i am malala test pdf

The narrow street outside the school was totally flooded and he was soon up to his neck in water. This maulana is starting a campaign against you, he warned. He gets so emotional you would think the events had happened just the night before, not more than 1,300 years ago. It is our tradition for the bride to receive furniture or perhaps a fridge from her family and some gold from the grooms family. Their village of Barkana was very primitive and they lived crammed together in a one-storey ramshackle house with a mud roof which leaked whenever it rained or snowed. Wed love to have you back! My parents say I have qualities of both grandfathers humorous and wise like my mothers father and vocal like my fathers father! All rights are reserved by the publisher(s), author(s), and other parties involved. I think there was some problem with hygiene in that muddy place, says my father. Nawaz Sharif was prime minister at the time and had fallen out with his army chief General Pervez Musharraf and sacked him. No, he replied. xSMo1U Taking a rifle away from a Pashtun is like taking away his life, so he could not disarm the tribes. o'EuJ,0PF@oQo?>"K. Giving places to poor children didnt just mean my father lost their fees. Near us on our street there was a family with a girl my age called Safina and two boys similar in age to my brothers, Babar and Basit. He watched paralysed with fear as they almost touched the water. This made my father cross. Around 600 chiefs were massacred. They are dirty, black and stupid, people would say. Nawaz Sharif was so worried about his reaction that he tried to stop the plane from landing in Pakistan. Shortly afterwards the mufti went to the woman who owned the school premises and said, Ziauddin is running a haram school in your building and bringing shame on the mohalla [neighbourhood]. I used this for a student who had to move to distance learning and it was so helpful for me. Teachers get: I dont know how they can live with their consciences when they see our people going hungry or sitting in the darkness of endless power cuts, or children unable to go to school as their parents need them to work. on the Internet. The important thing is what you learn from it. Practice this quiz or assign it to students. Why are you asking all these questions? he demanded. Millions of Muslims crossed from India, and Hindus travelled in the other direction. An answer key and a CCSS alignment key are included as well. Almost two million of them were killed trying to cross the new border. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Our people are used to being subservient because under the wali no criticism was tolerated. Pashtuns cannot stand anyone belittling them, nor was he about to pay a bribe for something he was entitled to. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Prologue: The Day my World Changed I COME FROM a country which was created at midnight. We also have around two million Christians and more than two million Ahmadis, who say they are Muslims though our government says they are not. At either end is a huge mountain Tor Ghar, the Black Mountain to the south, and Spin Ghar, the White Mountain, to the north. Whenever he saw me he would greet me with a song as he was still concerned about the sad meaning of my name and wanted to lend some happiness to it: Malala Maiwand wala da. (including. I shared my room with my cousin Aneesa from the village, who had come to live with us so she could go to school, and a girl called Shehnaz whose mother Sultana had once worked in our house. Sometimes though she would be out because she was shopping for clothes in the Cheena Bazaar, and that would be a different matter. I wont tell anyone. At that time my father was only twelve years old and too young to fight. I am malala I am kainat I am mezon. I did not know how to stop. In fact, as my mother often reminds my father, he was not present for the actual ceremony. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with His own father said it was up to him and agreed to send a barber as a messenger, which is the traditional way we Pashtuns do this. I used to sit in wonder, listening to everything they were being taught. We used the Pakistani rupee, but the government of Pakistan could only intervene on foreign policy. The anger wasnt just in Pakistan. my grandfather, who was a religious scholar and village cleric, didnt like my father giving me that name. I arrived at dawn as the last star blinked out. But the Taliban were just around the corner and were Pashtuns like us. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Thats how we think of each other. I kept losing my place as the pages danced in my shaking hands, but as I ended with Lincolns words, I looked up at my father. They are all questions that were previously asked on worksheets. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. But every day she would leave behind her girl cousins playing at home and she envied them. My mother gave birth to ten children in this way. The school continued to lose money. He used to climb up electricity poles to hang banners advertising the school, even though he was so afraid of heights that when he got to the top of the ladder his feet shook. Of course my father detested doing this. The cooler days were late coming and only the faraway mountains of the Hindu Kush had a frosting of snow. By the roadside were fresh springs and waterfalls, and when we stopped for a break and to drink some tea, the air was clean and fragrant with cedar and pine. This means soulmate in Persian, and he always called me that at the start of the day. Explain at least three examples of how Malala's father broke from tradition before and . Dont have an account? That was tough and dangerous work, and the coffins of those killed in accidents would come back several times a year. Sometimes it can end up there. The Afghans were so proud that the last Afghan king built a Maiwand victory monument in the centre of Kabul. To all the girls who have faced injustice and been silenced. Young love! she shouted. I remember that the bus turned right off the main road at the army checkpoint as always and rounded the corner past the deserted cricket ground. I also stopped wearing jewellery because I asked myself, What are these baubles which tempt me? He did not believe in badal revenge and would try to make people see that neither side had anything to gain from continuing the violence, and it would be better for them to get on with their lives. Questions could be adapted for the young readers edition. My father, Ziauddin, is different from most Pashtun men. The only way to cross the river is by rope bridges or on a pulley system by which people swing themselves across in a metal box. It was my grandmothers faith in my father that gave him the courage to find his own proud path he could travel along. Includes a key as well as page numbers for each answer from the hardback edition of her work! In the far distance we could see the snows of Malam Jabba, our ski resort. The last verse ends, O Malalai of Maiwand, Rise once more to make Pashtuns understand the song of honour, Your poetic words turn worlds around, I beg you, rise again My father told the story of Malalai to anyone who came to our house. Before the troubles came, most people, like my mother, had never been outside Swat. &[,IG%%e.3 jXP_&N8 %P4nQILpsbG[sD&`xBJ4?3 y(O|(kR@NY7fA5N33OsXU/e%V\8u His family became embroiled in a dispute with their cousins over a small plot of forest. Scattered up and down the hills there were houses made of wattle and daub, like my grandfathers, and these often collapsed when there were floods. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides. After you log in, go to the "My Purchases" page and download this product. Some people, like me, get caught and vow they will never do it again. They borrowed 30,000 rupees more to repaint the building, rented a shack across the road to live in and went from door to door trying to find students. Safina is younger than you and you should have taught her better, she said. for a group? The emperor rewarded them with important positions in the court and army, but his friends and relatives warned him that the Yousafzai were becoming so powerful they would overthrow him. He said it felt like a wall came down in his throat. I slumped forward onto Moniba, blood coming from my left ear, so the The college was in Saidu Sharif, the twin town of Mingora, and he had no family there with whom he could stay. One day my father told Hidayatullah he was going back to his village for a few days. I used to go to her house to study, so whenever I was there I would pocket her things, mostly toy jewellery like earrings and necklaces. Anyone could see that Musharraf was double-dealing, taking American money while still helping the jihadis strategic assets, as the ISI calls them. Khalida had been sold into marriage to an old man who used to beat her, and eventually she ran away with her three daughters. Spring was when Swat was at its greenest. Most of the included questions require minimal interpretation of the text. Running a school is not a crime, he told them. It was a perfect night with stars and a full moon just above the trees, which he took to be a sign. Our people say it is a good system, and our crime rate is much lower than in non-Pashtun areas. Mentoring in the Middle with Marion Piersol-Miller. Like me he was born at home as we still could not afford the hospital, and he was named Khushal like my fathers school, after the Pashtun hero Khushal Khan Khattak, a warrior who was also a poet. There are 24 multiple-choice questions relating to the content of the book, vocabulary using context clues, and figurative language. Around that time we moved away from where we had been living on the same street as Moniba to an area where I didnt have any friends. My fathers close friend Wahid Zamans brother and brother-in-law were among the many who went to Afghanistan. They whip themselves into a bloody frenzy with metal chains or razor blades on strings until the streets run red. Where will she live? Its OK, replied my father. Part One: Before the Taliban Chapter 1A Daughter Is Born 1. We also have the Ahl-e-Hadith (people of the Hadith), who are Salafists. Just as Khattak had wanted the Pashtuns to unite against a foreign enemy, so we needed to unite against ignorance. Many of them own expensive flats in London. It includes visuals to help with new vocabulary. Malik Janser Khan refused the proposal, but my father is a stubborn man and persuaded my grandfather to send the barber again. Every day his fellow activists came to the shack or the school for lunch. She is a wise girl, though we often fall out, particularly when we go on school trips. And on and on it goes. When I opened my cupboard, I saw that all the things I had taken were gone. General Zia was invited to meet President Ronald Reagan at the White House and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at 10 Downing Street. One night, after the mufti had failed to persuade our landlady to cancel our lease, he gathered some of the influential people and elders of our mohalla into a delegation and turned up at our door. try to win back the respect of my father. A large percentage of my students have language disorders and challenges with reading comprehension. Notices had gone up at school for a public speaking competition and Moniba and I both decided to enter. Outside his office my father had a framed copy of a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to his sons teacher, translated into Pashto. No one I knew had been to Islamabad. I didnt like walking near it as it smelt so bad. GradeSaver provides access to 2071 study guide PDFs and quizzes, 10942 literature essays, 2738 sample college application essays, 810 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing in this premium content, "Members Only" section of the . This assessment has 40 questions on it (mostly multiple choice, a few fill in the blanks, and two short answer responses). Some of the girls screamed. My grandfather would rail against the class system, the continuing power of the khans and the gap between the haves and have-nots. That morning had begun like any other, though a little later than usual. My father often used to recite the poem to me when I was a child but I didnt know then what it meant. Among them was Winston Churchill, who wrote a book about it, and we still call one of the peaks Churchills Picket even though he was not very complimentary about our people. Each of these strands has many different subgroups. And me, her beauty, he laughs. Our people see conspiracies behind everything, and many argued that the attack was actually carried out by Jews as an excuse for America to launch a war on the Muslim world. Yet he says he was actually lucky. Moniba and I longed to be like her and studied her carefully. Yet, he brought with him a vast family tree of our clan, the Dalokhel Yousafzai, going right back to my great-great-grandfather and showing only the male line. Sometimes I would mimic the teachers. MFun and engaging word search activity! They dont care if the army is actually flying the plane, they are happy to stay out of the cockpit and sit in business class, close the curtains and enjoy the fine food and service while the rest of us are squashed in economy. Im starving! There was silence. "@type": "Person", For many couples in arranged marriages this is the first time they see each others faces. By the time I was born it had five or six teachers and around a hundred pupils paying a hundred rupees a month. Her dream was to be a fashion designer Then they disappeared off to Islamabad if they were elected to the National Assembly, or Peshawar for the Provincial Assembly, and wed hear no more of them or their promises. Moniba had become my best friend in primary school when we lived near each other, and I persuaded her to come to our school. He used to read by the light of the oil lamp in the hujra, and one evening he went to sleep and the oil lamp fell over. My grandfather suggested that he might take my father in so he could go to college there. 4 ~A'}EpV4SES%vs7~}ghA&c?[ It would be better to plead, OK, shoot me, but first listen to me. This 100 question multiple choice test for I Am Malala edited by Christina Lamb is perfect for checking comprehension for Malala Yousafzai's wonderful autobiography! Just after Christmas 1979 the Russians invaded our neighbour Afghanistan. He promised he would make his own assets and tax return public. At that time talib simply meant religious student. My father also loved to write poetry, sometimes about love, but often on controversial themes such as honour killings and womens rights. They tend to be in English or Urdu, not in our native Pashto. My dream was coming true. Naeem and my father invested their entire savings of 60,000 rupees. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When a villager complained to her that he was flirting with a girl living across the road, she defended him. Within an hour of the announcement on television of Musharraf s sacking, tanks were on the streets and troops had taken over the newsrooms and the airports. My father says that Pakistan has been cursed with more than its fair share of politicians who only think about money. I am very proud to be a Pashtun but sometimes I think our code of conduct has a lot to answer for, particularly where the treatment of women is concerned. Some boys from my fathers district went off to fight in Afghanistan. There were seven people some other senior Tablighis, a mosque keeper, a former jihadi and a shopkeeper and they filled our small house. Many ISI officers were close to its leaders, having known them for years, and shared some of their beliefs. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Answer key is included. Since that day I have never lied or stolen. There are also 3 text-dependent questions that require more in-depth analysis. The Marghazar stream loops through it, milky brown from the plastic bags and rubbish thrown into it. Pa tool jehan ke da khushala da, he sang. I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban. Do you need to see if your students understood what they read? }. To get him released she walked forty miles alone over mountains to appeal to a powerful cousin. Sometimes they would get stuck and he would repeat the same syllable over and over like a record caught in a groove as we all waited for the next syllable to suddenly pop out. At dusk my father and his friends often gathered to sit and drink tea there. They were also both frustrated as the school was very strict and unimaginative. Musharraf built a mansion by Rawal Lake in Islamabad and bought an apartment in London. xS**T0T0 Bi y8# Our Butkara ruins were a magical place to play hide and seek. It happened in a manner so dramatic that it sounds like something out of a movie. They are taking salaries and have to serve you. Hello, Bhabi! I called. I was so nervous before the speech, I was trembling with fear. That morning we arrived in the narrow mud lane off Haji Baba Road in our usual procession of brightly painted rickshaws, sputtering diesel fumes, each one crammed with five or six girls. I liked the bus because I didnt get as sweaty as when I walked, and I could chat with my friends and gossip with Usman Ali, the driver, who we called Bhai Jan, or Brother. We called them chaqwartee. When it was my mothers turn she said, I want to live in the city and be able to send out for kebabs and naan instead of cooking it myself. However, life wasnt quite what she expected. We lived in the most beautiful place in all the world. The other principals took paying bribes for granted, but my father argued that if all the schools joined together they could resist. Includes 24 multiple choice questions on context clues, content, figurative language, and three text-dependent questions. However, he got a wealthy philanthropist, Azaday Khan, to pay for him to produce a leaflet asking, Kia hasool e elum in bachun ka haq nahe? We were wrong, of course. On the day only eight or nine boys and girls turned up. Every few years Pakistan sent us a new deputy commissioner, or DC, to govern Swat, just as the British had done in colonial days. We have fields of wild flowers, orchards of delicious fruit, emerald mines and rivers full of trout. It was the ground floor of a two- storey building in a well-off area called Landikas with a walled courtyard where students could gather. You may have to realign some pages after downloading. I could listen endlessly to the story of how they met. They threatened the widowers family until a jirga was called of village elders to resolve the dispute. Only then did I cry. I was born in summer, which was perhaps why it was my favourite time of year, even though in Mingora summer was hot and dry and the stream stank where people dumped their garbage. But eventually Baba gave him a fine speech, which my father practised and practised. It was as if there was a feud between two brothers and they agreed to live in different houses. Many families live in walled compounds with watchtowers so they can keep an eye out for their enemies. We would cry in terror, though in fact as toe and finger in Pashto is the same, we were all twenty-fingered, but we didnt realise. He joked to my father that if either of them had relatives to stay, they should pay a fine. My two grandfathers did not get on. Q-W};+LM)Y'sN=)Aq|sv}1p'R%^1eP#ME@TK ,>PZ` $a3~1Rrn*A6PInf0#EH.RT/ Wj!pQ6+*|tfO s"(015J\v>G4CX}!.TfVGw5.orqO5$ I:"v`"X/|Fk.&Xvja0",5WIt-aSULC\8U_jdC%d3Y W "$NIL)Tvad My father didnt have any money for the hospital or for a midwife so a neighbour helped at my birth. 424 0 obj <>stream This is one of the best books in the Biography & Autobiography genre(s). You should go to the office, said Usman Bhai Jan. As he was speaking another young man in white approached the back of the van. Aside from corruption and bad government, my fathers main concern in those days was the environment. My father told him he had just finished school and had won a college place at Jehanzeb. I meet my best friend Moniba and we sit together, talking and joking as if I had never left. The local commander, General Marriage is part of life, we said. The school where Uncle Khan dada taught was in the mountain village of Sewoor, about an hour and a half s climb from their house. When I almost died it was just after midday. . Either he leaves from poverty or he leaves for love. Our aunts scared us with ghost stories, like the one about Shalgwatay, the twenty-fingered man, who they warned would sleep in our beds. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. PDFWhale does not own any rights to any files provided on this website. The highest mountain of all is the pyramid-shaped Mount Elum. With so few students, they had little money to equip the school and soon ran out of credit. It could hardly have been a bloodier beginning. It breaks the book into sections and provides space for:SummaryComprehension QuestionsStudent Question/AnswerVocabulary EnrichmentGraphic Organizer or Tech ConnectionThis is a great unit that I use in my own classroom. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Are you trying to bring shame on us that we cant afford to buy such things? Its not true! I lied. Millions of Afghans fled across the border and General Zia gave them refuge. But from an early age he had been a questioning kind of boy who rarely took anything at face value, even though our education at government schools meant learning by rote and pupils were not supposed to question teachers. Malala. The problem was I did not know how to get it to him. He immediately went and bought the whole lot from the man and put them in a glass dish. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. My favourite programme was Shaka Laka Boom Boom, an Indian childrens series about a boy called Sanju who has a magic pencil. Muslims widely considered it blasphemous and it provoked so much outrage that it seemed people were talking of little else. Our house was one storey and proper concrete. Click on the star next to my store logo to follow me! They are rich and we are a poor country yet they loot and loot. I Am Malala Final Test (Young Readers Edition) by Jennifer Tollefson 4.6 (45) $3.50 Word Document File This is the final test for the young readers edition of I am Malala. Usually politicians only visited during election time, promising roads, electricity, clean water and schools and giving money and generators to influential local people we called stakeholders, who would instruct their communities on how to vote. "I Am Malala Quizzes". What you did was wrong, Malala, she said. We can sit by and hope the government will help but they wont. My father said this was rubbish. When a chicken was slaughtered for dinner, the girls would get the wings and the neck while the luscious breast meat was enjoyed by my father, his brother and my grandfather. Malala Yousafzai's I Am Malala, published in 2013, is a gripping autobiography from a young woman who became an international advocate for girls' education . All Pashtun children grow up with the story of how Malalai inspired the Afghan army to defeat the British in 1880 in one of the biggest battles of the Second Anglo-Afghan War. General Zia had promised to be in power for ninety days and had stayed more than eleven years until he was killed in an air crash. Im not against you personally, I just want every girl to go to school. I wasnt scared but I had started making sure the gate was locked at night and asking God what happens when you die. Though he and my father were great rivals, they admired each other and later became friends. But Baba kept complaining about the drain on his income and made my mothers life miserable. Download Ebook I Am Malala Totte Read Pdf Free i am malala study guide sparknotes i am malala wikipedia i am malala totte event zain i am malala totte insys fsu edu i . From early on I could feel I was different from my sisters, my father says. My father often spoke of the kindness of Akbar Khan and Nasir Pacha to illustrate that if you help someone in need you might also receive unexpected aid. They came from neighbouring villages in a remote valley He set up the first telephone system and built the first primary school and ended the wesh system because the constant moving between villages meant no one could sell land or had any incentive to build better houses or plant fruit trees. Then we have the Deobandi, named after another famous nineteenth-century madrasa in Uttar Pradesh, this time in the village of Deoband. The boy was a good-for-nothing, so poor that the girls father had to pay all their expenses. The village was very poor, but when we arrived our extended family would lay on a big feast. Children in the refugee camps were even given school textbooks produced by an American university which taught basic arithmetic through fighting. He liked the hilly people and respected their tough lives. Pashtuns are famously frugal (though generous with guests), and Baba was particularly careful with money. He thought there was nothing more important than knowledge. Her hair was matted and her skin was covered in sores. to see state-specific standards (only available in the US). Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. After being made to wait for hours, he was finally ushered into the office of a superintendent of schools, who sat behind towering piles of files surrounded by hangers-on drinking tea. Occasionally we passed small marble works over streams which ran milky white with the discharge of chemicals. hb```e````f``fg@ ~TpNB3W)|rXxO%c!_.^w|rU+wj^I)qwlVZjEGWGG5N9ks!6y~MuK5@"]q6PC(4{PJls~ uSADZ`Q:p`&/ '}V9$1#sk@myzrsa+znn05 CQPP H P300 I (f@ ;q@$@|bfpD:[: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Malala is a genius girl, my class fellows would say. It does not matter what language you choose, the important thing is the words you use to express yourself. When my father was offered a place for his A Levels at Jehanzeb College, which is the best further education institution in Swat, my grandfather refused to pay for his living expenses. She comes from a large family with three sisters and four brothers. One day Hidayatullah came back from trying to enrol pupils to find my father sitting in the office talking about advertising with the local head of Pakistan TV. 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