intranet announcement examples

T he company intranet is a powerful tool that leading workplaces rely on to operate everyday. organize a photo day when all employees will have their intranet pictures taken by a professional. Insert YouTube or Vimeo videos directly in your intranet. This lets them receive even more attention, but it also fosters an ongoing culture where all employees now strive for excellence and higher levels of job performance. However, often its a different story with their internal versions. How Has Intranet Technology and the Workplace Changed? Best Intranet Launch Runner-up: NBS, Connect. To get started on your site map, gather together a small group of internal stakeholders and a whiteboard. This means companies arent able to measure employee engagement or other important usage trends in order to determine whether or not their intranet is truly improving company culture. And your intranet will be a wasted opportunity if employees cannot easily and quickly find the information and tools they need. It sets out what the site is all about so the user is clear whats in store. Alternatively, use embedded Google Workspace or Office 365 apps to create your forms. This idea is supported by the fact that almost half of US workers prefer to communicate with colleagues online, saving on productivity. Highlight trending topics and encourage two-way communication with familiar # channels and @ mentions features. For maximum effect, the golden rule is to keep it simple. How do you choose the right intranet development option? Fully engaged employees are far more likely to be satisfied, motivated, and committed to their work and company. This is good news for new starters, especially. As a Content+Cloud company, we drink our own champagne and use Fresh as our company intranet. Post on Social Media. Many companies have set up an onboarding section to make life easier for new starters. All the best-of-breed intranets have a simple, minimalist look that is easy on the eye. For example, an employee can post certain announcements to the social feed, including welcoming new hires, sharing employees personal events (a new baby! Here are some best practice intranet examples together with a short commentary highlighting what makes them stand out. Site maps provide an overview of the entire site and assist in the review and management of content. Video is a powerful way to impart information or get corporate messages across. Last, but not least point at our list of intranet design examples is actually not the design itself, it's the design analytics. Following this rule also helps you focus on whats really important. Best practice suggests you should be economical with hyperlinks to documents. It can be extremely valuable for health care companies to use their intranets to focus on employee recognition and rewards. Forum members are automatically notified about a new post without the need to directly login to the forum. Embedding the spreadsheet within your intranet means the user has a live view of data entered without having to find the file. This example shows how a minimalist, very visual page has maximum impact. Leaders can still be visible and accessible. The company can even use a powerful analytics dashboard to track active users and the overall engagement level with the intranet over time. We discuss the latest best practice trends to guide the design of your intranet. 2. Choose the list you created above. Far from being wasted space, white space presents a clean, uncluttered feel to the intranet. Employee engagement surveys can help you identify areas of organizational improvement. Back in the old days, employees used a company intranet largely to save and share files. The first thing that hits you is the happy, joyful image. Using category labels like How do I or I need to can improve discoverability. Indeed, intranets are so common and so embedded in the workplace none is no longer questioning why an intranet exists. Use specific, distinct category descriptions that make it clear what content is included. The desire for its use was that incorporating both hardware and procedures into business offices would produce efficiency, improve productivity, store vital company information . From booking holidays, adding a new supplier on the system to ordering stationery, the intranet is faster and more efficient. Check out the example below for some ideas to get started. Advanced search will make it easy for workers to find colleagues. Gather ongoing feedback on specific issues with a snap poll. And if you are using a topic or task-based approach to site navigation, then stakeholders should identify clear section labels. Not only will the intranet be cumbersome to use, but it will also be challenging to navigate. The feelings are mutual: Companies that provide a better experience are perceived as a better place to work. Test drive your mobile intranet design before going live to ensure its fit for purpose. Quite simply, intranets allow for a more efficient exchange of information and data across the organization. Other HR Teams made the switch from Workplace. People content is even more critical when you have staff working remotely. The search function is available for team chat, making it easy to locate just what you need. Many companies make extensive use of employee profiles as a platform for promoting joint working and inter-team collaboration. Communication is key, which is why Axero's News and Announcements intranet template takes a clean, balanced approach to displaying your communications. Best Intranet Launch Runner-up: Gattaca PLC, Pulse. Here are some examples: 1. Here they are: 1. Fun-to-use social intranet features such as follow-me, activity walls, and @mentions bring employees together and promote social connections. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Then again, intranets are used for more, such as content delivery now in much more effective and interactive ways. Something along the lines of "Check out our new website," with a link is appropriate. And its harder for employees to work out whats important and find what they need. Why not even encourage user or team-generated video content as part of your employee engagement and collaboration strategy. The current work environment is radically different compared to 20 years ago or so. A persona is a fictional but realistic description of a typical intranet user (for example, new starter/new employee, knowledge worker, field worker, sales rep, people manager, or content author). Intranet examples: How these top companies use Happeo. Want to know what employees really think about your company? Conduct stay interviews as part of the company routine. One of the keys to working more efficiently is to get a single communication system. [Name of employee] has been working at [company] for [X] years, and played a vital role in [achievement]. In this article, we'll share eight types of email announcement templates you can use in your email marketing campaigns to drive conversions and sales. Central administration of users and credentials. Johnson & Johnson is the world's largest healthcare company. And you can also integrate other commonly used apps such as Salesforce and Dropbox. And incorporate your company branding, logo, and fonts, so the intranet is instantly recognizable to employees. Check out our best practices and example intranet pages below. We tend to read from left to right when scanning information online. So, if you need to concentrate on that vital task, you can do so without any distractions. Have a countdown for "something big" happening on launch day, but don't tell them what it is. When it comes to intranet design, less is often more. Serves as a content management system (CMS): Intranets function as comprehensive repositories of vital information for the entire company. Integrates well with other Microsoft 365 and third-party apps/platforms. Example #4: Content management system. Make it fun. No coding required. Instead, include real photos of workers or situations and settings relevant to your employees. Here are a few credit union intranet examples that we love, and that may even provide some inspiration to you as you shop for or optimize your intranet! Diagrams, photos, images, infographics are all useful ways to add visual appeal to your site. An easy-to-follow dropdown menu sets out the available tools. 1. In addition to interaction and collaboration benefits, your intranet serves as an excellent platform for company-wide communication from upper level staff members. This is critical for remote workers and non-desk staff. And make sure you mix things up. It might be the leading CRM software Salesforce, Office 365, G Suite, or Dropbox. The following section shows, In the present-day digital age, it is important to have a tool that keeps your company connected. Keep it fresh. Download Examples Press kit. Heres an example of how you could use video in your intranet. Teams continued to partner with outside consultants for support in development, project management, design, research, and other areas. Employee recognition softwareempowers every employee to recognize and be recognized on an equal playing field. SSO is a great time-saver and makes for a smoother, more coherent user experience. Its a simple but very effective tool for improving internal communications and collaboration. The interactivity features so commonly today were virtually unknown. Support services. Easy to set up, intranet-based polls and surveys save time and cut down on external consultants costs. Offers advanced security and protection. Your intranet will contain a vast amount of company information. Employee Engagement, Comms and Recognition. Company news and announcements. The classic intranet use case is a home for company resources. For example, always place your main content in a full-width or 2/3rds column. Use them to add or delete users and assign permission rights. Email. In todays digital workplace, your intranet has to be optimized for mobile devices. 4. Page header images and banners at the top of each page are a great design feature. Using accordions or expanding text modules is a great vehicle for getting lots of information on a single page. Simple, straightforward administration tools are a must. Static, unchanging content is boring and quickly becomes disengaging. You will find lots more tips and advice on intranet design within our blog. Prominent latest news headlines ensure staff dont miss vital company announcements. However, make sure you use the appropriate column width for the information. If you want to improve the performance of team members who are considered "average," do the same for them. Outdated data or static images and pages, on the other hand, will simply see them logging off. Regularly refresh the content of the home page. This eliminates the need to search for hard-to-find information on a non-intuitive site. Workmates: A Comprehensive Intranet Solution, 7 Benefits of Integrating a Company Intranet, how intranets help companies become more effective. Here are 11 intranet best practices to help you find and implement the right software solution for your organization: 1. 10. Example #5: Brand advocacy in fast casual dining. And there are no security concerns like there have been with some cloud file-sharing options. An internal job posting email template. Follow the tips below to write a captivating and compelling announcement email: Create clear, concise, and communicative content: Avoid adding elements that can compete for attention with your email's main point. Workers can connect via live chat. The main button the call to action invites employees to access online chat. Rewards can range from a peer-to-peer shoutout or digital high five to a gift card or other giveaway. Here are a few ideas to consider for the pre-launch period, as well as your official website redesign announcement and monitoring reactions in the following weeks: 1. A project go-live announcement email is the perfect vehicle for that. The following section showshow intranets help companies become more effective. Employee profiles help workers to get to know each other, especially during onboarding. New employee announcement sample 2: Good morning everyone, I have some great news to share. Page permissions restrict who can create and edit content. And if you are using lots of videos on your intranet, then upload them first to YouTube. You should notify your subscribers with the launch date, and the main benefits of your upcoming product. Then press the "Create" button. When a company sends an organizational announcement, management has determined that it's a message that everyone in the organization should know about.

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