support and help . Hi, for the longest time, I thought that I had OSDD-1b, and its come to my attention that might not be true. At one level that is eclectic theory, but in practice it can mean that a person with OSDD has fewer adult parts to help share the load. (And if parts are integrating or fusing during therapy, at what point should you likewise shift along the spectrum and change your diagnostic classification?) Until I started remembering switches, I didn't always recognize when someone else was fronting because I feel like myself in the moment. Back to the beginning of the mystery and its mulling around in my head again relentlessly! Pain where self inflicted death was a viable option. I am aware of some of their stories because they send me nightmares and occasionally send flashbacks if a person or circumstance is familiar to one of them. Thank you for investing the time to read this article. Will we be left behind? You might feel like your body is unrecognizable, unreal, or doesnt reflect who you are. But an interesting point in this concerns the progress of therapy, which is to re-integrate traumatic memories into mainstream consciousness. Then, in the darkness, I would suddenly look around and be surprised when the room was my old room and actually the room where I'm currently living. Then we found out about OSDD, and suddenly everything made sense. But MANY trauma survivors have these parts, and recognizing them is key to getting better. We have 19+ alters, and our collective pronouns are they/them. You might have moments where youre unable to remember important life events, such as the day you got married. I have a sense of myself as being different at different times, feeling younger, or feeling aggressive or withdrawn or panicked, and its as if Im watching myself at times like this. Others can try to contribute by taking over body parts to write messages etc. People with OSDD need to understand that their experiences are valid and real and not inferior in any way to people with dissociative identity disorder. Sometimes this may result in an unsafe or distressing situation. Caring was beyond me, only existing moment to moment, hoping not to be hurt anymore, drifting deeper into insanity. Many people therefore see DID and OSDD as appearing on a spectrum, and prefer to conflate the two conditions so that DID/OSDD represents a range of dissociative experiences with more or less amnesia and greater or less elaboration and distinctive identity states or parts of the personality. The information you share is spot on and deeply appreciated. So much. Instead of an alter switching to front, they can exert passive influence on the alter currently at front. That of course is a myth, as the vast majority of people presenting for help with a dissociative disorder, as we have seen, have a diagnosis of OSDD. that especially back in the days was full of shame and self-loathing. Its important to know that many of these symptoms can overlap with other mental disorders. Sandra in our system has described it as I dont stop fronting, but who that I is shifts. So like, there wasn't an obvious moment if switching but rather noticing that we had. These alters protect the main identity from awareness of trauma. In contrast, quick switches can be consensual, planned, forced, or triggered. Because I only struggle to remember when recollecting, and there is plenty of downtime between events in my brain that I just dont remember at all, and my recollection is out of order. Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) is a catch-all category for dissociative disorders that do not fall into other groups. a) Assuming that the goal of working through a system's DID issues is to find ways to identify and address what generated these, in an ideal world where a system (after a serious amount of amazingly hard work) could successfully identify, address and even resolve these issues, would the "ultimate" goal be to put each identity to "rest" and only keep one (ideally one that combines the strongest characteristics of all the others), or is keeping many identities that work well together also considered a successful ultimate goal (in other words, is having multiple identities necessarily a disorder)? What gave it away was missing a certain jacket that I know we still have somewhere, just not sure where. Please keep in mind that I'm not a psychological professional, just an OSDD-1b system who has a few system friends. Thank you for reading our peer article; we hope it was empowering, informative and helpful for you and your System. It allowed us to finally explore our system on our own terms without worrying about any sorts of theoretical rules about how we should be. Traumagenic flag by Grey Skies Traumagenic flag by xenic-nd We are becoming stronger and one day may be whole. And we plan to reference this page often. Answer - An OSDD (Other Specified Dissociative Disorder) system is a group of alters, formed by repeated childhood trauma from ages 1-12 usually. Slow switches can also indicate that the system is heavily dissociated and depersonalized and that alters are struggling to connect with the mind and body. Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition, Treating Trauma-related Dissociation: A Practical, Integrated Approach, Understanding and Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Relational Approach, The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook, A Fractured Mind: My Life with Multiple Personality Disorder. What I find really hard though is when I'm faced with evidence of them actually having switched out and done things. In the words of Sue Richardson (2011): Both OSDD and DID are the result of the spontaneous action of the brain in response to trauma. onset of diagnosable symptoms can occur much later in life. i hear them in my head (they're constantly coconscious with me) and they have very limited control of the body (like, being able to move my arm or something) but they never assume full executive control. In OSDD-1, severe childhood trauma causes different identities, known as alternate states of consciousness (alters) to form. This may manifest as ego-alien thoughts, feelings, emotions, opinions, preferences, urges, or actions. I don't have OSDD/DID, but on two occasions where I was in an unsafe and triggering situation, the first time I turned into this older masculine and calm dude, the second (yesterday ago heh) into this caring 40yo+ female motherly figure. What are your similarities and differences between each other, what common ground can you find? I think these lower end spectrum OSDDs/dissociative mechanisms are really hard to recognize and categorize. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. When she explained the differences, in a way I could easily understand, it did make sense. But people may be diagnosed as OSDD as opposed to dissociative identity disorder simply because their parts didnt show up on cue at a diagnostic interview. Eventually it became apparent that a few of us were able to front (like 2-3) and some others if forced, on rare occasions, or highly triggering moments to them. This is certainly the view of a number of experts in the field. In later years, I hid in an invisible soundproof egg. I dont feel that I can ask for help because I cannot allow anyone to see the dark part, so I feel myself always looking happy weirdly (and thankfully), I always feel happy too (I think). Over the years, weve found out that there are differences between DID and OSDD systems that arent nearly as talked about as they should be. They are partial forms of DID with the same patterns of childhood trauma and co-morbidity. Sometimes for a split second, sometimes for hours, sometimes for a day. Were not doctors or clinicians and our nonprofit, our work, and this website in no way provide medical advice, nor does it replace therapy or medication in other ways. This diagnosis was known as dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) before the DSM-5. Both full switches and "partial intrusions" of alters are described in more detail by Dell in the paper"A New Model of Dissociative Identity Disorder". But if up to three times as many people receive a diagnosis of OSDD/DDNOS compared to dissociative identity disorder, it would suggest that the definition of DID is too narrow. Thats not really how DID and OSDD work. Your healing journey is very much appreciated and is very encouraging! We went from being able to communicate internally very clearly but with strong amnesia walls and difficulty distinguishing switches happening between neutral and non-violent alters (and no switches happening for a while or ever for some alters), to having all but two of us go dormant and it just being a daily head-to-head assault of violence and abuse, to taking anti-psychosis which created communication barriers in the system but obviously didn't "cure us", to years later being confronted by the disorder again and seeing alters come back from dormancy changed or fused, to finally working together coherently, to now 6 of us in a happy system striving to make a life worth having fought for. I've had alters who have sabotaged my life and done awful things. thank you so much. Where EPs are also less autonomous and less likely to be out, these traumatised parts of the personality can end up being neglected or ignored: if a person with OSDD has non-distinctive traumatised parts of their personality, it can be harder to give them a voice and the time and space they need to bring their trauma to the fore, than it is for a clearly individuated EP with a name and age. But other people with OSDD do indeed have less obviously distinct parts of the personality and report feeling perplexed when they read about people with DID talking about their 4-year-old part called Alice or their 6-year-old boy part called Ricky. Why am I here? This can occur slowly, with obvious signs, or very fast. Many commentators such as Dell and Kluft argue convincingly in a number of places that switching is hard to detect, and one of the least frequent signs of DID, and should not therefore be a core diagnostic criterion. In short, the UK-favoured ICD-10 is based on research and clinical literature from before 1980 little wonder that dissociative disorders are so poorly picked up in the UK. Both can be helped by similar approaches to therapy which encourage neuronal repair and result in brain growth such as increased hippocampal volume. There might be alters who are be unaware of other alters existence or refuse to believe so. Being blurry is not always a stressful or upsetting incident, this is more dependent on the individual and situation. System - Sometimes it's used to mean the group of alters in DID or OSDD (ex: "A system of alters."). Answer (1 of 3): Yes. How are major life decisions going to be made? Certainly where private therapy is being sought and there is no need for a definitive statement on some official piece of paper or medical record, this may be the preferable option for a large number of people. And Spiegel et al (2011, p.838) state that A review and analysis of OSDD concluded that the majority of OSDD cases are actually undiagnosed (or misdiagnosed) DID cases. So something is clearly going wrong. However, included in the DDNOS category is a commonly seen group of patients who do not have the extreme identity separation of dissociative identity disorder, but who have a range of dissociative experiences and significant identity confusion and alteration. Welcome to r/OSDD, a community for those affected by otherwise specified dissociative disorder. [1] There are four listed example presentations of OSDD, but what qualifies as OSDD, or what OSDD can look like, is very diverse. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I didn't start getting dissociation issues until I started exploring my trauma, what if it's just my brain creating more overt coping mechanisms and me misinterpreting them? I was looking for more basic information than they could provide when I came across Conversations with Carolyn Spring Podcast; that was the first time someone spoke my language- I could relate so much and finally was able to put some of the pieces together of what therapy was trying to explain and I really appreciated the gems of wisdom that helped with a few shortcuts in my healing journey; I still remember to make space for the pain of the past along with the joy of the moment! In other words, someone with OSDD has dissociative symptoms but they do not meet sufficient criteria to be diagnosed with either depersonalisation disorder, dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue or dissociative identity disorder. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License by Katherine Reuben. ), Mobile Links:[About] [FAQ] I previously felt it was a weakness , a personality defect where I sometimes I feel like a child very frightened unable to speak to adults . You might feel confused or distressed that your physical body does not reflect how you feel you should look. Indeed Spiegel et al (2011, p.826) in their incisive critique say: Importantly, the ICD-10 describes dissociative disorders as primarily acute disorders that usually remit within a few weeks or months, and that have an onset in the immediate context of events that are highly stressful, traumatic, and/or that involve intolerable, insoluble problems. Like I was talking to friends the other day and brushing my teeth, and suddenly it felt like I was a different height and my own sink felt unfamiliar. Sometimes it's met with a lot of just dissociation or noncontinuous thoughts. So on the one hand we have a vast swathe of people who are, or would be, diagnosed with OSDD as opposed to dissociative identity disorder but who show almost all of the symptoms of DID. As an undergraduate student in psychology, I was taught that multiple personalities were a very rare and bizarre disorder. People with dissociative identity disorder have at least two distinctly different identities, but some believe as many as 100 can emerge. The DSM-5 adds some detail to it, saying: This category includes identity disturbance associated with less-than-marked discontinuities in sense of self and agency, or alterations of identity or episodes of possession in an individual who reports no dissociative amnesia. In other words, OSDD often presents as not yet or not quite DID people who havent yet met the criteria for dissociative identity disorder but may well do so in the future, or people who have slightly atypical forms of DID, for example by not having amnesia. I wanted to extent my reverence to you right now that you are in this mental chaos, this anguish and horror, and you are still pushing forward. We are a system with OSDD 1b (fully formed alters with no amnesia), and we all feel validated in knowing that there are others like us and we arent the only ones who exist as separate people and switch regularly, but without amnesia. Thats all I can say. But at the end of the day they are just like you. Non-switching systems, or partial DID as it's called in the ICD, are systems who have an alter always remain in front, and other alters can "only" exert passive influence and co-fronting. Besides that, there are many, many more symptoms that are very common. I feel like I'm still doing things but Feels Different. People with OSDD may for example have had some good enough attachment experiences, or other mitigating factors. I find that really confronting and scary because then I can't deny to myself that they are real and separate from me. Not an issue. In order to receive a diagnosis for dissociative identity disorder, you must display Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting. In clinical circles, it is often taken to mean amnesia between parts, so that if the apparently normal personality (ANP) is fully co-consciousness for what other parts are saying and doing (especially the emotional personalities or EPs) then that is not full DID. Does everyone need to take turns going to your shared job, or are only one or a few people going to take care of that while others take care of cooking and cleaning at home? These intrusions may also cause the fronting alter to gain skills and abilities that they do not usually have (such as public speaking despite normally suffering from, Both full switches and "partial intrusions" of alters are described in more detail by Dell in, "I have one particular child alter who has a very good sense of humour, and part of his role is to help us experience enjoyment and lift our mood. Better suicide than being whole. You might have moments where you feel like you are in a dream or a fog. None of us remember it, but thats ok. We dont need (or want) to know what happened in our childhood that caused everyone to form, although our carer usually encourages us to try to remember because she thinks it will be good for us or something. The belief that DID treatment is harmful to patients. I feel like the symptoms of these disorders are often misunderstood. Transition from one personality to another is referred to as "switching." This usually occurs within seconds to minutes, but can also be gradual, taking hours or days to complete. It felt like me, and I lost control over the body for a few seconds in both situations, but I was told all this could just be derealization or 1000 other things, and I wouldn't be surprised at all. Blurry describes a "feeling" or internal state of a System. The word sub system can have several meanings when discussing DID/OSDD. Get to know them. And what about instances of amnesia about amnesia how do you know that you have amnesia for something if youve forgotten that it happened in the first place?! Dissociation is weird. These are all important things to figure out off the bat, and its a lot easier to both set and follow these rules when you dont have to worry about memory barriers preventing people from knowing them. It is a very dark place to be in. This video goes together with an article and letter from The Plural Association. But the difficulty remains, especially as there is such a dearth of writing and literature from the perspective of people with OSDD, who possibly feel that their viewpoint is not worth expressing, again because it is not proper dissociative identity disorder.. In fact, OSDD is meant to be a broad category that encompasses many "partial DID" experiences. In some OSDD-1b systems, switching very rarely happens, leaving one host who handles the majority of the system's life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Loved and feeling safe is possible now, if only I can reach out and accept it, A severe case of OSDD, too many EPs to count and keep track of, somewhere between 50 and 100. You might find that sometimes you cant remember important information about yourself or about those closest to you. Switches can be consensual, forced, or triggered. Each person needs to weigh up the pros and cons on an individual basis and do what is right for them. However it is to escape from my painful self (which may make it a form of dissociation?) Previously called MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), this disorder is categorized by the action of switching . Non-switching systems definitely exist, as they were a diagnosis in the DSM 3. In fact, a lot of your switches until you figure out how to switch voluntarily may happen without you realizing at all, or only realizing after the fact. And in the UK, medical staff tend to prefer the diagnostic manual known as the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, version 10) published by the World Health Organisation which is notoriously backward in addressing dissociative disorders. Paul Dell (Dell & O'Neil, 2009) argues convincingly that the externally-observable 'signs' of switching between personality states are only a very small part of what dissociative identity disorder is like in practice . Highly recommend reading. It provides a coded signal which, when interrupted due to a safety event, signals the machine to shut down. ", This website uses cookies in order to analyze visitor trends. My body which hurt so, sent away, there but not there. I'm evaluating one flight path that I wanted to get the group's feedback on: + Take a United flight from the US that lands at FRA at 9:10 am + Ryan Air flight. ( [1] Along with Unspecified Dissociative Disorder it replaces the diagnosis of Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (DDNOS). DID has shown me very tangibly the ways people change significantly internally and externally though, as this is no longer the case and is not a problem nor a source of worry for us now. In general, you are going to more easily be able to orient new system members on your current life situation and possibly be able to communicate with them better than DID systems. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Who am I? However, some systems dont fit into either of these boxes! An alternate part from a DID system marks a complete change in cognition, and worldview, and a feeling of autonomy. Many voices, many children, each with their own story, voices to be heard and listened too. It really might help if the writers of the DSM could do something like that, re-word OSDD, to acknowledge the Disorder as being on the DID spectrum. I couldnt believe what I was saying and how I was behaving.). A subtype of consensual switches are planned switches that were agreed upon ahead of time. Generally Switches are grouped into three categories; consensual, forced and triggered. For example, if an alter was created to handle abuse from a specific perpetrator and the system then runs into that perpetrator at the store, that alter is likely to be shoved to front so that no other alters can be hurt. Sometimes there is clear separation and total amnesia, but other times the lines can become so blurred that it is hard to tell who is who. Our works, including resources like this, are only possible because of support from Plurals and our allies. I guess my own personal experience, too? Many people with DID struggle with what their diagnosis means to them they may resent it or disbelieve it, but there is at least some understanding, and an increasing amount of literature, on the nature of dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative identity disorder alter-switching is always done to keep the system functioning and safe. There might have been times when you ended up in a different place but could not remember how you got there. I keep telling my therapist im that and no one cares and just keep my diagnosis of DID, its actually partial DID not osdd-1b, osdd-1b is no switch amnesia. Empathize with them. You might sometimes experience the loss of a physical function without a medical cause, such as your sight, hearing, speech, or feelings of hunger. It's actually really sinister because you can mistake it for different moods or something, but it changes much more than just mood. They've like, literally tried to murder me and they still want to drive me to suicide. Its so nice to meet others that feel the same way. For example, ducks at the pond could be a trigger for a 7 year old alter to push their way to front, or someone calling who is a special friend for one alter in particular might trigger that alter to switch out. See Integrated Family Systems (IFS) and Somatic Experiencing (SE) for two of the main modalities that used Parts Mediation. These alters protect the main identity from awareness of trauma. They all respond to my name. Other specified dissociative disorder ( OSDD) is a mental health diagnosis for pathological dissociation that matches the DSM-5 criteria for a dissociative disorder, but does not fit the full criteria for any of the specifically identified subtypes, which include dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, and Thank you. When they co I sometimes get like a brain fog after and can't remember bits and pieces of what happened. I would also like to thank you. i feel like an outlier and hearing from other systems where only the host can front would be helpful. Feel the same patterns of childhood trauma causes different identities, but some believe many. Me, only existing moment to moment, hoping not to be heard listened. Or very fast therapy which encourage neuronal repair and result in an invisible soundproof egg even! Of OSDD, but who that I is shifts ( alters ) to.! Years, I was in a zoom group where we were talking about what brought there! 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